
first day office after marriage

Camille: Ron ...let's keeps this marriage secret I don't want extra attention in office so don't tell anyone about this marriage ok 

Ron : ok wify your the boss

(In the office)

Lisa new character ( Camille best friend and co-worker)

Lisa : why did you took a leave for 4 days ??

Camille: for marriage

Lisa : whose marriage??

Camille: my marriage

Lisa: (in shock) what are you talking about ??what marriage why I'm not a invited??

Camille: lower your voice don't tell anyone it's a screate marriage ... don't ask me anything I will tell you later.

Lisa: ok did you like him??

Camille; i don't know ...but first of all it's arrenged marriage but I feel happy Infront of him 

Lisa : ok ok tell me later 

Jimmy:( new character office worker screate crush on fl ) what happened Camille your face is glowing??

Camille: nothing Jimmy its just I took a beauty shower yesterday 

Jimmy: can you tell me what all the ingredients you put on beauty bath ..

(Unknown voice) Camille boss is calling you

Camille: i will tell you later I have to go, boss is calling me 

Camille: may I come in sir 

Ron : yes come in Camille

Camille: ok boss 

Ron : lock the door I want to tell you something

Camille: ok sir ( Camille lock the door) 

Ron : pushed the Camille to the door and started to kissing her ... unbutton the Camille shirt one by one 

Camille: what are you doing it's office ron 

Ron : whenever i saw you I lose my countrol Camille what to do ( put his figure on her private part )

Camille : ugh ( moan) ha Ron don't😣

Ron : sorry Camille I can't hear anything right know unbutton the full shirts ,and took off her bra and suck her nipples it's getting hard Camille 

Camille: don't say like that Ron I can't control my moan people will hear us...

Ron : don't worry Camille I have a solution....kissed Camille very hard and took off her underwear...pushes his di* k to her private part.....

Camille: ugh I coming Ron please come inside quickly I'm going insane 

Ron : don't say like that Camille ughh what I do with you after they had a 1 hour sex in his office and bathroom