
Maniac Eldest miss is an Overlord

"yao yin you're getting married to Shi zeyi in a year time, you should be more filial when next you see his parents okay?" "really? who said I'm getting married?" killed on the night before her wedding, Lu yao yin was giving the chance to go back a year before that day, to her engagement night. Now she knows who her real friends are and just how to deal with her scheming enemies plus she's no longer the timid selfless Lu yao yin but the 21st Century most feared Mafia Lu yao yin. To stop her fate from repeating she do all she can to avert it. what marriage? what title? she doesn't need any of their pitiful offering that would only bring her closer to her death

unique2bliss · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Her nickname is Demoness

The next morning, news of Lu shenqi ordeal flew through the city like wildfire in harmattan season, the photos and videos made it not a rumor but a truth. It had also been talked about on TV since Quan nianzu was a popular government official,

People laid countless abuses and insults on Lu shenqi especially when news of how she tried to frame Lu yao yin during the birthday party came out too, there was no disgraceful and insulting name they didn't give to her. Thanks to her shameless heart of stone that she didn't commit suicide listening to the abuses.

Lu yao yin sat and read the live comment boom with abuses, people that had once been categorized as Lu shenqi friends also came out and vehemently rejected the title also leaving a few harsh comments themselves

"That should finally teach her a lesson, maybe she'll turn a new leaf after now" Si xunmi said to Lu yao yin when she saw Lu yao yin staring at the TV intently

"Turn a new leaf?" she chuckled knowingly "this is only the beginning for Lu shenqi, she never learns her lesson, she's like a phoenix that rises everytime it dies but the only difference with Lu shenqi is that she get dumber everytime"

Si xunmi frown and was going to say something else but then the door to the office was pushed open, she turned back and saw a young man standing there with a nonchalant look on his face, this wasn't the first time she had met him, for a while now this young man would appear everywhere Lu yao yin was, she didn't know who he was neither did she know what business he had with Lu yao yin

"that would be all for now xunmi"

"okay boss" Si xunmi agreed and then turned to leave the room, she gave the young man a hard stare before finally walking out

After she had left Si Lu te sent a questioning look to Lu yao yin "you haven't told her yet?" he asked

Lu yao yin rolled her eyes "like it's that easy, how can I just pop up to her and tell her that her brother's soul is in another boys body"

"but it was easy for you right?" he raised an eyebrow

Lu yao yin rubbed her nose awkwardly, in her case it really was easy, all she had to do was talk to her and Si xunmi knew she was the one, without even asking questions they began following her every order since that day

"How is what I sent you to check?" she asked him changing the topic

He hesitated a bit then said "I can't find it"


Lu yao yin hit the table and jolted up surprised, "what do you mean you can find it! did...did you lose it?!"

"calm down_" she cut him off angrily

"what do you mean calm down! How could you have lost it!" she sounded very angry and her tone deadly, her cold face could tell how bad her temper was getting

Si Lu te took a step back cause her cold expression frightened him, people called him a grim reaper because they haven't really seen an angry Lu yao yin, She could be the angel of destruction when she was mad, Her nickname was Demoness. all hell broke loose when she wasn't happy, this was the reason they called their group_Chaos.

"I thought I lost it but then I remembered that...there was once you gave me a metal bird and said it leads to safety, then I thought it would be safer where ever the bird was programmed to go so...I put it in the metal bird and sent...sent it away" He hurriedly explained with the fear she might beat him out of anger.

The metal bird...Only after hearing this words did she remember the memories that she had almost forgotten...

...It was after a few years that she had just met Frosty, on a cold snowy night then her father was still alive. There was a bandit group that had managed to channel every firearm coming into the country to theirselves, both legal and illegal, They were gathering a huge amount of firearms and they needed to be stopped so Kun xiabei sent her to put an end to their group

As an habit she formed, she dragged frosty along with her on this mission too, the two of them shuffled through the woods silently making their way to the heavily guarded fortress on the mountain top, just before infiltrating the fortress, they met another young boy

The young boy looked no older than them, He was dressed so raggedy like he had been through a lot, his clothes and body was filled with dust, mud and some hint of blood but yet he navigated his unarmed body through the wood like he knew where he was going. He told Lu yao yin that he was held captive in the fortress and he just managed to escape, Lu yao yin believed him but frosty didn't, He didn't even seem to like the sight of the young man.

"Gremlin" this was the reply he gave when she had asked for his name,

"I've been here since I was little and they would always call me Gremlin...so I don't know my name anymore"

"well then Gremlin, your code name is G-x"

"G-x? what does that mean?" He asked with a doubtful look

"G stands for gremlin and x stands for um.." she thought hard about it for a while then said "xenagogue"

The two boys gave her a confused look, they didn't understand what she meant by that

"it means tour guide, so you are Gremlin my tour guide"

"tour guide?" The guy shook his head disapprovingly "I'll rather it stand for x-factor, that way it means I'm a remarkable talent"

"whatever, you said you have lived here for some years, that means you must know the layout of the fortress, can you sneak us inside"

The guy hesitated for a while then agreed, with the help of the boy she had been able to complete her mission, even figure out the secret rendezvous point where all those tons of arms where being stored and it totally wasn't like everyone thought.

People thought the mountain was highly guarded because of the fortress that was used to keep all those arms but they weren't entirely wrong, the mountain was highly guarded because right deep into the heart of the mountain laid a gigantic iron bunker that was used to store the arms, this warehouse was one that couldn't be broken into, it had no human guard but the security measure imputed into that metal monstrosity was capable of killing even the tiniest insect that stumbled into it. The 18 levels of hell was nowhere comparable to the 111 levels of deadly security measure.

Even the most nimble and agile Lu yao yin could only make it to the 11 level and with a thousand injuries at that, she literally had to be carried back home. before she left she gave the young man a watch that contained a GPS and asked him to wait that she would come back after she figured out a way to breach the security system.

The mountain was named Shen Shan meaning Deep mountain, she called it the safest place after then.

since that was where the boy grew up she had thought he would keep on staying there, she kept on saying she would go back to check on him but never got the chance and now it's been a decade since that happened she wasn't so sure he would still be there.The metal bird Si Lu te had mentioned was program to follow the GPS in that wrist watch she had given to that boy back then.

The problem now was that where ever the boy was that would be where the bird is and if the bird is with him, then...the blueprint piece was also with him.

what if he misplaced the watch and the bird never got to him, what if he was dead and then the blueprint had fallen into the hands of someone else or what if...what if he already works for the enemy and then the blueprint had also fallen into their hands!

Lu yao yin became even more worried when she thought of this, she paced around the room frantically, thinking of all the possible negative 'what if' that could have happened.

"Si Lu te, I want you to check the location of every person that bears Gremlin, both as a real name, a nickname or a pet name" she ordered and turned to continue her frantic pacing

"Gremlin?" He paused and thought of it "there's only one person known to bear that name in this lifetime"

his word made her halt "do you know who it is?" she asked hopefully

"yes...it's Lord Gremlin"

I didn't feel all that enthusiastic when writing this chapter but I had to cause I wanted to bring out a point so please don't mad if you got bored reading it

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