

Camille wake up and searching for her cloth ,Ron hugged her from backside good morning wify.

Camille after hearing wify she was blushing..

Ron: why are you wearing dress ???

Camille: I have to go the company 

Ron ( started to touching her chest) come on I'm a boss I'm giving you holiday it's honeymoon baby 

Ron : hugged tightly see Camille it's getting hard 

You have to calm this down ...Ron suck the Camille ear ...started to touch everywhere

Camille: bosss ... please stop I can't 

Ron : call me Ron Camille ...

Ron puched the Camille to bed and kisses her chest and play with her nipples.....

And then had sex again ....when she wakeup its already a lunch time she wakeup and went downstairs

Mother in law: good afternoon Camille ...(in smiling face )

Camille: good afternoon mom (blushing)

Mother in law: come have a lunch...

Camille: ok mom 

Mother in law: me and your Father in law, Sam going on vacation to London for 6 month I want give some personal space for young couples..( see the kiss mark on her neck ) 😸

Camille: but mom I feel lonely

Mother in law: if you feel lonely please give me 

grandson quickly ok 😄

Camille: mom 😫stop teasing me 

Mother in law: ok ok I will stop teasing you ok dear 

Im going bye bye take care of my son if he did anything wrong break his leg I give you my full permission..

( Mother in law leave the house)

Camille preparing some food in the kitchen

Ron: sneakily hugged Camille and kissed her lips ....

Camille: stop ron it's kitchen

Ron : ohh I saw only you ..😘not a kitchen ( Ron put his figer on her pant ...started to touching her private part 

Camille: ughhh stop ron 

Ron: noo I need feel the hole ....kisses Camille

Camille: knee went week she fell in the kitchen

Ron : took Camille in his arm went straight to living room ...

Camille sit on Ron lap .....and Ron started to kissing Camille unconditionally...

After some time Camille told let's stop here ok kised Ron forehead....Ron heart skip the beat and said ok