
Maken-Ki: Harem King

The story is about the world of Maken-Ki, but it turns out to be a combination of the hentai world and our asshole zen protagonist. Note : This is a revised version due to many word errors in the previous novel. But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below PA TREON LINK:https://www.patreon.com/touyama

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Entering the school

"Sir, there is someone here to see you" Maria saw Zen bringing a servant to her room.

"Who?" Zen asked.

"She says she is the new secretary sent by your grandfather."

"Grandfather?" Zen wondered what his grandfather sent a secretary for, he probably already knew I bought the company.

"Tell her to wait in the living room, I'll get ready first." Zen went into her room and laid Karen down on her bed before she went to take a shower.


"So you're the secretary my grandfather sent?" Seeing the beautiful woman in front of him turned Zen on.

If you think about it she looks familiar, but from where?

"Of course my name is uehara Rin, Mr. Manyū Ryu sent me here to be your secretary, he knows the young master just bought a company".

'auehara Rin?' the name surprised Zen 'ninja taimain?" one of the characters from the Ero game he played.

"Well, even though you were sent by grandfather but I can't trust new people right away, let alone someone who just stole documents from my desk".

When Zen talked about the stolen documents, uehara slightly held back a smile and tried not to laugh.

"So... How can I gain Mr. Zen's trust?" She asked.

Zen thought, "Can I suck your tits?" She replied.

"Of course... eh!? What?" Uehara thought Zen was going to tell him to take care of someone who stole his documents, but what he wanted was.

"You pervert!!!" He looked at Zen with a strange look.

"Sorry my fault, I'm always to the point, I just created a company can you take care of it" he took out the documents about the company he just created.

Zen explained that he hadn't bought the building and didn't have any employees yet, so he wanted Zen to take care of everything.

After giving the money and chatting for a while, he wanted to leave and Zen said yes.

"Actually if young master begs a little maybe I'll let you do that" uehara smiled and left.

While Zen looked at him with a stupid look! Just watch me make you beg me to sleep," he muttered as he watched uehara leave.

Ah~ no! Hmmm...

A week has passed, today is my first day of school, not much has happened, that's all ....

Zen looked at the woman lying on the bed, she was the 5th maid Zen slept with in this mansion.

"Zen-sama is taking a bath!" Karen opened the door, telling him that today was the first day of school.

Zen who was naked sitting beside the bed started to stand up and looked at Karen who was waiting for her answer.

"My penis is a little dirty from the liquid, Karen, please clean it for a while" she said.

"Okay! Master!" She walked to Zen's front and slowly sat down, smelling his favorite smell, she slowly opened her mouth while sticking out her tongue licking the veined meat shaft.

Sluurrp!Ngggh.... Mmm.... Woe...

"Master, do you want to release that liquid again?" Karen looked up at Zen while shaking his cock shaft slowly.

"Huh? I told you to clean it up not take it out again" he looked annoyed making Karin surprised.

"Master... me! Sorry" Karin was a little frightened.

"You pissed me off, Karen! I have to punish you" Zen picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.

"Kyaa~ your master?" Karen saw Zen smiling and it made her feel bad.

A few hours later...

Aaaaahh! Ha ha...

"Master... you're... too rough... Your cock is too big... you'll ruin my pussy" Karen who was tied up with a belt tried to plead.

"Thank you for giving my cock to you!" Zen didn't stop pushing his cock from behind.

The blunt impact made the two supple buttocks tremble.

"Aah... thank you master... For putting your dick in my pussy" she spoke while savoring Zen's cock shaft.

"That's right! I will impregnate you whenever I want!" After Zen trained her for a week, she seemed to be more obedient.

He accelerates his hip movements and shoots white liquid into Karin's womb without asking.

Withdrawing his penis, thick liquid began to slowly ooze out from inside Karen's smooth pussy.

"Like that, you are my meat toilet, got it?" Zen slapped one of her buttocks "plaque!"

"Haah~ Alright... I'll do everything you want, master" she lay in Zen's arms while soaking in the bathroom's bathtub.


Tenbi Academy, an all-girls school, but... this year it started accepting male students, and I was put here by my grandfather.

"It's a good thing I chose to walk instead of taking a limousine, otherwise people would be staring at me," Zen who had reached the school gate entered.

"Is this an all-girls school!!!" A man smiled lewdly.

Zen who saw the geeky guy with glasses made a lewd face, "He looks like an anime protagonist?"

Out of curiosity, he walked after the protagonist, and ended up getting lost in a strange place.

'Is this the main character's luck?" thought Zen.

"To pave one's own way, to ascertain one's true purpose, souls must swear to live with Tenbi",

He heard a woman's voice.

"The path of the sun!"

"The path that stretches across the sky!"

"Huh? What?"

Zen saw the Aura around change because of the words they said and two girls started fighting each other.

"Interesting" Zen smiled at the two women who were fighting.

"If I win! Give her back to me" the blue-haired woman holding the sword spoke.

"And if I win, leave me and her alone" the short-haired tomboy smiled.

The blue-haired woman's sword emitted electric energy and the tomboy suddenly brought up the weapon at her feet.

"A unique weapon can appear instantly" she nodded.

The tomboy jumped and twisted her body into a horseman's kick, while the blue-haired woman slammed her sword into the woman's leg.

The two clashed making the surrounding area shake.

Zen looked to the side and it seemed like the protagonist was arguing with a woman.

"Plot armor is so thick" despite being geeky but being able to attract women unintentionally made Zen envious.

He saw the tomboy winning the match and there was no more interest, Zen was too lazy to see the protagonist who accidentally kissed the yellow-haired woman, he went to the school building.


"Test test, the microphone is being tested"

"The test is long," the student council vice president complained.

"Well, I'm the principal of Tenbi, rokujo minori" the principal smiled,

"Since I am the one welcoming you, I will introduce this school, with the motto: Mind, Beauty, Body."

"Both mind and body, must be equally strong, this concept will not change even if this school becomes mixed, the goal is to make men and women harden themselves",

"And as long as you are under the school rules, you are free to learn "love" and "fighting".

'I wonder how many women I'll get in this school' looking at the busty principal made Zen's heart flutter.

"Plus, you will receive the "Element" to fight for eight "Maken"," the principal explained.

"If you have eight "Maken" by controlling your "Elements", you will definitely have a bright future".

To create? Elements?

"Mah instead of listening to me, just get on with practicing!",

"2-B, no.6, Kinua Garret and from 2-B, no.7, Shinatsu Azuki", said the principal.

Weren't those the two who fought earlier? Zen thought.

"Principal, we had a fight earlier" said Kinua the blue-haired girl.

"Ah, that time?" The principal was surprised.

"Of course, I won" replied the red-haired Azuki.

"Chih... ouch, my poor teddy bear from now on, Azuki-san who always hugs you every night, when you cry on the pillow" Kinua was sad.

"It turns out they were fighting over a teddy bear, I thought they were fighting over a man" Zen was silent.

"Garret, how did you know?" Azuki felt very embarrassed.

"What about this, principal?" Asked the student council president.

"Just have someone else demonstrate," he replied.

Zen saw someone walking towards the stage while the others were not paying attention.

"Principal" as she walked, her skirt was blown away by the wind and the man below her could catch a glimpse of her white panties.

"UOOOGH!" The men gaped like fools.

This Himehami kodama wanted to pick a fight with the protagonist, maybe because of the trouble in the park earlier?

Someone tried to defend the protagonist, and it was the vice president of the student council.

"Hehehe... The protagonist's childhood friend must be the vice-president, me snatching him seems good," Zen thought maliciously.

He saw that it looked like the vice president was trying to persuade him not to make the protagonist fight.

"Ano... Sensei! If he doesn't want to, how about I take his place," Zen raised his hand, making the whole room stare at him.

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below

PA TREON LINK:https://www.patreon.com/touyama