
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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120 Chs


The news that became known at the Battle.net Alliance in New York quickly spread around the world.

People who thought they were just getting a bonus after 3 games.

After looking at the optional items, each person pretended to be an expert and began analysis.

-Bonus options? Was this your choice?

-The representative of the 8th country and Seong Ji-han had a choice?

-If this information had not been made public, I would have never known;

-Why did you make it public? Wasn't this something agreed upon behind the scenes?

-I think the national bonus is the most efficient for this?

-In reality, only 20 countries will benefit, so isn't it a bit unfair to choose them? I think equity issues will arise.

-Still, players from 20 countries make up 90% of the human national team... … Isn't it right to raise only the elite?

Among the bonus options, the most controversial one was the national bonus.

Because it was so efficient compared to other options, people argued over it.

And three days after this fact became known.

"From now on, we will begin the meeting to select bonus options."

In the public meeting room of the Battle.net Federation in New York.

Association presidents and representatives from each country all gathered together and spoke carefully with each other.

"How do you say things are going today?"

"They said the representatives with the option would make speeches, and the representatives of the association presidents from each country would vote on the bonus option."

"How amazing. In the end, isn't the choice of option something only the representatives of the 8 countries and Seong Ji-han players can do? They could have decided among themselves... … ."

"I heard that Seong Ji-han strongly insisted on holding an open meeting."

"It's good for us. Why bother... … ."

Association presidents who originally should not have voting rights.

I gained authority thanks to Seong Ji-han providing the space for me.

Questions inevitably arose as to why he made this choice.

"well… … ."

"It is said that Seong Ji-han will be the last to reach the podium. Then you can find out what he thinks."

"But where do you plan to vote, President of the Mexican Association?"

"We are trying to increase the probability of gift occurrence. When one outstanding player appears, the ranking of the country changes. "We should try for that kind of luck too."

When looking at the efficiency of humanity as a whole, a national bonus is better.

For countries that did not make it into the top 20, it was just like serving as a sidekick for top countries.

There is a lot of confusion about which option to choose from each person's perspective.



"You're finally coming in… … ."

The presidents of the 8 countries and Seong Ji-han entered the conference room.

* * *

"… … For this reason, we have concluded that the UK should choose the 'national bonus' option."

Association presidents from eight countries take turns giving speeches.

With the world's attention focused, they all insisted on selecting the national bonus option as per their previous position.

-As expected, the powerful countries only claim what is advantageous to them.

-No, but isn't that good for us?

-yep… … We are also a powerhouse in the Battle.net industry.

-Earning ranking points is no joke these days. Wouldn't it be worth it to make it to the top 10 next year and aim for 5th place?

-Seong Ji-han is also Seong Ji-han, but Sword King and Yoon Se-ah also earn a lot of points on Battle.net... … .

-That's right. Are we doing well too? So then I guess I have to agree with the national bonus?

Korean viewers were in favor of a national bonus.

-National bonus... … Then, isn't it true that only top countries monopolize the benefits?

-If this happens, the gap between countries will never be narrowed.

-The atmosphere is good right now, but if Battle.net's ranking drops, dungeons will be created indiscriminately... … Shouldn't the players who are supposed to protect their country grow equally at that time?

People from countries not in the top 20 were not happy about this.

And this thought was the same for the representatives of each country's associations attending the conference.

"It's for the sake of the human national team… … "Isn't it ultimately selfish for one's own country?"

"For mid-tier countries, this bonus is almost ineffective."

"We are opposed to the national bonus option."

Representatives of many countries openly opposed it.

'I knew it would be like this.'

'I wasn't revealing the options... … .'

'This is good for Korea and for yourself. Why did Seong Ji-han make this choice?'

The situation in the noisy conference room was broadcast live.

The president of the 8th country looked at Seong Ji-han with eyes full of resentment.

Why are you trying to take the difficult route when you could easily reach an agreement and end it?

Meanwhile, Seong Ji-han was watching the situation with his arms crossed.

According to Pythia's prophecy, a new option should have emerged after it was revealed.

There were no added options at all.

'prophecy… … Is it useless? 'I heard a new option is coming out.'

If you think about it, Pythia called herself Nostradamus, and the world didn't exactly end in 1999.

"ruler. then. Lastly, here are some words from a respected player."

After the representatives of the eight countries finished their speeches.

Seong Ji-han, who was the last to stand on the podium, walked slowly.

Clap clap clap… … .

A conference room where applause is louder than when other representatives come up.

The presidents of associations in other countries, who knew that it was Seong Ji-han who insisted on holding an open meeting, took a very favorable attitude towards him.


-Oh, is it your turn?

-Phew, I was not late and turned on the broadcast.

-I'm on a molcom at work, and the manager in front of me sees the same thing haha.

-Our company broadcasts it for all employees to watch haha.

When the sacred turn came, the number of viewers for this meeting, which had already attracted the world's attention, began to skyrocket.

The reason why the best player in humanity held such a public event was because it was finally his turn to come out.

Seong Ji-han, who stood on the podium, calmly faced the gaze pouring upon him.

Since they held a public meeting, they looked forward to having their own plan.

'There is no such thing.'

When Seong Ji-han was about to open his mouth with a wry smile at the corner of his mouth.

[No. 1 in the world rankings.] [Belongs to the top zone, 'Space 4.'] [Received MVP in the Space League more than 3 times.] [Receives the attention of 1/5 of the belonging race, 'Humanity.'] [There is a constellation that completely encompasses the planet it belongs to… … It does not exist.] [All conditions to become a 'constellation candidate' for planet 'Earth' have been met.]With a message that all conditions have been met.

[Hidden bonus option is revealed.] [Hidden bonus option, 'Star Chaser' is activated.]Pythia's prophecy came true.

* * *

Just before his speech, Seong Ji-han looked at the newly added option.

[The star chaser]All players are chasing the player who has qualified to become a 'Constellation Candidate' at an early stage.

As the gap with first place widens, the growth rate in all aspects increases significantly.

The longer first place stays in that position, the stronger this effect becomes.

If this option is applied and the first place maintains the ranking for more than 300 days.

That player officially becomes a 'Constellation Candidate'.

'hmm… … .'

A bonus option designed to narrow the gap with the player who is ranked first and is a candidate for the Holy See.

Even at first glance, the buff value it gives far exceeds the national bonus that is most talked about right now.

'But this. It doesn't really work for me.'

The bonus option 'Star Chaser' asks you to keep pace with the player who is ahead alone in the distance.

As it was a buff effect to chase down first place, no growth bonus was actually given to first place.

Rather, it is an option that is no different from losing money, giving latecomers a chance to catch up.

But Seong Ji-han paid attention to the last line.

'If you stay in first place for 300 days, you can become a candidate for the Holy See.'

After the Space League match against the Dragon Clan, Seong Ji-han rose to first place in the rankings.

The gap with Oliver, who fell to second place, was not large.

Seong Ji-han was confident of maintaining first place.

'I don't know what this has to do with my life... … .'

Of Pythia's prophecy, I didn't understand that this would save lives.

Aside from that, 'The Star Chaser' was a worthy option.

"Sung Ji-han player… … "Why are you still?"

"Are you nervous?"

"Is he the kind of person who would be nervous? I think I'm looking at something more than that... … ."

"Pressing the air seems like a system message?"

As Seong Ji-han stood on the podium and remained silent for a moment, the association president representatives began to murmur.

"everyone. Now, a new option has been added. "Could you please check with the presidents of the eight countries as well?"

"This is... … ."

"Just a little while ago, it clearly wasn't there… … !?"

At Seong Ji-han's words, the association presidents widened their eyes after checking the options.

No, when did something that wasn't there just a moment ago suddenly appear?

"The new option is 'Star Chaser.' "The star I'm talking about here is, of course, me."

At the same time, the options are shared.

-Wow, what is this… … As the gap with 1st place widens, a buff is given?

-Is it perfect for humanity? The effect is much better than the national bonus.

-But Seong Ji-han doesn't get buffs like this ㅡㅡ

While people were impressed by the buff effect, they expressed concern about Seong Ji-han being excluded from it.

But in reality, the person involved doesn't care about this at all.

"As for the bonus option, let's go with this."

"… … Are you sure it's okay? "Skilled players will not receive the effect."

"it's okay. Even without that, we will still maintain first place. Candidate for the Holy See, I am greedy."

Rather, he expressed confidence in his long-term rule of more than 300 days.

"If the person concerned says so… … ."

"We are strongly in favor."

Except for Seongjihan, the bonus option conditions are favorable to everyone.

Although I was a little concerned about one item, 'Candidate for the Holy See.'

'Candidate for the Constellation… … After all, isn't he just a candidate?'

'Rather than another constellation, it might be better for a modern person like me to do the constellation.'

'This option is a huge advantage for latecomers. First of all, growth is important.'

Association presidents are more distant than 'constellation candidates' who seem distant and unrealistic.

Emphasis was placed on practicality.

"Then let's go to the vote."

"The vote counting results... … ."

"Unanimously, 'The Star Chaser' passed for this option!"

earth. earth!

Bonus option passed unanimously.

The conference room, which had shown signs of conflict when the national bonus was discussed, was brought to a state of dramatic harmony.

"The reason I asked to hold a public meeting… … Was it because of this option?"

"A noble player. Was this also a precognitive dream? "Really, I never even thought about it!"

"That's right. It would have been nice if you had told me in advance... … !"

Unlike a few days ago, the representatives of the eight countries approached with bright faces and joked.

"If I tell you in advance, your foresight may fade."

Seong Ji-han smiled slightly while answering them.

'I'm concerned about one message with the option enabled.'

Among the messages that came to mind when the star chaser was activated, I remembered an unusual phrase.

[There is a constellation that completely encompasses the planet it belongs to… … does not exist.]'this… … 'Do you mean to exist or to end?'

There are constellations of human origin.

Aren't the servants of God of War alone, from Longinus to Pythia, all constellations?

Of course, I don't know if they are constellations that completely encompass the Earth.

'Once I get in touch with Pythia, I'll have to ask about this.'

* * *

Star of War, Tuseong.

In the center of it all, there was the God Throne that the God of War had stolen from the God of Thunder.

Flash! Flash!

The light of the New Throne exploded in all directions.

Shoooooo… … !

It gathered in the center where the martial god was sitting, and all the intense brain energy was sucked into it.

However, in the God Throne, the thing that flashes without being absorbed by him until the end is a red lightning bolt.

'… … Master, you can't absorb all the lightning.'

Dongbangsak watched the scene from afar with sunken eyes.

at that time.

Musin, who had been absorbing energy for a while, let out a soft voice.

[Dongbangsak.]"yes. "Master."

[What happened to tracking down the remnants of the Thunder God?]"Pythia is catching up."

[Go and get him too.]It's so hard... … .

Dongbangsak looked at Jeokrei, who was not absorbed until the end, from the God Throne.

He answered with sunken eyes.

"… … All right."