
Chapter 9: Snooping

Translator: 549690339

Chen Chunhua was so damn horny, Li Qiang felt that if he didn't make a move now, he couldn't call himself a man. He scoffed, "Damn, you're really turned on, aren't you?"

"Yeah, right, come on, get in here." Chen Chunhua just couldn't take it anymore, biting her lower lip, her eyes filled with desire. She looked back at Li Qiang, pleading, "Please brother, hurry, help your auntie out."

"Heh, should I go in now?" Li Qiang deliberately dawdled as he asked.

But on second thought, her husband was just outside; how could he and Chen Chunhua get it on in the bathroom?

Even Wang Yong, who was outside secretly recording the video, was getting impatient. What's with this kid's dilly-dallying? Is he even a man?

The more Li Qiang teased Chen Chunhua, the more his own legs ached unbearably, watching his wife crave but unable to get it, Wang Yong felt an intense rush.

She was just too damn slutty!

He always knew Chen Chunhua was open-minded with him, otherwise he wouldn't have picked her from a crowd of flirts back in the day, but later...

Wang Yong's expression darkened as he looked at his paralyzed legs, then his eyes crazed with a hint of madness. As long as Chen Chunhua kept bringing men home to stimulate him, he would recover sooner or later.

Teased by Li Qiang, Chen Chunhua's legs turned to jelly, her delicate body twisting like water, "Mmm, please brother, I'm begging you, do it quicker."

Seeing that her sexual desire was sufficiently aroused, Li Qiang cursed silently, "You little slut."

He hiked up his belt, sliding two gloved fingers inside.

"Is this kid even a man?" Wang Yong muttered incredulously outside the door. A woman practically throwing herself at him and he hesitates?

But even so, he could feel his legs swelling with an unbearable tingling sensation, this was even more thrilling than peeping, his eyes reddened with excitement as he watched the two inside the bathroom sweating it out.

Wang Yong breathed heavily through his nose, his eyes gleaming with excitement. It was beautiful; he never imagined his wife could be so alluring under another man's touch, like a seductive wild cat, sexy and enchanting, her voice so provocative it led to infinite fantasies.

Inside the bathroom, it was a feast of spring, and Wang Yong recorded excitedly with his phone held high.

After a while, Chen Chunhua convulsed twice violently and a warm rush signified her climax.

Li Qiang quickly withdrew his hand and expressionlessly began to clean himself up with some tissue, unaware that he'd just been filmed helping Chen Chunhua reach her peak by her own husband.

Seeing the two getting tidied up, Wang Yong hurried back to the head of the bed, pretending to scroll through short videos on his phone, yet his eyes kept darting towards the bathroom door.

Soon, Chen Chunhua emerged, arm in arm with him, and even tossed a flirtatious wink at Wang Yong.

Wang Yong's heart jolted, eyes ablaze. Chen Chunhua in this state was utterly irresistible! He wanted to rush over and ravage her under him.

"Doctor Li, did you find any issues?" Wang Yong's eyes shone brightly as he stared at Li Qiang, almost ready to go over and shake his hand in gratitude—this man was the key to treating his legs!

Right now, he could still feel the tingling in his legs, utterly exhilarating!

Li Qiang felt awkward. After all, he'd just been up to no good with Wang Yong's wife in the bathroom. Avoiding eye contact, he tried to sound professional, "The check-up is done, Mrs. Chunhua has no gynecologic diseases, but she should pay attention to hygiene."

"None?" Wang Yong's heart skipped a beat. Does that mean he won't come anymore? No way, he thought.

With that, Chen Chunhua elbowed him and glared sidelong with a provocative tone, "What do you mean none?"

"Oh." Li Qiang, catching on, pointed with his finger, "Right, there's a slight problem, she needs to be checked regularly."

Wang Yong asked excitedly, stumbling over his words, "Then, how often do you think you'll need to come and check on my wife, Doctor Li?"

Li Qiang hesitated. He wasn't really examining her, and doing this in front of her husband too often wouldn't be right. He said uncertainly, "Once a month, I guess."