
Make It Perfect

I will get the ending I want.

quiverycacti · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 - Signs

I have finally arrived back at my house without the day restarting.

In order for me to fully make the ending I want I first need to write down everything that happened in the web novel, webtoon, and game.

I wrote everything that I could remember in the three source materials and got everything in order.

According to my knowledge, the next event that will happen is the stalker event.

Cha Eunji became a model at the age of 16 due to her slim body

Also, don't even let me get started on the face.

She looks more stunning in real life than in the webtoon.

An innocent face that looks like she was handcrafted by god himself.

Many people actually simped for Cha Eunji when OE existed.

And with Cha Eunji's rising popularity as a model, some will of course stalk her and either kidnap her or kill her if they confessed and got rejected.

The problem is I don't know when it's going to start and in what way.

From the web novel to the game, the way this event started is all different.

I can only try to look out for some signs from all of the source material.

This ability to restart is going to be the key point into reaching the ending I want but I need to figure out what triggers this ability.

I do want to try something with this ability but I'll not test it now.


It's a few days and nothing has happened.

I kept my guard up and looking at Cha Eunji from time to time to see if any of the signs showed up in her demeanor.

But nothing happened.

I sometimes invite her out during lunch to see if anything changed in her eating patterns.

But nothing happened.

What makes this more harder is that she's way too observant.

I need to constantly avoid her eyes whenever I'm observing her because I don't want to look like a creep.

Ok, this lunch I need to keep an eye out if she eats less than usual, eats slower than usual, or doesn't eat at all and depending on what she does, I will know which source its from.

"Cha Eunji-ssi would you want to eat lunch with us?" I asked Cha Eunji.

"Sure! Also you don't need to be so formal." She insisted. "You can drop the honorifics."

Are we that close to drop the honorifics?

This might feel uncomfortable but sure.

"Sure thing Cha Eunji." I replied

Cha Eunji smiled at me

Always with that damn smile

Anyone would've died ten times over if she always smiled at me.

We went to the cafeteria, went in line, got our food, and sat at our spot.

While we were eating I finally saw what I was looking for.

She hasn't touched her food!

Which means we are going with the web novel version!

Which also means I got the hard difficulty...

Since the three source materials differ from the way the event happened, I categorized them in three categories which is easy, normal, hard. 

Easy are the ones that happened in the webtoon.

Normal are the ones that happened in the game.

While hard are the ones that happened in the web novel.

Man why did the author made the events so hard in the novel.

Well I can't do anything about that so now let's start the hard stalker event.