
Make It Perfect

I will get the ending I want.

quiverycacti · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 - Intervention

Good thing I learnt how to act because of my parents because if not I would've melted right then and there!

We three walked towards the cafeteria while knowing more about each other.

Although I knew everything about Cha Eunji, she didn't know anything about me.

Now that I think about it, can't I basically make any of the heroines in OE fall for me?

I may not have the looks but I do know everything there is to know about them.

The only problem is that I need to use this information in moderation since I don't want to be called a stalker by knowing too much about them.


We have arrived at the cafeteria.

"Woah! The cafeteria is so big!" Cha Eunji said ecstatically

"If you go  left then that's where the food is" I told Cha Eunji

"Ok then! What about you though?" She asked.

"I'll catch up with you later, I'm going to find a table first" I said to her calmly.

She then left and went in line while me and Suho tried to find a table.

"Bro, how'd you manage to invite her?" Suho said with a puzzled face. "You don't even invite me out to eat."

"Don't tell me you fell in love with her?" He said with a mischievous smile.

"No I didn't" I told him in a hassled tone.

"Are you sure about that?" He pressured on.

"Yes." I told him with a serious voice.

"Ok ok whatever you say." Suho said, looking like he's still not convinced.

"Sigh, well we found a spot, I'll go take our food while you stay here."

"You're going to eat what you usually get right?" I clarified

"Yep, same as usual." He replied.

As I was going to Cha Eunji still in the line, she got approached by a boy.

It was as bright as day that he was hitting on her since she has the looks and all.

Wait… This is from the webtoon version in which Cha Eunji got hit on but the MC protected her and got rid of the boy.

This was also from the game and I had two options, leave it be or help her out.

There's no MC in this world since no one named 'Ho Eun-woo' since that was the name of the MC in OE.

I could try to replace the MC but can I really do it?

In the game, if you help out you will fight the boy but of course since it's the MC he wins one-sidedly.

In all of the versions of OE the MC had a good physique, good at muay thai, and rich.

I don't have that. I only have my tongue and my brain.

The rest of my body was useless, though I have better stamina than the average student.

One wrong word and my face would be flat on the floor.

I looked towards Cha Eunji's face and she looked like she was so pressured and almost shed a tear.

She was always weak to coercion so that's why she looks like that.

I remembered the two times she died falling off and the sad face she made when she died so without thinking much I ran over to her and faced off with the boy.

"I'm sorry to inform you but she's with me." I said with a cold stare at him

"Oh really? I didn't know, my bad. "  He said with an apologetic look.

He then left and went to eat with his friends.

Huh? That was way too easy?

Surprisingly he was an understanding and decent human being.

The MC said in the novel, webtoon, and the game is...

'Considering your looks, you don't stand a chance'

Ah... now I know why they fought.

The MC just immediately insulted him 

How stupid can you be?

Well it's fine now since he doesn't exist right now.

"Are you alright?" I looked back and asked.

"Thank you so much." She said that while on the verge of tears.

I forgot that she was such a crybaby.

"That's settled so why don't we get our food?" I asked

"Okay." she said with a smile as always.

We got our food and went back to our table.

Man, I really thought I was about to go fight someone.

Good thing he has a brain.

"Dude, what'd you do to Cha Eunji? She's about to cry." He said with a cold look.

"I didn't do anything, there was just someone trying to hit on her." I replied.

"You sure the one hitting on her wasn't you?" He replied back.

"We've known each other for years now, do you think I have the skills to do that?" I said to him.

"Well, yeah there's no way in hell that you can ever pull a girl." He said while trying to tease me.

"Oh fuck off." Annoyed by what he said.


Cha Eunji was talking to a group of girls wanting to show her the view at the rooftop.

Now she's in a dilemma, some girls wanted to show her the view at the rooftop when school is over.

But she have to do something at home.


'I mean I think it'll be quick anyways so why not?' she thought to her self.

Cha Eunji and some girls made their way towards the school rooftop and was stopped when they saw a sign.

'Restricted Area.' The sign wrote.

She asked one of the staff.

"Oh, the railings suddenly broke so it's dangerous to go onto the school rooftop for now." The staff answered.

"Too bad, it seems like I won't be able to see the view from the rooftop."

"There's still another time so I might as well go home now." she told to the girls.


Great Cha Eunji is going home.

Good thing right after we ate lunch I went to the rooftop and intentionally broke the railings then reported it to a teacher.

With the rooftop being restricted, she can't die now.

Now that I prevented her death it's time to go home now.