
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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120 Chs


"All right. "Director."

The elf who approached Seong Ji-han looked slightly surprised and bowed his head to the masked elf.

'Are you the head of the headquarters?'

The old elf who wore that mask last time was a constellation-level military enforcer. What level would a loan office manager be?

'It's hard to tell in detail, but it doesn't seem weaker than the last Go Elf.'

The general manager is smiling brightly and impressively.

However, if you look at him wearing a mask that contained tremendous void power.

It seemed that the other person was not an easy person either.

Well, this is a place that provides loans to powerful players who dominate Battle.net.

The person in charge here must not be weak.

"Please come this way. sir."


When the head of the headquarters gestured, a green portal appeared.

"That portal… … "Is this a VIP room?"

"You have to be a constellation to be able to enter."

"Why is that race…?" … ."

"This is the first time I've seen the head of the department directly provide consultation."

The surrounding players looked closely at Seong Ji-han after seeing the director's guidance.

"I just don't know."

"You look much weaker than me... … ."

"It's not a constellation, is it?"

"Still, he has an excellent membership. "He won't be an easy player."

It was impossible to understand the power of Seong Ji-han, who not only hid his energy but also had excellent membership.

'It's a VIP room… … I tried to gather some energy, but what did this guy understand from me?'

Let's go first.

Seong Ji-han nodded and entered the portal.

What was then revealed was a huge space blocked on all sides by brown walls.

"The customer I just consulted with is a tree giant, so the space is not ready. Please wait a moment."

match. match.

Let the general manager applaud twice.

[The VIP room environment changes depending on the race.]This message appeared before Seong Ji-han's eyes.


Jiiiing… … .

The interior space was transformed and converted into a modern, luxurious living room.

"then… … "Before starting loan counseling, please submit basic personal information required for loan screening."

The general manager who sat down grinned and spread his hands.

A message window appeared before Seong Ji-han's eyes.

[The 'World Tree Alliance - Loan Window' operated by the green manager requests the player's basic personal information required for loan screening.] [Do you want to submit your basic personal information?]Give your personal information to the World Tree Alliance?

This is like leaving a fish to a cat.

Seong Ji-han immediately answered by pressing no.

"I don't want to give it to you."

"Hey, don't worry. "Even though you are one of the targets of the World Tree Alliance, the loan office never leaks information."

"… … "I'm the target?"

"Yes, he is quite famous."

widely. widely.

The general manager put on his mask with a deep smile on his face.

"Thanks to my senior's death, I took over this void processing plant."

"senior… … ."

"He usually acts so proud, but then he exploded at you on the planetary exploration map. "That poor senior."

Does the senior refer to the old elf who died in an explosion along with the Thunder God?

You already knew everything, so you invited me.

Seong Ji-han thought that there was a reason for the head of the headquarters to come forward, and he quietly looked at the half-mask.

A mask that the head of the headquarters refers to as a void disposal site.

Even when the Go-Elf died, it vomited out a huge amount of void.

"Is that mask called a void disposal site? "It's broken."

"This is a trash can. "All we have to do is make another trash can."

"hmm… … ."

"Anyway, I am the person in charge of the loan window, which should be the most neutral on Battle.net. "Don't worry, your personal information will never be leaked."

It doesn't leak.

How can you trust the World Tree Elves?

Seong Ji-han chuckled and waved his hand.

"I didn't come here to get a loan anyway, but I was drawn to your advertisement, so it's okay. "Just give me a free gift."

"ah… … Is that so? Originally, you had to write down your personal information in order to receive a free gift."

match. match.

When the head of the department clapped twice, a gorgeously wrapped fruit basket appeared on the desk.

"In commemoration of meeting our union's target, I will personally give it to you at the ex officio of the head of the headquarters."

"He's a target, but he's doing well. "Without even thinking about catching it."

"Hehe. What would you do if you caught the avatar? Plus, from my personal perspective, you are the benefactor who allowed me to take over the Void Processing Plant."

"You said it was a trash can?"

"yes. "But this trash can man is a pretty big position in our union."

The general manager does not forget to smile.

However, Seong Ji-han did not believe what he said.

That fruit basket he gave me might have some kind of device, just like the fruit the manager gave me before.



Seong Ji-han unwrapped the fruit basket.

Then the energy of life emanated from within.

"Would you like to eat here? "It's meant to be that we meet like this, so why don't you have a little tea time with me?"

"Would you like to have tea with me? "I have nothing to talk about."

"Hehe. Instead of doing that, just listen to it. I have learned something about that world... … ."

"By that world, do you mean Earth?"


Two teacups were placed on the desk, and soon steam began to rise from them.

"you're right. Most people won't believe me anyway. Wouldn't it be ok for you to take what you need and skip what you need? That fruit. "It might be a bit uncomfortable to eat it on its original planet."

"Why is that so?"

"Fruits are ultimately there to spread their seeds. "If you consume it on your planet, our seeds can spread there."

A phenomenon that the head of the headquarters talks about.

This was something I experienced while consuming the Seed of Life that was given to me as a reward by the Green Manager of the Holy Land.

'I can't believe you're bringing that up from over there... … 'That's unusual.'

I knew that it wouldn't spread once it got into Seong Jihan's mouth anyway.

Did you tell him first to gain his trust?

Well, I need to hear the story.

Seong Ji-han took a piece of fruit to his mouth and nodded.

"i get it. "Listen."

"thank you. Well, since you are probably busy, let's get straight to the point."


When the head of the headquarters snapped his fingers, the image of the Earth appeared in the air.

* * *

"Planet Earth… … "I looked into this place and found that it was a place where our union had previously conducted experiments."

"I know that. So, Go-elf tried to manifest himself, but he couldn't come."

"yes. In fact, cases like this are very rare. All locations where experiments were conducted are recorded. "No matter how ignorant and rude the senior is, our system basically understands that."

The general manager seems to have a bad feeling about Goelf's 'senior'.

He lightly dissed his senior and continued his story.

"But the fact that we didn't know until we entered Earth means that the fact that the experiment was conducted on Earth was not registered in our system… … "I don't know how this happened, but the embarrassed senior came back and issued an angry order."

"At that time, he tried to descend to Earth proudly, but then retreated."

"yes. He asked me, his junior, to find out what happened. what the. It's up to you to find out. "I became the head of the division, but how long do you think I'll be the next one?"

The general manager seems like he won't end his dissing of the dead Go-Elf if left alone.

"The dead guy is fine. So what did you find out?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I have a lot of experience with my senior... … Hehehe. Anyway, I looked into it based on my senior's instructions. This place on Earth... … "It was a town where some pretty interesting experiments were conducted."

"What kind of experiment is this?"


Seong Ji-han asked indifferently while eating fruit.

He, who had zero trust in elves, wondered what kind of lie they were going to tell.

No matter what I said, I wasn't impressed.

"The director of the Earth Experiment Center has fused himself with the World Tree. "We even mixed in data from powerful races."

"I don't quite understand what that means."

"Well, you probably don't know the situation here. We work on many projects across the universe, but there are some things we must never touch. That's the assigned world tree. But for some reason, the lab director touched it. "I merged it with myself."


"Contact with Earth was lost, and a coalition investigation team was later dispatched there… … "He just sent a message saying 'an express error occurred' and disappeared."

"It's a special error… … ."

An experiment conducted on Earth by the World Tree Alliance.

What error occurred there?

"Are there any details about the express error?"

"yes. The report I found had its contents deleted. "Such cases are rare."

"hmm… … ."

Seong Ji-han looked at the division manager who was smiling brightly.

It's not that I can't talk about it because it's somehow been deleted, but it feels like they're intentionally not letting me know about it.

Despite Seong Ji-han's gaze, the head of the headquarters continued speaking.

"And at the end of the report, it ended up being 'resolving the error by cooperating with the void.' It said, 'Data retrieval failed.'"

"It was resolved, but why did data recovery fail?"

"It must have been deleted by the Void side."

"hmm… … ."

The void intervened.

As Seong Ji-han listened to the story, he thought of Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh betrayed the void.

Betrayal means that you had cooperated or belonged there until then.

Does this have anything to do with this?

"So, when was that error resolved?"

"The exact time is not given, but it must have been quite a while ago."

"is it."

If the elves say it happened a long time ago, it must be quite ancient.

Seong Ji-han organized his information.

An 'Express Error' that appeared due to a unique experiment by the World Tree Elves who settled on Earth.

It was eventually resolved through the cooperation of the World Tree Alliance and the Void.

'The World Tree Alliance and the Void don't seem to be on good terms, but if they cooperate... … It must have been an error worthy of being called a special express.'

Seong Ji-han stared at the head of the headquarters mask.

The mask that the head of the headquarters refers to as a void disposal site or a trash can.

A huge void was condensed and stored.

If people like that could temporarily join hands with the Void, the Special Error must have been such a huge problem.

"In any case, it may be because it is a problem related to express errors. The higher-ups have not registered any Earth-related issues in our system. So my senior said that he would descend to Earth with great force, but he was humiliated."



Seong Ji-han nodded and ate all the fruit on the spot.

The energy of life gradually accumulates in the body.

He didn't stop there and even drank the tea on the table.

Then, among the life energy accumulating within the body, something unusual stirred.

Jijijijik… … .

From the tip of his finger, he ejected my tooth by lighting a red fire.

Instead of revealing the enemy's energy, Seong Ji-han deliberately used the old enemy's spirit.

"It's an energy that reacts only when eaten with tea. "That's fun."

"No… … ! Was there such a thing?!"

Let's make a fuss when the head of the headquarters sees the green smoke rising from Seong Ji-han's fingers.

Seong Ji-han, who saw this, chuckled.

He's good at pretending not to know.

"So why did you hand me this information?"

"I was just following my senior's death… … ."

"okay. "There's no reason for you to tell this to me, who killed that senior, right?"


In response to Seong Ji-han's question, the director only smiled but did not answer.

"then. Would you like to proceed with the loan now? "Target."

"No, I'm going to eat well."

"Please come visit again next time. "At that time, I will prepare a better gift."

"Are you planning on putting another bug in your body?"


As Seong Ji-han stood up and said this, the manager's smile deepened.

"It's a bug. "It is a means for the target and us to become closer to each other."

"I refuse."


Seong Ji-han logged out right away.

"really. You erased it cleanly... … ."

The head of the headquarters was impressed by the green energy that Seong Ji-han released from his body.

'Dominion of the World Tree' where even the constellations came under control.

It was completed with a combination of fruit and tea.

But the lowest-class race purifies the secretly contained energy and spits it out.

After all, it can be said to be a target.

"If this goes according to the wishes of the superiors, we can expect more."

Looking at Seong Ji-han, who was not controlled by the World Tree and was able to let out his energy cleanly.

Underneath the mask, the manager's smile actually grew deeper.