
Married Or Contracted

Liam Reigns in the corporate world is a household name , there's no business he ventured into that he doesn't come out successful. He was known to be cruel and heartless despite his calm demeanor and innocent face. Liam's true self surfaced after he couldn't fufill his promise he made to old granny Dawkins on her death bed to marry her granddaughter named Rose. But that promise was left unfulfilled because Rose died in a plane crash in place of her best friend Chloe. He promised himself to avenge the old woman's daughter by blackmailing her friend that caused her death into a contract marriage in Rose's stead. ***** All Chloe wanted to be was a famous actress , her flitting dream came to pass when she was picked by a famous company to be their brand ambassador. But unfortunately for her she couldn't go because of a stomach ache, Chloe couldn't sit back and watch her dream die and pleaded with her best friend Rose to shoot the AD in her stead. But Rose couldn't make it to Spain because she died on a plane crash shattering Chloe soul and her dream . Chloe was confronted by Rose's fiance about her death, feeling guilty Chloe promised to atone for Rose's death in any way she can . From that moment upwards she became Liam's wife on a piece of paper. Caught between her hate and love for Liam , Chloe didn't plan to find herself caring for her husband to the extent she founds herself willing to risk everything to protect him. Getting married was an easy part, but staying in the marriage was another thing entirely and Chloe wasn't happy with the immense filling she's having for Liam . Even fairytale has it's ups and down. When she thought she was ready to face whatever curveball their relationship is gonna throw her way all the lies , the deceit, the manipulation stared her right in the face . She found out she was just a pawn in his game . Whoever said failing in love was a piece of cake hasn't been prickled by its thorn . Chloe successfully found her way back into entertainment industry and it's one step from achieving her dreams and clearing her name . Then Rose, her former best friend and Liam's fiancee who was reportedly dead resurfaced again with a malicious intent of ruining everything the had. Chloe ended up been kidnapped by Gwen an actress and model who was obsessed with Liam

Mirachi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Back at the Reigns mansion, Chloe who was still standing after apologizing to Liam for endangering his brother's life rubbed her foot against the other . it's been thirty minutes after she tendered her apologies but Liam is yet to give her a reply and her legs are beginning to ache her badly. After much contemplating she decided to apologize further, maybe her earlier apologies weren't accepted.

" Mr Liam , I'm deeply sorry for endangering your brothers life , I will be more careful in the future"

Chloe said and bowed her head to show how sorry she was.

" There won't be—" Liam trailed off when her phone rang .

Grin ! Grin!! Grin !!!

Chloe fished out her phone from her pocket and answered the call.

" Hello "

" Hello, am I speaking with Chloe Adams ?"

" Yes '

" There's a man at our bar with the name Stanley Adams he is owning us $ 470,000 he told us to call you to clear up his debt "

" 470,000 what ? " Where do I get the money from, as a matter of fact I don't have it" she replied honestly

" You have till 8 hours to bring the money or we will chop off your father's hands"

" Please don't— " but the call ended in her ears , she clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. How selfish and greedy , how on earth do I have such a man as my father ! She thought and forced back the tears that were threatening to fall any minute from now. 'Chloe brace yourself now is not the time to act pitiful ' she chided herself.

" If you will excuse me Mr Liam I have an emergency that needs my urgent attention " she bowed again and strolled out of the house.



. After he heard her retreating footsteps he turned to watch her leave. " Come in here Blaze " he called out to the shadow hiding behind the pillars, and he walked in.

" How did you know I was standing there " he asked Liam who gave him the look of ' what do you take me for '.

" How can I forget, Liam Reigns master of the Mafia world "

Liam eyed him , and concentrated on the issue at hand : ``how dare they bully his wife ", no one else is allowed to bully her except him . It seems like he has to remind them that she's now a Reigns not Adams .


Chloe after leaving the Reigns mansion phoned her friend Daisy to meet her at a nearby cafe where they normally gather as bff .

" Are you gonna live this way Chloe ? " Daisy asked and sipped her cappuccino

" Yeah , Daisy, what can I do ?" Chloe sighed and smiled bitterly

" Alright, I will support you,but promise you won't hide anything from me, maybe there's nothing I can do to help but we can still share our feelings together"

" Okay" Chloe said, Daisy reached out and squeezed her hands reassuring her.

" I happen to need your help"

" With what"

"Do you know any fast way to make money, I need lots of it and it's urgent"

" Uhmm, my brother's friend Harry, who works at the imperial club once told me they were in urgent need of waitress "

" Really ! "

" Yes, and there pay is around $250,00 per night and if you're lucky to be picked to serve at the vvip section of the bar I hear their pay is much more bigger "

" That's huge!" Chloe screamed excitedly, her eyeballs shone with dollars as if she's already working and earning it.

" Give me a minute let me call him " Daisy said and stood up to make the car outside the cafe

" Yeah, sure , take two " Chloe replied

After a few minutes Daisy walked in bearing good news, excited to help her friend.

" Guess what Chloe!"

" What ?, You am not good at guessing .Tell me already" she chided her friend.

" Harry said you can start working tonight, and it happens that some big shots of the club are coming tonight, maybe you will be picked to serve them " Daisy anounced excitedly

" Cheers to that" Chloe said and they clicked their cups together.

" I'm m so sorry about your car" she said and bent her head

" Don't worry about the car the insurance agency will take care of it " Daisy reassured her

Chloe who was expecting Daisy to scold her was surprised at how selfless her friend was, once again tears filled her eyes she thanked God for gifting a friend such as Daisy

" Thank you for being there when everyone abandons me "

" Aww , come here " Daisy pulled her in for a hug , after staying for some more minutes they footed their bills and left the cafe .