
Make You or Break You

An Enemies to Lovers Story Xavier Woods is the CEO of Woods Enterprises Ltd, who is a ruthless, heartless, and unforgiving businessman. After being betrayed by his ex-lover, he now sees quiet and shy women as opportunists, selfish and untrustworthy. Rosaline Barker, a quiet, shy, reserved and ambitious young woman. Who has a lifelong dream of working in one of the best company in New York, but growing up in an abusive home and a very small town had her doubting herself. What will happen when these two crosses path with each other? Will Rosaline’s charms be enough to win the ruthless billionaire over?

Mirabelliousgem · Urban
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25 Chs

Smooth Rescue

𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I was livid, I didn't know what to do or how to feel. All I did was cry and fear for Xavier's safety, I didn't care about my parents.

"I won't repeat myself, I'll count to three and if you do not let her go, I'll blow the brain of your precious biological daughter off." His voice was dangerously low, and I knew he meant every word he said.

It took me about 5 minutes to digest what Xavier just said, what does he mean by biological daughter?

Noticing the confused look on my face, he sighed heavily and stared deep into my soul as if consoling me inwardly.

"They're not your biological parents, that'll explain why they never had any ounce of love and affection for you. You were taken from your parents at the hospital when you were born by that man." He pointed the gun at my supposed father now.

My hands trembled as words became hard to speak. I immediately turned my head to look at my mother who was staring at me wide eyed, waiting for any sort of explanation or for them to at least deny it. But nothing was said, they all kept mute.

"Mom? He's lying right? He can't possibly be saying the truth right? You didn't take me away from my parents right? Answer me!!!!" I screamed impatiently as my mother now began to cry and sob heavily.

My panicked father pushed the gun further into my head as his hand continued to tremble.

"What difference does it make knowing the truth huh? You're still that slutty little girl who you've always been. You must be relieved to find out we're not your biological parents huh bitch, maybe i should just blow your brain out and then blow mine off. How about that?" He laughed like a sick maniac.

Heavy sobs raked through my body, the truth was too heavy for me to handle, that explains why they never treated me with care or love. They robbed me from the love of a parent, they stole me away from people who would have loved me dearly. They stole 22 years of my life that I can never get back. All I wanted was revenge, I hated them. All of them! I wish they'd all die, a very slow and painful death.

I took one last look at my mother and all I felt for her was pure hatred, hatred I never thought I had in my heart. Whatever love I felt for her was gone, it made me feel suffocated by all the emotions going through my mind. Then Xavier spoke.

"I'd like to see you try." Then he signaled for one of his men to bring something out and they came out with a devastating looking Rena.

Her cries filled the warehouse and I instantly saw my mom jerk her head forward to take a look at her daughter who had a slick looking handgun pointed to her head. She screamed immediately and ran out of hiding, my heart sank.

How could I have been so oblivious to the truth all these years?

"Noooooo!!!! Don't hurt her please I beg you." She cried. "Don't hurt my baby." My mother who had been silent all these while, pleaded for the life of her daughter.

"Mom!!!!! Mom please help me, I don't want to die." Rena's cries filled the warehouse again.

"Le-let her g-g-go pl-please, she has nothing to do with this." For the first time in my life I witnessed my dad stutter. Uncontrollable anger surged through my body and immediately I felt my other hand free from the cuffs, i but the sides of my father and he screamed in agony.

I then attempted to run towards Xavier but not before a loud gun shot was fired causing me to halt in my tracks. I turned around and found out my dad had been shot on his shoulder and was bleeding profusely. I then continued to run until I felt immense pain rush through my upper body, that I realized I've just been shot.

A few more gun shots were fired and in a matter of seconds the whole warehouse was a screaming mess. I dropped to the floor in a slow motion but before my head could hit the ground, warm strong hands caught my head. Pain once again shot through my body as I groaned.


"Shhhhhh don't say anything, yo-you-you'll be fine, just save your breath for me please. Oh my God."

The almighty Xavier Woods trembled beneath my skin, his voice shaky and his eyes teary. I smiled as I felt all my strength slowly seep out of my body.

I decided to close my eyes a bit to ease off the pain.

"No no no! Baby don't close your eyes. I promise you you'll be fine. WHERE THE HELL IS THE GOD DAMNED AMBULANCE!!!!" His voice boomed around the warehouse. Feeling my airway blocked, I coughed a couple of times and coughed out black blood.

After coughing a couple of times, I had accepted the fact that I'll probably go to rest soon. After all, I was pretty exhausted from all this pain. I wanted to go now, I want to be free from this pain, it's too much.

"Ple-please le-le-let me g-go Xavier, I'm to-too tired now." I pleaded as the words came out more like a whisper but was very loud enough for Xavier to hear.

Heavy sobs broke through his body as he pulled me closer to his chest and cried in my hair. I felt my heart sting painfully and then used my last strength to cup his tender cheek as I smiled.

"Thank you for making me the happiest person on earth." Then I felt life zap out of me and in an instant darkness overtook my body.

"No no no!!!! Rose open your goddamn eyes please!! Don't die on me." He cried. "I promised to make all your wishes come through, I haven't even done half of it. Please don't leave me Rose! How do I live without you? How can I lose you when I just found you.? I'm so sorry I treated you like an option, I swear on my life I'll treat you right. Ju-just open your eyes for me okay? Fuck is the goddamn ambulance?" He screamed at his men as his cries filled the warehouse.