
Chapter 9: First Family Meal

I thought i added an aphrodisiac to his drink, why is she still here happy and not crying up in room, something must be fishy,then she went towards Leila's room and found that he was there and left angrily.


I woke up early to prepare food for the family, as part of the Al-bayyt empire tradition that every new daughter in law should prepare the meal on her first stay with her husband's family.

I got up, went to take my bath, and i wore an armless purple knee length dress and a diamond necklace and also my wedding necklace and anklet.

I got downstairs and went to the kitchen with the help of Jumanah if not i would have gotten lost in the palace .

I decided that I should cook my mum's secret recipe for the first family meal, i told Jumanah to get me all the necessary ingredients for the chili sauce and chicken breast flakes.

While she was busy with the ingredients,i decided to make a fresh juice for the family. I brought out some bananas and peeled and blended them with milk and little sugar.

By the time I was done, she already brought out all the ingredients, then I started the cooking,i washed the chicken breast and shredded them twice, and I also washed all other washable ingredients.

After about 2 hours,i finished Cooking, and took off my apron and since the family wasn't at the dinner yet, I decided to go and freshen up because I was sweaty from the cooking.

Immediately i went upstairs, Aunt Farrah showed up in the kitchen and thought with her,let me add some salt and chilli pepper to the food so it would be too salty and spicy for the family to eat and they'll surely hate her.

I got upstairs and met him with a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping down on the already wet body from his hair, wha.. what are you doing here i asked in surprise, why can't I be here, it's my room after all,oh I said as i walked towards the bathroom door, but he pulled me back by my waist and i landed on his hard chest and the he said he was sorry, I just hissed and started walking away until, he pulled me back again, and this time his grip tightened.

What exactly do you want for me,i asked angrily,he ignoring my question and continued talking, i know i promised i wouldn't touch you, but I lost control, someone put some aphrodisiac in my drink i said after some investigations, she still didn't listen , so I kissed her lips to get her attention.

He kissed me,i was shocked, when his lips landed on mine and he put his tongue into my mouth exploring every corner of my mouth,then I pushed him away and slapped him, how dare you,i said.

I got really pissed and walked into the bathroom, after taking my bath,i went downstairs to the kitchen, wore my apron and tied my hair into a bun, and continued with the food preparation, after I was done, I took it out for the family to eat .

I placed the food on the table and served everyone, and Aunt Farrah was waiting for everyone to taste the food, my heart was beating fast as they tasted the food,they started giving comments on how good the food was, Aunt Farrah was surprised when she found out everyone else liked the food.

She tasted the food and found out it was okay but she faked and started coughing asking for water and saying it was spicy, but dad told her to stop her little act already, she felt embarrassed and stopped,dad was my new name for Xavier's father.

Come over and eat with us mum said,yh come eat with us Xavier added and stood up to help me remove my apron and loose the messy bun on my head.

When would you two go for your honeymoon mum as asked, they are leaving tomorrow dad said, and they shall be going to Ala-mein, Ala-mein,i thought,it would be much easier to escape from there.