
Maken-Ki: Harem King

The story is about the world of Maken-Ki, but it turns out to be a combination of the hentai world and our asshole zen protagonist. Note : This is a revised version due to many word errors in the previous novel. But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below PA TREON LINK:https://www.patreon.com/touyama

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Maid (R-18)

"Master!" A beautiful female figure in strange clothes suddenly appeared behind the old man.

"Uehara Rinn, is there something important?" The old man still silently stared outside the building.

It's about the young master, the woman said.

"Oh! My dear grandson, is he shutting himself in the room again?" She asked.

"No! It's not that, but... young master suddenly changed drastically."

Hearing that, the grandfather's heart suddenly pounded, "Is it time?" He turned to look at the woman "Tell me the details," he said.

"Yes!" The woman nodded and handed over the documents she took from Zen's room.

Is that so? My grandson suddenly changed from his appearance, physique to his nature, the old man looked at the latest photo of his grandson taken secretly.

"That young master suddenly became bold, he even fucked Maria the butler in his house" he replied while feeling a little strange.

When he hid in the darkness he saw the hot scene of the maid and Zen, that long and thick form was still warm in his mind.

"Hoho... That's good! My grandson is no longer a virgin, he has a bright future and descendants" nodded with satisfaction.

"That young master also bought two companies, manga and toys, for details I don't know but Zen-sama has a lot of money".

Grandpa thought "Uehara, I want you to be my grandson's secretary and help him in business, you can also protect him secretly".

"Alright, sir! Then I'll leave first" Uehara suddenly disappeared from his place.

Grandpa sighed happily, he then took out a golden photo, it must be hundreds of years old.

"Did you return to this world through my grandson, Zen-Sama's ancestor?" Staring at the two people in the photo, a handsome man and beside him a woman.

Manyū Zen and Chairman Manyū.

In fact, only the head of the Manyū family could keep and see this photo, a photo that was passed down to each generation of family heads.

A precious treasure for the head of the family and their identity as the nobility of the Shogun of the Edo period.


My name is Karen, I've been working as a maid in this mansion since a few days ago, I'm lucky enough to be working here.

Not only is the salary great but also the people here are very friendly, I'm a little curious about the young master who lives in this mansion.

Although I work here, I have never met the rumored young master.

There are two rumors among the servants, one says that the young master is a quiet and ugly otaku who likes to shut himself up in his room.

The second rumor said that Mr. Zen was handsome, cool, with a melodious voice that could outshine even the artists on TV.

I didn't know which rumor was true, but I was quite curious about his face, was he handsome or ugly?

"Karen-san! Did you clean the document room earlier?" A servant approached her.

"Yes! That's me, so what?" She asked.

"Ah, that's... The young master called you to the document room," she replied.

Karen was a little curious, so she excused herself and went to the document room while thinking 'is something wrong'

"The document is missing!" Zen looked around for the document but it wasn't there, he slowly frowned trying to remember something.

I always felt like someone was looking at me from the shadows, so I thought maybe they were ninjas sent by Grandpa to protect me.

But I didn't expect that they would take away useless documents, probably to report to Grandfather because I changed so drastically.

I hope Grandpa won't be angry if I become an asshole who fucks a lot of women hahahaha.

Knock! Knock!

"Excuse me sir!" A voice came from outside the door.

"Please come in!" Zen who was sitting at the table looked at the maid who came inside, a beautiful figure with big breasts and a plump ass, short black hair.

"Sir, what did you call me!" She bowed questioningly.

"Are you the new waitress?" Zen thought of a plan.

"Right, my name is Karen, I've only been working here for a few days," she replied.

"Do you clean this room?" He asked with a cold expression.

"Right, I cleaned this room earlier" seeing Zen's cold facial expression, Karen blushed because Zen's face was very handsome.

But on the other hand she also felt uncomfortable with Zen's cold expression, maybe something had happened?

"You know Karen, I have lost one document and it is a very important document" although Zen's voice was smooth and soft but this time the threatening and cold voice was heard throughout the room.

Karen trembled at Zen's intimidating voice, an important document...? Lost?

"I had the servants look for it for several hours but couldn't find it and the last person to clean this room was you, right?" Zen looked at him with a cold stare.

"Master! I... I-didn't..." he was very nervous and clueless.

"Do you have any proof that you didn't take it? We should know the document is worth a hundred million yen, it's a company document."

Hearing the amount of money her legs almost collapsed, she was so scared, she also had no proof that it wasn't her who took the document because she didn't know anything.

Zen smiled inwardly, this Karen had no defense at all due to panic.

"Well, I guess I should call the police!" Zen took out his cell phone.

"Wait, sir! I don't know anything and I don't even know what documents you're referring to, so please don't report me to the police," Karen started crying.

"Do you have any evidence? Although it wasn't you who took them, but the negligence while cleaning this room is on you, isn't it?" Zen got up and walked to the front of the desk and sat on it.

"A hundred million yen loss is not a small amount, moreover a service like yours even if you work for a lifetime will not be able to make up for it"

"Sir... I'm sorry, I'll do anything as long as you don't report me to the police" Karen even prostrated herself while crying.

Although Zen was only joking but his heart felt bad seeing a woman like this.

"Alright then I won't report you, from now on you must obey all my orders" Zen said.

"Thank you master, thank you!" Karen was very happy, her master was so kind.

"Then lift your body and don't resist" he said.

She was a little confused but still obeyed, she raised her body in a sitting position and saw Zen walking towards her.

Zen squatted down and grabbed Karen's shoulders, "ehh?" Karen was startled, she was pushed back and lay on the floor.

Both her hands were suddenly bound by Zen's belt, Zen's hands quickly removed her maid's apron and revealed her maid's kimono outfit.

"Look, even a kimono can't cover your big breasts" she opened the kimono sideways and revealed her big breasts and nipples.

These pink colored nipples are so beautiful to Zen's eyes, he can't wait to suck them every day.

Zen also opened the lower part of the kimono revealing a black stocking without panties, without hesitation he tore off the stocking and revealed a smooth pink pussy.

Karen could only surrender and close her eyes, I felt Zen's finger start to touch my clitoris which made my body tremble.

"Let's try the kamasutra skills I just bought at the store" spiritual energy coated his hand and moved to gently stroke Karen's clitoris.


Her hips suddenly moved upwards and healing liquid oozed out of her pussy, her body trembled and fainted.

Haah~ haah!

Karen tried to catch her breath from the sudden orgasm.

Damn it! This kamasutra technique is too OP, I have to be careful with it, she slightly regretted having experimented.

"Are you ready Karen?" unzipping his zipper and taking out his penis, Zen was fully ready for battle.

As the one who was still catching her breath heard Zen's faint voice, she felt something touch her crotch.

Trying to look, a penis was moving into her vagina, imagining that the large object was about to enter her, she was quite panicked.

"Wait! Master!!! That... aaaahhhh!" It couldn't possibly enter her body directly.

Zen began to move his hips backwards and forwards at a slow pace ramming his penis into Karen's pussy.

Pick~ plook~ plook...

"Noooo!!! Master, stop, it hurts, please pull out..." Karen couldn't do anything.

"Pain? Don't lie, your body enjoyed it so much that your pussy was even wet while being raped by me, right?"

Zen was annoyed that this woman was lying, look at her, her pussy gripped my cock tightly.

As if telling my cock to ejaculate into her womb.

"Ah! I'm not Aaahg??" This is so good... What's going on?

"I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum inside!" He accelerated the thrusts.

"Nooo!" The faster Zen's hips moved, the more delicious her pussy became.

With a final thrust from Zen, both twitched tremblingly as they released their respective fluids.

Thick semen gushed all over Karen's womb, some even dripping out.

"It's not over yet, Karen!" Zen smiled triumphantly.

He kept at it and poured his sperm into me.

From that moment on... I lived as his slave.

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below

PA TREON LINK:https://www.patreon.com/touyama