
Chapter 10: Once a Week

Translator: 549690339

"This won't do," Mrs. Chunhua panicked, gently pinching Li Qiang's hand.

"Yikes…" Suddenly pinched at the ticklish flesh around his waist, Li Qiang felt a mix of pain and itchiness. Mrs. Chunhua's grip wasn't strong, more like she was flirting with him, but still, it was his sensitive spot.

Besides, his desire hadn't died down from his encounter with Liu Fang, and here he was, dragged over to Mrs. Chunhua. Being a young bachelor burning with passion for so many years, his body was uncomfortably hot and stimulated by her pinch.

Wang Yong saw the bulge in his crotch and with a glint in his eye, said, "Doctor Li, you call this an examination without even bringing any tools? Why don't you go back and fetch some instruments for a proper check?"

Thinking he was being tested, Li Qiang quickly waved off the suggestion, "No need, Mrs. Chunhua doesn't have any obvious itching or discomfort, so there's no need for an instrument. A visual inspection will do, at the most it's just a lack of cleanliness. Remember to change and wash your underwear frequently, and lay them out in the sun after washing to disinfect."

"But you've got to check regularly, I'm swamped at the factory and utterly exhausted after work; there's no time, and cleaning thoroughly is tough, making it easy to get sick." Mrs. Chunhua leaned into Li Qiang, rubbing her soft, voluptuous breasts against his arm, her breath as sweet as orchid, "So, can we have a check-up once a week?"

"Right, a weekly check-up would be perfect. Especially on Saturdays and Sundays when you're not busy, Doctor Li can come next week with his instruments for a thorough check-up," Wang Yong said, watching his wife wiggle and flirt with another man right in front of him. He was ecstatic, even hoping they would come over tomorrow for a proper check, so he could set up hidden cameras from the start and watch from multiple angles.

Just not sure if Li Qiang can hold back next time? That kid is too much of a wuss! To not jump on such a sexy dish!

Wang Yong grumbled inwardly.

Startled by Wang Yong's enthusiasm, Li Qiang thought to himself, is this guy really pushing his wife onto me? If it wasn't for her husband being present, he certainly would have taken Mrs. Chunhua then and there.

All he could do was nod in agreement to their request, "Then I'll come over on the weekend to check on Mrs. Chunhua. The clinic is closed anyway, and I can bring my equipment."

"Yeah, make sure you come every week," Wang Yong's eyes shone brightly with sneaky excitement, with several days to prepare.

"Honey, let me walk him out; I'll be back soon," Mrs. Chunhua took Li Qiang by the arm and pulled him out, winking at Wang Yong as she turned back.

Li Qiang, oblivious to their sly scheming, let himself be led out in a daze, standing at the doorstep.

No sooner had Mrs. Chunhua closed the door than she eagerly slid her hand into Li Qiang's crotch, raising an eyebrow, her eyes teasing, her voice light and wanton, and her voice carrying a seductive tone, "What's the matter? Didn't get enough play?"

Li Qiang took a deep breath to push her away, creating a distance between them. Before he could say anything, Mrs. Chunhua wrapped around him like a watersnake, whispering in his ear, "Wanna give Auntie another check-up?"

The warm breath on his ear tickled, but Li Qiang deep down rejected the idea. Mrs. Chunhua must be desperate, still unsatisfied after just one round and already craving a second.

Even though Li Qiang was physically capable, he didn't want to be led around by a woman's whims. He quickly sidestepped Mrs. Chunhua, "Mrs. Chunhua, I really have to head back now. But this weekend, I'll come by and give you a proper check-up."

Mrs. Chunhua pouted with some dissatisfaction, her eyes still swimming with desire, "Alright then, but you better remember to come this weekend and give me a good inspection, okay?"

"Definitely, I'll come with my equipment and make sure you're more than satisfied," Li Qiang said with a slight smirk, thinking to himself, this little minx sure is thirsty!

Mrs. Chunhua lingered as she watched Li Qiang leave, feeling empty and desperate for the touch of a man she hadn't had in so long, her neglected fields brimming with spring moisture.

Back in the room, lying contentedly beside Wang Yong, Mrs. Chunhua's cheeks were flushed with a hint of shyness as she snuggled up to him, "Honey, how did I do just now? Did I help you?"

Wang Yong was thrilled. Not only was his wife beautiful and had a great body, but her compliance was top-notch too. He had told her to seduce a man, and she had brought one home.

Yet, he didn't dare tell Mrs. Chunhua that he had already recorded them, as their agreement had been only to lure men back for Wang Yong to watch, and if it had an effect, they would continue.

"Great, you were absolutely fantastic. If you went into porn, you'd definitely be more popular than Cang!" Wang Yong said generously, thumbing up at Mrs. Chunhua.

Mrs. Chunhua blushed at his words and playfully hit his arm, "Honey, I'll go take a shower before giving you a massage."

"Go ahead," Wang Yong was too excited about watching the recorded video in secret to bother with further endearments. He was thrilled at the thought of her washing up, urging her on, "Make sure you're squeaky clean, give it a good scrub."

But to Mrs. Chunhua, these words sounded like a subtle dig at her cleanliness, and her eyes hardened. In her heart, she secretly vowed to try out Li Qiang's substantial 'treasure' next time; she couldn't let him get away with just a hands-on examination anymore.

She must seduce him!