
Chapter 11: Heart problems

I am already tired of this so called husband,i think it's time for me to escape i said,i went into my closet, took my little bag, brought out a disguise wore it .But I thought about it, that it would be too risky to escape from the palace, so I decided to wait.

I went towards the courtyard and Jumanah wanted to go with me, but I told her not to,i went there and sat down there for some few minutes for some fresh air,then suddenly I started running out of breath and I felt choked, the lights were getting dim, until I couldn't see anymore.

I didn't tell you to help me you know,i said to my father,i know, but I just wanted what was best for you and..

...,a servant cut him short,by running into the throne room and saying,sir sir her highness has fainted to Xavier, what, Adeeva has fainted I said surprised, yes your highness, what happened to her, how did she faint,i asked, well she was sitting in the courtyard and she just fainted, where is she,i asked, she is currently in her bedroom sir he replied


I ran into the bedroom and met her lying unconscious, Adeeva, Adeeva,. Adeeva please open your eyes i said in anxiety, please open your eyes Adeeva i need you,i added with tears threatening to fall down my eyes, what happened to her doctor,i asked her, well, she has some heart problems and they are some things that she isn't meant to inhale and she inhaled one of them which was harmful for her body, if you hadn't bought her in time, she might have died.

What!!,i said In surprise , heart problems, how,i asked, apparently she has a hole in her heart and if she inhales what she is not meant to inhale,the hole would keep getting wider, and if it gets wider than a certain diameter, she is going to die, she replied.

Here is a list of things and foods she should avoid, she said as she handed me the list,hm doctor, when is she going to wake up,i asked after six hours she replied, and am also going to leave this drip in her hands and come and check it every hour, and make sure she takes her medicine on time and give her hot brown soup or chilli soup, it helps close up the hole.

Thank you so much doctor i said to her as she left, you can leave now i told my worried mother and father.


Deeva would wake up in an hour, I need to cook something for her,i said.deeva was my new name for her.

I went into the kitchen and prepared brown soup, beefed chilli pepper soup and a little bowl of salad for her and brought it up to her in a trolley cart,i got up decided to wake her up.

Deeva, deeva wake up love i said,then she opened her eyes, and was looking around, she looked so beautiful when she just woke up, how did i get here I asked, the maids brought you here when you fainted, and what did you inhale that made you faint he asked,uhm I don't know,i can't really remember,oh yes I remember i inhaled and air freshener spray which was really strong.

Why didn't you leave there when you knew it would affect you he asked, Eerm I was so angry at you, that I wasn't thinking straight,hmn so you are still angry at me sweetie, but I already said i was sorry he said while moving closer to kiss me, but I covered his mouth and he withdrew from me, then i placed my hands on my tummy because I hadn't eaten since the previous day.

Ouch, my tummy hurts i said,then he placed his hands on my tummy and also started kissing my tummy, he then said, it's time for my princess to eat and he moved the trolley cart closer and started feeding her.

Don't feed me,i can eat by myself i said,hn, but you'll hurt your hands in the process, remember you're still on drip he said and started feeding me, and even when crumbs of food fell beside my lips, he would always lick them off.

You have been feeding me since,at least have some as i also wanted to feed him, he grabbed the spoon from my hands and put them in her mouth and said I'd rather eat from your mouth than hands and he kissed me and collected the food from my mouth and then I started blushing, I think am falling gradually in love with this guy

We got finished our breakfast and offered to help me take a bath but I refused and after the nurse came to remove the drip he carried me into the bathroom,i tried resisting and pushing him away but he was too strong for me.

He took me to the bathroom, removed my clothes and gently put me down in the bathtub, he began washing me up, slowly and steadily and after 20 minutes he was done, he picked me up wrapped me with a towel and placed me on the bed while he went to wash up.

Someone knocked on the door and I asked who it was and found out it was Jumanah, so I told her to come in, my lady, you're finally awake,i was worried when the news got to me.