
Chapter 11 Factory Flower

Translator: 549690339

Li Qiang walked down the street, his body filled with restless heat, an uncomfortable bulge forming below, and he thought to himself, what a freaking exhausting job being a gynecologist is!

Suddenly, a warm and petite body crashed into his arms.

Caught off guard by the collision, a refreshing scent filled his nostrils as Li Qiang pushed the person away to get a better look.

Isn't that the factory's beauty, Song Lili?

The young girl exuded a naïve charm, brimming with the vigor of youth, dressed in a JK uniform. Her figure was top-notch, with her fair and delicate legs revealed, a slender waist, and although her chest wasn't as ample as Chen Chunhua's or Liu Fang's, it had its own allure. Her pretty face bore red-rimmed eyes that tugged at Li Qiang's heartstrings: "Why are you crying?" he asked.

"I..." Tears rolled down Song Lili's eyes. Seeing that the person in front of her was the nearby gynecologist, she blurted out, "Doctor Li, I... I think I might be sick."


Li Qiang's mind went blank. What kind of illness would make someone cry like that? Could it be cancer?

So he asked, "What illness? What did the doctor say? Is it incurable?"

She bit her lower lip nervously, stammering, "I... my boyfriend has been messing around with many women for a long time, and he recently slept with me without telling me... My... down there is very uncomfortable, could it be an STD?"

As she spoke, she burst into sobs again.

She knew STDs are usually hard to cure and can even leave a nasty mark on your medical record, making it difficult for her to find a boyfriend or husband in the future.

Moreover, in a textile factory where women were the majority, and they all enjoyed gossiping, she was already a thorn in many people's sides. They'd love to see her screw up and have a good laugh. If word got out that she caught some filthy disease, they'd definitely trash-talk her, accusing her of fooling around with men.

Some might even say she was out seducing men.

Doctor Li sighed, thinking it was just a case of catching something dirty. What was his job if not a gynecologist?

He gently wrapped his arm around Song Lili's shoulder to comfort her, "Alright, alright, no crying. Let me check you out. I'm the best damn gyno in this area. Even if you're sick, I'll cure you, and I won't blab about it. Don't you trust me?"

Song Lili gradually stopped crying, her shoulders twitching as she followed Li Qiang, her face so pitiful it resembled a tear-stained kitten.

At the clinic, Li Qiang helplessly handed her a wet wipe, "First wipe your face, then take off your pants and lie down on the bed, and I'll have a look."

Song Lili took the wet wipe and her face flushed, she asked coyly, "Should I, should I take everything off?"

"What else?" Li Qiang raised an eyebrow, "I need to see and check to find out what you've got, right?"

"Okay, then... then you absolutely mustn't tell anyone, especially those women in the factory," Song Lili frowned, scared of the rumors they might spread.

"I won't," Doctor Li shook his head seriously, "It's our duty as doctors to keep patient confidentiality."

Song Lili, seeing his earnest expression, stopped coyly hesitating, walked to the bed, slipped off her pleated skirt, and her cute white panties came into view. Without waiting for Li Qiang to speak, she took off her panties as well.

Between her clean and symmetrical legs, the intimate area was surprisingly hairless. Li Qiang, amidst his shock, managed to keep a straight face to avoid revealing his astonishment to Song Lili.

This was a rare sight indeed!

Li Qiang turned around, put on gloves, and saw that Song Lili had already spread her legs accommodatingly, eyes tightly shut, too scared to look at herself. A smirk played on his lips, realizing this young girl was so different from those married women.

He crouched in front of Song Lili, her tender petals were noticeably red. As he touched them, he heard her gasp, "Ah..."