
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

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Chapter 186: Loneliness

"Qiu Qianmo, I greet Lord Chili."

Looking at the man who emerged from the formation, Qiu Qianmo knelt on the ground with a very respectful expression.

Hearing his own name, Chi Li was a little surprised, he looked at Qiu Qianmo, frowned and asked: "Who are you?

How do you know my name?"

Qiu Qianmo took out a blood-colored jade token and handed it to Chi Li respectfully, saying, "This was left by that adult. It can prove my identity."

Chi Li picked up the jade token and looked at it carefully.

He thought to himself, "It is indeed Lord Loki's jade token, but why is it here?"

As if seeing the doubt in Chi Li's eyes, Qiu Qianmo explained: "Master Chi Li, that master did not come here. This jade token was given to me through special means."

After saying that, Qiu Qianmo signaled Chi Li with his eyes to look at the magic circle behind him.

Chi Li turned his head and glanced at the magic circle behind him. Although he was still a little confused, he did not ask.

He just needs to obey Lord Loki's arrangements and doesn't need to know anything else.

"Speaking of which, where is that little brat named Lin Yuan now?"

Chi Li did not forget the purpose of his coming to the Southern Region and asked indifferently.

Qiu Qianmo hesitated for a while and said, "According to the intelligence, he seems to have joined the five major sects."

"The five major sects?"

"Yes, these are the legends in the Southern Region. They are the Fiery Flame Sect, the Green Cloud Sect, the Pill Sect, the Mist Hidden Sect, and the Sword Sect."

"These five major sects have existed for ten thousand years. There are countless powerful people in the sects. It is a holy place that people in the Southern Region dream of."

Qiu Qianmo explained slowly.

Hearing this, Chi Li frowned slightly and continued to ask: "Are there any strong people in the reincarnation realm in the five major sects?"

This problem made Qiu Qianmo feel troubled.

In fact, he had only heard of the legends of the five major sects but had never seen them. How would he know whether there were powerful people in the realm of reincarnation in the five major sects?

"Sir, according to my deduction, there are powerful people in the Samsara Realm in the five major sects."

The killer's warning made Qiu Qianmo realize that the man in front of him was not so easy to talk to, so he did not tell the truth, but answered his question very affirmatively.

Hearing Qiu Qianmo's answer, Chi Li's brows furrowed even deeper. He was currently in the realm of the Wheel of Reincarnation, which was far from the Mirror of Samsara.

If he were to force his way into the five major sects, he might be wiped out before he even saw Lin Yuan.

Seeing Chi Li thinking, Qiu Qianmo was a little nervous, but he still said: "Sir, the Southern Region is not peaceful now. Many powerful people in the realm of life and death have appeared in the court. I suspect they are from the five major sects."


What do they want to do?

Chi Li asked indifferently.

Qiu Qianmo frowned and thought for a while, then said, "It may be that our actions were too hasty in the past six months, and we were discovered by the people from the five major sects."


What does Lord Loki ask you to do?"

Chi Li asked with a little interest.

Qiu Qianmo knew the other party's identity and did not hide it. He looked around and whispered, "Please move, sir."

Chi Li nodded and followed Qiu Qianmo into the main hall.

Qiu Qianmo walked to a lamp and turned it. The hall began to shake and a heavy door slowly opened.

The two came to the gate, walked for a while, and finally came to a huge secret room.

There is also a magic circle in the secret room. Three huge blood-red crystals are suspended in the center of the magic circle. The crystals emit red light and look very beautiful.

Looking at the crystal in front of him, Chi Li immediately understood what Qiu Qianmo and others wanted to do, and his eyes suddenly became clear.

"It seems that Lord Loki has anticipated the events of the five major sects in the Southern Region, otherwise he would not have allowed the three of them to appear here."

Qiu Qianmo, who was unaware of Chi Li's thoughts, said, "Over the past six months, we have been secretly searching for some strong men and using their blood to cultivate these three crystals."

"According to that master, as long as we get enough blood essence from powerful people, these three crystals will give birth to extremely powerful beings that can help us destroy the five major sects."

At this point, Qiu Qianmo subconsciously glanced at Chi Li, and seeing that he was listening carefully, he continued: "Originally, everything was going smoothly, but recently we ran into trouble."

"The frequent intervention of the five major sects makes it difficult for us to find the right person to sacrifice blood."

Chi Li nodded and said, "Your strength is too weak. It is indeed difficult to succeed in the blood sacrifice."

Qiu Qianmo couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, but he didn't dare to say more.

"Come closer and I will tell you something."

Qiu Qianmo was curious, so he leaned over and heard Chi Li's words. He widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Sir, isn't it too risky to do this? If we are not careful, we will fail."

"Just do it. I will take care of everything."

Chi Li glanced at Qiu Qianmo indifferently and said in a calm voice.

"That's... okay."

In desperation, Qiu Qianmo had to agree with Chi Li's idea and left the secret room with worry.



...Sword Sect Hall.

Li Xiaoyao sat upright on the chair and asked, "Haven't you found it yet?"

Below, Yu Kongzi shook his head and said, "We have searched the entire southern region these days, but of course we can't find any traces. It seems that they must have hidden themselves."

Li Xiaoyao frowned slightly and said, "Keep looking. I have a feeling they must be planning something, otherwise they wouldn't need the blood and essence of so many practitioners."

Yu Kongzi nodded and said, "I know, I will make them hurry up."

Li Xiaoyao smiled with satisfaction, then thought of Lin Yuan and asked, "How long have they been in the ancient tomb?"

"About a month."


I don't know if they can get that inheritance."

Li Xiaoyao sighed softly, his words full of expectation.

Yu Kongzi also looks forward to this, but no one has ever succeeded in all these years. Can the three of them really do it?

The answer to this question can only be found when the three of them come out.