
Chapter 10:Apology

When would you two go for your honeymoon mum as asked, they are leaving tomorrow dad said, and they shall be going to Ala-mein, Ala-mein,i thought,it would be much easier to escape from there.


My lady, would you like to go to the garden, theirs a garden i asked, of course my lady, can you please take me there I asked,ok my lady.


The garden was beautifully decorated with purple,i was so astonished with the beautiful that I didn't notice that Jumanah had already left,i was walking further into a garden, when I felt some one hug me from the back, Am sorry, the voice said,i looked back and found out it was Xavier and I hissed and pushed him away but he was too strong for me.

Let go of me I said in anger, and what if I don't want to he asked,grr I growled in anger and made several attempts to hit his balls, but all failed,i decided to try my luck one last time and hit his balls again, this time,i really hit him and he fell on his knees,i tried to run but he grabbed my waist and pulled me to him and Stood up, and laughing, you have woken up this monster and now it wants you, he whispered in my ear and I felt irritated.

I don't care i said , just leave me alone i added, and he started chuckling,oh you think this is funny, what do you want from me I asked,i want you baby he replied with a look of lust, what I replied, just kidding he said,i want you to forgive me sweetheart, he added,that would never happen i said, am sorry, I didn't mean to,i just got out of control, he said.

and it's none of my business I replied

He turned me around and made me face him and said, I am sorry, and I hissed and then he kissed me and inserted his tongue deep into my mouth tasting every corner of my mouth and what he was doing to me was driving me crazy, my legs felt like jelly and I was feeling dizzy,ah i moaned all of a sudden, he kept on kissing me and later let me go to catch my breath.

I was about to run, when he pulled me back and hugged me from the back and placed his chin on my shoulder and he said,i am sorry and he began kissing my neck and i moaned in pleasure and I pushed him away and slapped him hard twice and started walking away, he pulled me back again and made me face him, he held my waist and said I don't know what I can do to make you believe me that am sorry.

I found out that my drink was spiked with aphrodisiac, and I couldn't control myself after that he said, how many times have i told you I don't care, just leave me alone, i said

How can I make you realize that I love you and am really really sorry he said,by leaving me alone and freeing me from this hell you call a marriage that I was forced into i said, what do you mean you were forced into, he said,hm trying to play dumb I guess, I said, anyways, your father threatened to enslaved my kingdom if we don't accept the marriage proposal made to me I added.

What!!, so my father tricked me, he told me that you also love me as much as I do,then he kissed my temple and left angrily.


You decieved me,i said while walking into the throne room, where my father was talking to the royal advisers and chiefs, what are you talking about, don't you have respect for your father again, leave us i said,huh the advisers and chiefs said in unison.then i said leave angrily and they all left, after they left i said, why did you threaten Adeeva's family, i don't understand what you are saying he said afraid of what his son might do next, because Xavier is a very cold and brutal person.

Don't try to play dumb with me, and answer my question i said angrily,i, i, i did it for your own good he said, my own good i said as i scoffed, yes my son, you said you were madly in love with her and i had to get her for you at all means, he said,i never asked for your help i replied.


I am already tired of this so called husband,i think it's time for me to escape i said,i went into my closet, took my little bag, brought out a disguise wore it .But I thought about it, that it would be too risky to escape from the palace, so I decided to wait.