
Martial god who regressed to level 2

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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120 Chs


The World Battle.net Alliance building located in New York.

In a conference room located on the third basement level there.

The leaders of the Battle.net Association from various countries around the world gathered together.

"Are there a total of 8 countries that received messages from the Battle.net system…? … ."

"I heard that the country was ranked 8th last year. "It really is."

"Everyone, did you keep your secret well?"

The representative of the Battle.net Association in the United States looked around with a cautious expression.

Representatives from various countries all nodded with serious faces.

"yes. of course."

"I reported it to the government, but they were more careful about what they said."

"Of course you should. "If the story about 'bonuses' spreads for no reason, it can become tiring."

As the association representatives from each country talked, they recalled an incident from a few days ago.

The day when the human national team won the battle against the dragon tribe and comfortably achieved their third league win.

[The first three matches in the Space League have all ended.] [From now on, all races will be given bonuses to help them progress through the league easily.]People could see these system messages.

However, unlike the general public who only saw these two lines.

[Select a bonus item.] [The right to select a bonus item is given to countries ranked 1st to 8th in the Champions League rankings of the previous year.]Association presidents were additionally prompted to select bonus items.

'I did well with my grades last year.'

'That's an enormous amount of authority.'

'I'm glad we cruised through the Champions League last year thanks to the Sword King.'

Including the United States and China, which compete for first and second place every time.

The head of Japan's Battle.net Association, who had not been performing well in 2021, was able to attend this secret meeting because the standard was the previous year's performance.

"Did you see any bonus items?"


"There were so many good things."

"Additional increase in player experience or increase in gift creation probability… … "These are all necessary items for our humanity."

"but… … ."

The presidents of the eight countries looked at each other and smiled meaningfully.

"Isn't efficiency the most important thing about these items?"

"Yes. Bonus items that apply to everyone seem to be less efficient."

"Battle.net is ultimately a game played by selecting a small number of elites. "Selection and concentration are essential for bonuses like these."

The right to select bonus items that will apply to humanity.

There were more than a dozen options given to association presidents by Battle.net.

Among them, options that apply to everyone include +30% experience bonus and 10% increase in gift creation probability.

Of course, it would be nice to have it, but it wasn't a condition that could greatly improve players.

"that's right. Rather than that, I think 'strengthening national bonuses' is the best option... … ."

"Shouldn't leading countries continue to lead humanity?"

More than that, what the presidents of the eight countries paid attention to was the option to strengthen national affiliation bonuses.

This option gives bonuses differentially to players within a country, depending on the country's ranking.

In addition to increasing experience and GP acquisition rates, many other benefits were provided.

"That's right. When we calculated it, the top 20 countries benefited significantly."

"ah. By the way, does the Japanese representative think so? After this year, your ranking will likely get worse. "After the Sword King left, aren't your grades low these days?"

"haha… … ! The Chinese representative is talking too much. Doesn't that mean the grades were good or bad? No matter how difficult it has been for us recently, we can maintain our top 20 ranking in the world."

"aha. Is that so? "Then I'm glad."

The Japanese association president gets upset at the Chinese president's grin.

Still, everyone was in favor of strengthening the national bonus.

"Hmm. "Then there is some consensus."

"Increasing the national bonus… … "Do you all have any disagreements?"

"yes. That's right."

The eight representatives looked at each other and nodded.

This option was decided quickly, probably because there was some prior coordination before entering the conference room.


"then… … "I guess I'll have to wait for him."

The secret meeting is not over yet.

Bonus items that apply to all of humanity.

[There are players belonging to the upper zone, 'Space 4' area.] [Player 'Seong Ji-han' is also given additional selection options.] [To make the league progress easier, select bonus items!]Seong Ji-han also had the authority to choose this.

And soon.


"I am the last one."

The door to the conference room opened, and Seong Ji-han entered.

* * *

'After playing Battle.net, I wondered why the national bonus was strengthened so much... … .'

Was the reason here?

Seong Ji-han recalled that in his last life, he finished 7th in the rankings even though he was America's actual ace.

It was difficult for Baron, who ranked first, to win because he received two status window gifts.

The rankers below him could have won based on Seong Ji-han's performance, but they couldn't because of their previous nationality.

At that time, I thought this was really unreasonable, seeing that no matter how much I played, my ranking couldn't go up.

'Now the position is different.'

In my last life, Korea's rankings were falling apart, but in the end, it was ruined due to the dungeon portal.

This time was different.

In this life, Korea in 2021 is not on the verge of destruction.

It was a superpower that was thought to be capable of reaching 3rd or 4th place in the Battle.net world rankings.

Korea will be a beneficiary, not a victim, of 'strengthening national bonuses.'

And the reason why this happened.

"Sungjihan player. "Are you here?!"

As expected, it was for Seong Ji-han.

As he enters, the presidents of the eight countries rise from the conference hall all at once.

"A great performance in defeating Dragon in the last game… … "I was really impressed."

"Three consecutive wins in the Space League, thanks to our dedicated players."

"Have you looked at the bonus options? "I would like to hear Seong Ji-han's opinion."

They approached Seong Ji-han and greeted him with smiles on their faces.

This is also true for the heads of Japanese and Chinese associations who have had an uncomfortable relationship with him.

It almost seemed like he was a superior to the association presidents.

'Seong Ji-han cannot compete as a player. It is a transcendent being.'

'You must create a good image.'

'You can't even beat up a dragon so unilaterally…' … 'How can a human do that?'

The reason for this low stance was the huge impact of the last game.

Seong Ji-han, who unilaterally defeated the Dragon Clan, who completely annihilated the human team in game 1, in game 4.

The power he showed back then made people no longer think of him as a competitor.

It was just an off-topic subject, and it made me feel awe.

Seong Ji-han looked at them for a moment and then opened his mouth.

"I think the presidents of the association have already discussed their opinions regarding the bonus option."

"ah. yes. "There were things we talked about among ourselves."

"that… … The 'National Bonus Enhancement Option' seemed the best."

"It's a national bonus… … Is that better than other options?"


Let's take a look at Seong Ji-han's association presidents.

Representatives from the United States and China, who would benefit the most from the national bonus, quickly spoke out.

"Of course, among the options, there were bonuses that benefited the top players… … If you calculate it, it is less efficient than the national bonuses received by the top 20 countries."

"Wouldn't Korea, where Seong Ji-han belongs, also see its ranking rise significantly this year? "Once the rankings are selected again this year, you will be able to greatly benefit from the national bonus."

"A national bonus would be a win-win option for everyone!"

The two national representatives, who are usually growling, work together to persuade Seong Ji-han.

This was also an attempt by countries with vested interests to collude and solidify this.

'Now that I'm in a position to choose an option, I understand. Compared to others, the national bonus efficiency is very good.'

Country bonuses, although the benefits were concentrated on top-ranked countries.

In terms of selection and concentration, it was the most efficient.

Moreover, in my last life, Korea was a country that did not receive any benefits.

This is because Korea, where Seong Ji-han exists, can enjoy the benefits of national bonuses to the fullest.

Even if we agree with them here, we won't lose anything like last time.

Rather, the only thing left to do is benefit from the national bonus.


"I would like to decide on this option through a public meeting."

Seong Ji-han, who had the authority to select the bonus option, chose to make it public rather than agree in secret.

"Public meeting… … "You mean?"


"Well, that's a bit…" … Wouldn't that cause problems? "It won't work at its best."

"In a low-ranking country, there would certainly be opposition to deciding on a national bonus… … !"

Association presidents expressing concern over Seong Ji-han's words.

As expected, only 20 countries can benefit from national bonuses.

The rest of the country lost compared to other bonus options.

However, if you go to a public meeting and show these option conditions, and choose to strengthen the national bonus.

Would other countries remain silent?

'Why on earth are you trying to make this authority public?'

'I don't understand. It is a proposal that clearly benefits both Korea and Seong Ji-han himself... … .'

'Are you going to focus on strengthening the top level? If it were to be passed by a majority vote, it would be difficult to pass.'

The association presidents gently persuaded Seong Ji-han with smiles on the outside, but inside they were seething.

Top-level leaders must make wise choices.

If it is made public, it is clear that each country will choose a less efficient bonus depending on their interests... … .

Why are you doing that?

"When it is released to the world, we will ask people to choose an option that benefits everyone."

"10% increase in gift appearance probability or additional experience points… … This is too inefficient compared to national bonuses. If Seong Ji-han is now ranked number 1 and gets banned, other human players will also have to quickly grow up and do their part... … What happens if you choose that option?"

"Nowadays, no one knows that they can 'choose' these options. "If we come to an agreement and move on, there will be no problem."

Although they appealed to Seong Ji-han so diligently.

"Then shall we play Battle Tube here?"

"Oh, no. Why on earth are you doing that? … !?"

"This isn't just for us. "National bonuses are the most efficient option for navigating the Space League!"

"I know. But, let's make it public."

"Oh, no… … ."

Seong Ji-han's attitude was firm.

'I, too, was planning to choose a national bonus until I boarded the plane.'

In my last life, I was in a position where I lost money due to the national bonus.

Seong Ji-han had decided to choose this at first, as it was definitely an advantage this time.

-ah. Jihan Seong. Do you see the message?

But he was on the plane.

-Last time, I decided to give you a prophecy for free. You just passed over it, but I can't just pass it up.

After hearing the prophecy of Pythia, the servant of the God of War, he changed his mind.

-Share the bonus option items you received this time with the world. Then a new option will appear.

-And that… … I'll save you later.

'The bonus… … 'You're saving me?'

What kind of option is there that saves your life?

Seong Ji-han was curious, so instead of making a secret agreement with the national bonus.

"Let's go public."

There was a strong argument for an open meeting.

And in the end, the presidents of the eight countries looked at each other as if they could not understand.

"… … All right."

In the end, I had no choice but to follow his opinion.