
Make You or Break You

An Enemies to Lovers Story Xavier Woods is the CEO of Woods Enterprises Ltd, who is a ruthless, heartless, and unforgiving businessman. After being betrayed by his ex-lover, he now sees quiet and shy women as opportunists, selfish and untrustworthy. Rosaline Barker, a quiet, shy, reserved and ambitious young woman. Who has a lifelong dream of working in one of the best company in New York, but growing up in an abusive home and a very small town had her doubting herself. What will happen when these two crosses path with each other? Will Rosaline’s charms be enough to win the ruthless billionaire over?

Mirabelliousgem · Urban
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25 Chs


𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

6 𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘴 𝘓𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳

My recovery journey hasn't been easy but with the presence of Xavier, I was able to pull through. He never left my side, he always made sure I was okay. He had explained everything that happened and the reason he acted the way he did, and no matter how hurt I felt that he had little trust in me, I still forgave him.

I kinda understood him, he was only trying to be extra careful not to make the same mistakes again. I had grown to love him more than ever, and although he hasn't told me the L word yet, his actions were enough to convince me that he indeed loved me.

I smiled just thinking about him and almost immediately, he walked in with a tray full of candies. I squealed like a little child and took the tray from him, immediately attacking a Snicker bar.

"How are you feeling princess?" I smiled.


He belly laughed which also made me laugh at how cute he was.

"You're so cute princess." He whispered in my ear.

"Not as cute as you Xavier." He smirked.

"I'll be leaving for a business trip soon, i might have to stay for a while there. But I promise you I'll make sure to always call you all the time, so you don't miss me too much. Okay?"

I suddenly felt sad.

"How long will you be gone?"

"About 2 weeks, but I'll try my hardest to be back in a week."

"Where are you going to?"

"Italy." Was all he said.

I sighed heavily. "Why don't you take me with you? You always make sure i don't leave your sight. Aren't you worried I might get hurt?"

"Princess I would take you with me if it wasn't a dangerous situation, you know I'll never put you in harm's way again. I already doubled the security plus Rivera will arrive in about 30 minutes. So you won't feel lonely, I also want you to have this."

He dips his hand in his pocket and brings out a black platinum card. My jaw immediately dropped.

"Is this what I think it is?" My voice wavering a little bit.

"This is for you, although it took me a while to get you one but it is in your name. I figured you'd feel more comfortable spending your own money, instead of mine."

"I can't accept this Xavier, this is too much of a gift for me. I don't even know what I'd get with this kind of gift. I have some money saved up from my salary, Rivera and I will be fine. Okay?"

"Tsk, I insist." He places the card on my hand and I stared at it for a while before smiling at him.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Tears welled up my eyes.

"You sound like I'm dying or something." He smirked.

"I'll die with you."

His eyes snapped to mine immediately and he stared at me with an unreadable expression on his face. I stared back the entire time and suddenly felt hot in the cheeks.

We were now inches away from each other and feeling a little bit hotter, I moved away a little bit but was gently pulled back into his arms and almost immediately, he crashed his lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync and the emotions that zapped into our kiss made heat pool in-between my legs.

His teeth lightly grazed my bottom lip and I gasped, giving him entry into my mouth. He explored every angle of my mouth with his tongue and I did same. Unbuttoning his suit jacket and pulling it down his shoulders, he unbuttoned his shirt right after and pulled it down his chiseled arm. Having tossed it on the couch, he resumed kissing my lips.

My hands roamed up and down his abs, and as the kiss deepened, my hand went further down. Careful not to hurt my already healing gun shot wound, he pulled off my lace night gown and lust immediately flashed in his eyes.

My core throbbed and all I wanted was for him to devour my kitty, but I knew that would be impossible cause he'd hurt me in the process. Suddenly realizing he's feeling skeptical about going further, I moved in for a kiss and he kissed me back hungrily.

I woke up to the beeping of my phone and rubbed my eyes gently, I must have fell asleep after our make out session. I touched the other side of the bed and realized it was cold, which meant Xavier had been gone for a while. Picking up my phone, I turned off the alarm and scrolled through my messages. I stopped scrolling when I came across a strange message that had been sent an hour ago.

It was from a no-id number so I clicked on the message and read its content. The message was asking me to go to a particular location at a particular time to witness something peculiar that involved Xavier, immediately I saw Xavier's name, it picked my interest so I checked the time and found out i had 15 minutes to get to the location.

I sneaked out of the estate and hailed a taxi, fortunately for me there was one on stand by. I got in the taxi and sighed heavily. What could be going on with Xavier? I felt so curious and restless.

After finally arriving at the location, I realized this was Woods Enterprises LTD. Why was I asked to come to the company? Was this one of Xavier's games? Is he going to propose? My heart accelerated in anticipation.

I walked inside the building and gaped at how absolutely beautiful and expensive it looks. I greeted everyone and made my way to the top floor, with my sweaty palm, I tapped my heart in a bid to calm it down and walked to the office as soon as the elevator door dinged.

Standing outside the door, I took deep breaths to calm my shaky hands and couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. In a swift move move, I pushed the door open and almost immediately my smile faded.

Right behind his big mahogany desk was Xavier going in and out of a female that happened to be Alesia on his desk. The sound of wet skin slapping against each other and his hoarse grunts filled the office. I immediately got blinded by my tears and a heavy sob broke through my mouth and instantly, his head snapped to mine and all his movement halted.

Not believing what I just witnessed, I ran out of the office to the elevator praying that it was already at the top floor. I sobbed uncontrollably as i frantically pressed on the button.

Soon enough he caught up to me and held my hand and disgust shot all through my body. How long have this been going on? Has he been cheating on me this whole time? Does this means he lied about his business trip? Was he really going to spend a week fucking her? I felt extremely disgusted that I suddenly had the urge to throw up, and so I ran to the restroom and emptied the content in my stomach.

Feeling extremely weak and nauseous, I walked out of the restroom with Xavier hot on my heels. After feeling lightheaded, I gave one final weak look at Xavier and felt life leaving my body. So i succumbed to the darkness.