
Make You or Break You

An Enemies to Lovers Story Xavier Woods is the CEO of Woods Enterprises Ltd, who is a ruthless, heartless, and unforgiving businessman. After being betrayed by his ex-lover, he now sees quiet and shy women as opportunists, selfish and untrustworthy. Rosaline Barker, a quiet, shy, reserved and ambitious young woman. Who has a lifelong dream of working in one of the best company in New York, but growing up in an abusive home and a very small town had her doubting herself. What will happen when these two crosses path with each other? Will Rosaline’s charms be enough to win the ruthless billionaire over?

Mirabelliousgem · Urban
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25 Chs

Second Chance

𝙓𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙧'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

Seeing Rose lay desolately on my arms unlocked all emotions I had locked away. I couldn't breathe for a few minutes, I wished for nothing else but to see her open her eyes and smile at me. I don't want to believe that she's gone, she can't be gone. I didn't even get to do anything for her, how can I live the guilt of knowing I put her in this position because of my selfish choices.

Watching her go down sucked all breath away from my lungs, I felt her pulse, she had a very faint pulse and that's the hope I held onto with my entire being. She might still have a faint pulse but she doesn't have much time, deciding against waiting for the ambulance, I rushed her in my car and drove madly to the nearest hospital.

She was shot in the right side of her stomach and the bleeding hasn't stopped yet. After what felt like hours, we arrived at the hospital and I didn't hesitate to carry her almost lifeless body to the ER.

My presence at the hospital earned a couple of gasps from me and a lot of people taking pictures and also videos of the situation but I couldn't care less. Rose is dying and I can't lose her.

"Where are the doctors!!! Somebody please help!" I screamed frantically as I held Rose tight in my arms.

A few doctors rushed to me with a stretcher and helped me gently place her on it, they pushed her into the emergency room and I was asked to wait outside.

Not wanting to interrupt with their operation, I stayed outside. Looking at my hands, and my body I felt extremely scared. Her blood stained all over my white shirt and I couldn't stop my hands from trembling.

I sat on one of the steel chairs in the waiting room after washing off the blood in my hands. I brushed through my hair with my wet hands to dry it up a little bit. I rested my palm on my forehead as I silently prayed to God that the surgery was going as it should.

A few moments later, the door opened and my mother rushed in to my side. I didn't even bother to ask her what she was doing here as all I could think of was Rose.

"Oh son! Are you hurt? What happened?" She bombarded me with questions immediately.

I looked into her eyes with my bloodshot eyes and felt tears well up in my eyes once again.

"Rose, sh-she was shot." Was all I could say. She pulled me into a hug and I immediately hugged and hurried my face in her neck as I cried bitterly.

"Shhh! Everything's going to be okay. She's going to be fine, she's a strong girl." She consoled me.

I hugged her tighter and cried profusely.

After a few hours, the doctor finally walked out of the operating room. I rushed over to him and waited for him to break the news.

He sighed heavily.

"The operation was a success."

I finally let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

"The bullet had penetrated the abdominal wall, causing significant damage to the stomach. The patient's vital signs have been stabilized post surgery, and she'll be moved to our intensive care unit under close observation." The doctor explained.

"Can I see her now doc?"

"You can't see her for now, she needs to rest now but after a few days you will be allowed to see her. We can only allow you to take a quick look at her from the glass window of the ward."

"Okay doc. Thank you so much." I felt relieved.

"I must say that the road to full recovery may be challenging for her, and would require ongoing medical attention. She'll receive post operative care, including pain management, nutrition support and physical therapy. Please excuse me."

He then walked away to his office after tapping on my shoulder lightly. For the first time since I heard of the ransom, I smiled genuinely.

I hugged my mother happily and felt my heart leap with joy. My Rose is fine, she'll be fine in a few months. Thank goodness.

I escorted my mother to her car and got in with her. She asked her driver to drive us to my estate so I can freshen up and change my blood stained clothes.

Upon driving in my estate, I saw a sport car parked just outside my garage. Exiting the car I saw Alesia, standing ever so confidently in front of the entrance of my house. Anger suddenly grew in me, I stared at my mother in disgust.

"So this was why you insisted on driving me instead, so you can stand as a shield for her? You're pathetic." My voice hoarse.

"Son listen to me, Alesia is the only woman right for you. At least you did right by that girl and gave her a good medication. She can go away whenever she recovers, Alesia isn't going anywhere. She's here to stay now."

I grabbed her arm roughly as earned a gasp from her and Alesia, she tried to get out of my hold but I tightened my grip on her old arm.

"Didn't I warn you against meddling in my business "mother"? What did I tell you about bringing this whore into my estate? Do you forget so soon or you choose to have selective amnesia?" Releasing my grip a bit so not to hurt her further but still holding onto her.

"What do you think you're doing Xavier, let go of your mother right now. Can't you see you're hurting her?" Alesia's irritating voice ringed in my ear.

I released my mother's arm and picked up my phone, I dialed a number.

"I want more security in my estate, and send in a few men to get some pests off of my estate. And never ever let any of them in or else, I'll make sure you never have a dollar in your name." Then I hanged up.

"Son I am your mother, no one knows what's best for a child unlike his mother. That girl isn't best for you, she almost got you killed for heaven's sake, ever since you've met her it's been from one trouble to the other. Why can't you realize she's just using you for your money?"

Then I lost it.

"And you aren't? Isn't the reason why you're tossing this cheap hag at me because of my money? Because you want to have a certain control over my bank accounts? Are you any different from what you're accusing Rose to be? Aren't you both criminals? You should be ashamed of yourself, I curse the day you made me call you mother cause you're not fit to be one. Now never show your face in front of me ever again." Then I walked inside, leaving them to their shits.

I then quickly freshened up and hurried back to the hospital to move her into a different and private hospital.

I will make sure to protect her with my life, I'll forever cherish this second chance.