
Maken-Ki: Harem King

The story is about the world of Maken-Ki, but it turns out to be a combination of the hentai world and our asshole zen protagonist. Note : This is a revised version due to many word errors in the previous novel. But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below PA TREON LINK:https://www.patreon.com/touyama

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Kamen Rider

All eyes on Zen, he stood up and walked towards the stage.

"Who's that handsome guy?" whispered one of the girls.

"He's so handsome!" Another girl blushed.

"You?" The principal was quite curious, this new student was quite brave.

"Oh! Sorry, my name is Manyū Zen, I'm a new student, nice to meet you," I greeted everyone.

"Kyaa~ he's so handsome and cool" The female students shouted in excitement, while the male students looked at Zen jealously.

"Manyū?" Is this the child sent by that smelly old grandfather,

"Well since you want to replace him, let's start the match," the principal shouted.

Zen saw the protagonist's aura slightly eroded because the plot was interrupted, as he warmed up, the yellow-haired loli looked at him with hostility.

"Oe, Baka! You're from the Manyū family" She looked annoyed as she approached Zen.

"Oh! What's up chibi?" Alu asked curiously if he knew the Manyū family.

"Who are you calling chibi! Fool! Because of you, I failed to fight my nemesis." The loli looked angry.

"Mah... Mah! Don't be so angry, your opponent now is me himegami-san" Zen smiled.

"Arrogant! Just watch me teach you a lesson" he walked to the opposite direction and prepared to fight.

"You guys are ready!!!" The principal shouted to start the match.

Loli lowered her guard thinking Zen was just an ordinary human who had not learned Maken or the elements, she waited for Zen to attack first.

'Just as I thought, look how I beat you' I thought, I slowly walked towards the loli while my hands began to unfasten the belt around my waist.

"Wait! What are you going to do!?" The loli was surprised.

"Doing what? I just want to take off my belt" she looked confused.

"Don't joke, you pervert, don't come any closer" before she finished speaking, Zen disappeared from her sight and appeared in front of her.

"Gotcha!" Zen chuckled.

"Got... what?" Loli looked up and realized that her hands were bound by Zen's belt.

'It's a good thing my pants aren't loose and I have my servants to thank for their tying skills being this good,' Zen thought.

"You lose!" Zen pointed his finger towards the neck while his left hand held the belt that tied Loli's hands above.

"Kyaa~ it's like a kabedon!" The woman shouted.

"How romantic!" Another girl was excited.

"Youth is the best!" The principal gave a thumbs up, he just realized that the student council president and vice president were staring at him.

"Ehem... The winner is Manyū Zen!" The principal shouted.

Zen took the belt from the loli's hand and put it back on his waist, while the loli looked at Zen with a strange look.

"You're lucky I let my guard down this time, you'll know I won't hesitate to use the elements on you," she turned her face away.

"Loli tsundere" I muttered.

"What are you saying!" The loli looked angry.

"Ah, nothing" I would rather keep my mouth shut than add to the problem.

"Principal! Since I won, may I challenge you?" she said making all the students surprised.

"Huh? Why do you want to challenge me, you're too easy, you could get hurt by me" the principal was curious.

"I'm just curious about the weapon called Maken and the elements used by those female students, because I also have the same tool but different" I replied.

"The same tool as Maken but different? Oh! That's interesting, but since I'm the principal, I appointed the student council vice president, Haruko, to fight you with Maken," the principal said.

"Eh! What? Me?" Haruko looked surprised.

"This is it, you have to show the new students what Maken is" the principal ordered her onto the stage.

"Please help senpai! Please don't be shy!" Zen said looking at the female protagonist.

"No, as gratitude for taking over the shooting, I mean the other students, I won't hesitate to show my strength"

The key! The gate of heaven!

"Heaven splitter" Haruko chanted an incantation and light appeared in the hand forming a weapon, it was a murakumo, the original eight most destructive Maken.

"So that's Haru-nee's Maken weapon," the protagonist was surprised.

"An interesting weapon but... mine is equally interesting, do you know Kamen rider?" Zen asked.

"Kamen riders?" Haruko looked confused.

"Let me show you what a Kamen rider is!" Zen raised his hand slightly, followed by a shining light that revealed a belt in his hand.

He put the belt around his waist and it wrapped around him, "Zero One Driver" he took out a key and pressed the button on the side of the key.


"Eh! That's like..." the male students were shocked.

A voice sounded and Zen observed the belt lock.


A holographic prototype appeared beside Zen, jumping up and down, he made a Kamen rider-style henshin.

"Henshin!!!". Advance!

The rising Tobiagarise Hopper!

Its body slowly wrapped around and the green beast split itself into several parts of Zen's body.

The leap into the sky turned into the rider's kick.

"Kamen rider Zero One" Particle light appeared in his hand and formed a sword.

"The sword fence is fair, isn't it!" Her smooth voice made the charisma of Zen in Kamen Rider form even more.

"KAMEN RIDER!!! IT'S KAMEN RIDER!!! Even better looking than the one on TV!" The men there were thrilled that Kamen Rider had appeared.

"UOOOGH!!! Look at that hensin, it's so cool!" One of the students got goosebumps at the instantaneous change.

"As expected of Bangka's old grandson, even he already has the power before knowing Maken" muttered the principal seeing Kamen rider's form.

Zen attacked at high speed, actually he was just playing around with the student council representative while thinking of ways to approach him.

Two weapons clashed, "Come on haruko- senpai! Show me your skills" Zen smiled behind his helmet.

He made a small sword from his scabbard while the aura around increased the plane.

"Hoho... That's a lot of energy, let's finish it off with one strike then" Zen said.

Increased impact!

Electric Energy appeared at his feet and he made a signal stance.

"Alright then!" Haruko smiled "heaven destroyer!" Her sword glowed and released powerful energy.

"Wait what!" The protagonist was shocked, a man could not hurt a woman, let alone a haru-nee.

Zen dashed through the air, "Horseman's kick!!!" Performing Kamen Rider's signature technique, his legs shot towards the student council vice president.

"Haaaaa!!!" Haruko wanted to slash her sword upwards but suddenly Takeru appeared in front of her.

"Don't hurt Haru-nee!" The protagonist intended to parry Zen's Rider kick.

"Bastard!" Zen hurriedly opened his belt to dispel his Kamen Rider form so that his Rider kick could be canceled, what he did not expect was Haruko's attack that shot towards his body.

It seemed that Haruko was unable to cancel her attack, and the attack instead hit Zen's body who was no longer wearing the rider camera armor.

"Uuggg! Damn kid!" Zen's body was dragged by the sword light from the vice president's attack, his body shot upwards and hit the ceiling of the school building.

"Kyyaaaaaa...!!!" The women cried out in alarm when they saw Zen falling from above, as if fainting or... pretending to faint.

The principal jumped up and caught Zen who was falling in mid-air, all the ladies saw the handsome white-haired man collapsed with wounds on his chest and face.

Seeing the handsome face injured, all the women looked at the protagonist with deep hostility.

"Umm..." Takeru was looked at anxiously by many people.

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below

PA TREON LINK:https://www.patreon.com/touyama