
he saw me naked

When Camille took off her bra and searching for another bra she suddenly saw Ron ...her heart skip the beat...

She become shy and her body become hot .....in another side Ron saw her naked upper body... he also feel shy and stated to blushing ....her skin smooth like a milk he wanted touch it ,feel it but his ego bigger then his lust .... Camille suddenly wear her clothes and sn company boss don't know how to knock the door before coming??😤

Ron: this is my room why should I knock ....

Camille: sorry boss ,but today onwards it's my room too😤

Ron:ohh you also forget your my wife now I can see and come whenever I want ( Ron started coming closer to Camille)

Camille: what are you doing don't come closer 

Ron: ofcourse today is my wedding night what couple do I'm going to do that 

Camille: but you don't like me right ( blushing)

Ron : who told you like that ( Ron lift the Camille ..) Camille: what are you doing put me down

Ron : nope that's not gone happen ...( Ron put the Camille to the bed he kisses 😘 her forehead and said it's starting point to me ...and he kisses her nose ...without blink Camille is watching him then ,he soundly touch her lip , her lip so smooth like butter, he can't take his lip off from her , he pushed her to bed he above and she is below ...he started kiss her without break and she forgot to breath, his body and her body getting hot ...after 2 minute after she suddenly sense something touching below and her body started to itching ....she lose control this is all new for her ....

Camille: I'm scared Ron 

Ron : Sorry Camille I can't stop I'm at my limit

Camille: something is touching me below it's feels weird Ron...ughh she hugged Ron tightly .

Ron : took off her full cloth, touch her skin it's feels like glass 

Ron kiss every part of her body ....

Ron : can I come inside you ?? 

Camille: (moan )why are you asking me that .... blushing 

After they become one.... she sleeps beside him ,morning she wakeup her full body is hurting like hell ( inner voice beasty)