
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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120 Chs


[Connect to the Battle.net community.] [The UI is automatically edited to suit the user.]Jiyiing.

When the message disappeared, a screen appeared in front of Seong Ji-han's eyes.

'It looks similar to an Internet bulletin board.'

They said it was edited to suit the user, and the bulletin board emerged in a format familiar to Seong Ji-han.

[The currently accessible bulletin board is a general member bulletin board.]Seong Ji-han went there and looked.

-NO.339 Reasons to recommend betting on Scarlet Winged Balaur (1)

-Battle.net should reduce betting site fees!

-Don't bet on these guys. TOP 5 races that stole my GP

-What is the best reverse bet this week?

'What's the point? All we're talking about is betting.'

I looked into it to see if there was any information that might be helpful.

The new member bulletin board was all about betting.

Even if you click on the text, you will find a ton of content saying that it is better to bet on a certain race.

Seong Ji-han was thinking about turning off the general member bulletin board, which was no different from a gambling site.

I found the title of an article that had the same thoughts as me.

-I am new to the community. Why is it all about betting here? I was looking forward to moving up to the Silver League and deactivating community features, but I was very disappointed. Even if you turn the page, it's all about betting; How much does it cost 100 million GP to write there once?

└ The general member bulletin board was originally like this:

└ If there is no 100 million GP limit, it will be plastered with ads, right?

└ The bulletin board for full members, which can only be accessed by candidates for the Holy See, is worth going to.

└ It's useless there too. More than half of the information circulating is nonsense... … .

└ Still, it's better there than here. They are all proven players.

When I clicked on the post, the comments posted there were mostly harsh criticism of the general member bulletin board.

In addition to the article, Seong Ji-han turned the pages of the bulletin board and looked at the contents.

Like the previous post, this is a bulletin board with only betting-related content.

'I guess there's nothing to salvage here. I have to become a candidate for the Holy See and go to the official member bulletin board.'

Seong Ji-han was thinking of turning off the community function right away, but then he discovered the magnifying glass button at the top of the bulletin board.

Before I quit, I guess I should do a search.

[Would you like to use the search function?] [1 million GP will be consumed.]'Search also gets paid.'

GP is collected even when using the bulletin board.

Although Seong Ji-han thought the Battle.net community was vicious, he activated the search function.

'My identity is hidden because of my membership, so my name will not be there.'

While Seong Ji-han was wondering what to look for, he searched for NO.4212 Humanity.

Then, unlike other articles, only one article was searched.

-This year's most notable Bronze League candidate.

New leagues are always full of variables, so the results are unpredictable, and there are many big wins here.

In particular, the odds of winning in the Bronze League, where newcomers gather, fluctuate even more.

Among the newly opened Bronze Leagues, there is a Bronze League with 5 World Tree Elves teams.

Many players didn't even analyze this place because they thought there was nothing to see... … .

Surprisingly, NO.4212, the lowest race called humanity, has made great strides and is attracting the attention of experts.

Now that it's time to bet on the newcomer league, the league and humanity here are worth watching.

Personally, I think NO.4212 will cause some trouble.

I'm going to place a big bet.

└ There are a lot of big hits in the newcomer league.

└ But isn't that what happens when there are no World Tree elves? There are 5 teams over there... … In the end, won't the elves eat all of places 1-5?

└ But are those World Tree elves still like that in the Bronze League?

└ Still, it seems like it will be like that forever.

└ Why isn't Battle.net sanctioned? We also suffered a lot after being attacked by the World Tree Elves.

└ Our Constellation has reported it every time, but Battle.net only tells us that it has been received.

└ The administrator is from the World Tree Alliance. Battle.net and these bastards are all in the same boat ㅡㅡ

Players' reactions, starting with the story of humanity and ending with the world tree elves.

Fortunately, there were only one or two World Tree Elf teams in their league, so they were promoted.

In the Bronze League, where humanity belongs, there were many assessments that promotion would never be possible because of the World Tree Elves.

└ Still, should I bet on the Safe Asset World Tree Alliance?

└ The World Tree Alliance made big bets anyway, so there was almost no dividend.

└ It's important to eat even 1 or 2 percent.

Still, there were players who criticized the World Tree Elves.

When asked where they would place their money, most people were in favor of the World Tree Elf.

No matter how much the human race became a variable.

The atmosphere seemed to believe that the vicious World Tree Elf would win in the end.

'If race betting becomes possible, I might consider betting on humanity.'

Seong Ji-han thought contrary to the public opinion of the players and tried to turn off the bulletin board.

So he presses the X button.

[GP loan is to the World Tree Alliance! If you entrust an SSS-level gift player, the interest rate will be significantly reduced!]Before the bulletin board was turned off, an advertisement appeared in a pop-up window.

'These guys… … 'Did you even take out a loan?'

The World Tree Alliance does absolutely everything, including usury.

Why are you asking me to entrust you with an SSS-level gift player?

Seong Ji-han tried to turn off the advertisement with a bored expression on his face.

[Would you like to receive just one consultation?] [Perhaps you are worried because of our rumors! Do not worry! Because only avatars are summoned!]Even if I pressed X, the message popped out without getting tired.

"Ah, are they really crazy?"

"… … uncle? What you looking at."

"Oh sorry. "I tried to turn off the community, but ads kept popping up."

"okay? "Battle.net is not much different from us."

"No, it's more vicious than a human site."

A loan advertisement that does not turn off even after clicking No 9 times.

Seong Ji-han frowned and inertially put his finger on No.

[Thank you for your consultation!]"… … "What?"

A message suddenly appeared saying that I had agreed to consultation.

When I looked at it, wondering what on earth was going on, I saw that the yes and no buttons on the summon message were reversed.

'What are these guys… … .'

While Seong Ji-han was dumbfounded.

[I responded to the summons.] [The avatar is summoned to the 'loan counter.']Flash!

Light exploded before my eyes, and the world turned upside down.

* * *

World Tree Association's loan window.

On the surface, it was a peaceful, lush forest space.



Those summoned within it were all powerful beings that did not fit in with the forest.

"Ah, these crazy bastards really are!!"

The crocodile-headed monster let out a double curse and kicked the tree with its feet.


Then, a part of the forest shattered with one blow.

"Hey, what's wrong? calm down."

"Calm? Do you look serious? "How many times are you sending these crazy messages?"

"You're a newcomer. "You don't know the rule: 9 on the right and 1 on the left."

"… … "What is that?"

"If I had just found the 10th No that was flipped to the left and pressed it, I wouldn't have been summoned."

"Ha, I mean. "These damn bastards are playing a trick on me?!"


The crocodile head must have become angry after hearing the stories of the surrounding players, and went on a rampage again.

'That crocodile must have been summoned like me.'

Even though I was very angry when I was summoned to the loan window in Seongjihando.

Seeing the crocodile head getting so angry and making a fuss on my behalf made me feel a little relieved.

There is no need to attract attention by joining in here.

at that time.

The giant lying on the grass gave advice to the crocodile head in a relaxed manner.

"Maybe it would be better to stop? "If you destroy that tree by mistake, the World Tree Federation will demand compensation."

"solatium? "Alimony for being brought in by force?"

"What can the world do with something like that? Plus, you'll be itching to come here later, right? "There's no need to be hateful."

"… … "Why do you want to come here?"

"Because fruit is delicious."

The crocodile monster looked at the giant with puzzled eyes.

Do you come to a place like this because the fruit is delicious?

"Are you a member of the World Tree Alliance? "You are talking nonsense."

"I hope it's a trick. "Then you can keep eating fruit."


When the crocodile head turns its attention to the giant and tries to destroy the tree again.

match. match.

"welcome. sir."

Behind the crocodile monster, a half-masked elf appeared without any sign.

'that. Was it the Goelf mask back then...? … .'

A man wearing a mask similar to the old elf that once destroyed the Thunder God.

Except for the mask, his appearance was very different from him.

Compared to the old elf who had a stiff expression, the male elf kept smiling brightly.

"This bastard… … ! Are you in charge? You summoned me here by putting out an advertisement like that... … "Get me out of here right now!"

When the crocodile head roared and got angry, it lowered its head towards him.

"sorry. I agree that such advertising method is too malicious. But since we, at the bottom, have to follow the central decision... … I would appreciate it if you could understand just this once."

"understanding? That's it, send it back to the original world right now!"

"Are you sure you don't want to get counseling? Just by receiving counseling, you will be given numerous free gifts."

"It sounds like a free gift. You scammers. Why don't you send it right away?"

A crocodile head that won't be passed over as a free gift.

The half-masked elf laughed at those words and snapped his fingers once.

"All right. "Then please go in."


Then, the body of the crocodile head suddenly disappeared.

'After summoning him through that advertising method, he releases him without any regrets.'

When Seong Ji-han saw that, he thought about leaving too.

"Tsk tsk. "I feel sorry for that friend."

"I came this far, so I should get at least one free gift."

"I guess there isn't much about free gifts on the general member bulletin board?"

"It's just about betting."

After hearing other players talking to each other, I became interested in what the 'free gift' was.

Even at first glance, each and every player appears to have outstanding skills.

It was unusual for them, who should reign as absolute figures in their own world, to be tied down to free gifts.

'I guess I'll have to see what the free gift is.'

Seong Ji-han's anger when he was first summoned has completely subsided.

I watched the situation unfold with sunken eyes.

"ruler. Well, since many of you have come, we will proceed with loan consultation. "Before that, let's clear your mouth first."

match! match!

Let the male elf applaud.

In the forest, identical-looking elves appeared one by one.

On a large tray, holding huge, glowing green grapes.

"oh. come!"

"Today is grapes!"

"Will my stats really go up this time?"

"How many times did you eat it?"

"This is the 7th time."

A giant stands up after seeing fruit.

A huge bird falls from the sky.

A three-headed snake wriggled out of the ground.

A situation where a group of players all looked at the grapes and said they wanted to eat them.

'If you eat that, your stats will increase... … .'

When Seong Ji-han heard the story and was waiting quietly.


An elf came up with a smiling face and handed Seong Ji-han a tray filled with giant grapes.

"Eat first, then we'll discuss the loan with you."

"Is this a free gift?"

"no. "There is another free gift."


For an advertisement that bothered people, is it okay?

Seong Ji-han picked a grape the size of his head.

Then, the grape grew smaller to fit him.

'It doesn't seem to be poisonous.'

Seong Ji-han put grapes into his mouth.

Then as the giant said.

No, more than that, the grapes melted in my mouth as I felt the taste of heaven.

'It's delicious. There was a reason to wait for the fruit.'

Although it tastes good, there is no sign of the stats increasing.

Seong Ji-han continued to put grapes in his mouth without losing his attention.

After eating all the grapes brought on the tray.

'Ho... … .'

The life force stored in my body increased slightly.

Although the amount was small, it rose just by eating fruit like this.

'If there's nothing wrong, I should come often.'

When you first feel favorable towards a loan originator.

"You've eaten everything. "Then shall we proceed with the consultation now?"

The elf holding a tray next to me smiled and asked.

okay. While you're here, let's grab a free gift.

When Seong Ji-han was about to nod his head.

"ah. for a moment."

The masked elf approached him with a smiling face.

"I will take charge of this person."