
Make It Perfect

I will get the ending I want.

quiverycacti · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 - Realization

Cha Eunji's face looks more miserable than the last time!

There were more tears that ran down her cheeks!


I regret ever doubting myself.

Please let me go back.

I will fix this.

In the blink of an eye I was suddenly back in my bed and my alarm suddenly went off.

"It seems like I really am going back in time." I said to myself.

Ok I still have some time to recollect my thoughts in order to comprehend what's happening.

I took out a notebook and a pen in order to organize my thoughts.

"Ok so To One's Eye has started to mix with reality since characters are here. And I don't think this is just acting since Cha Eunji died twice and I didn't see a hint of a production team or anything." I mumbled while writing it down.

"I have the power to regress back in time like a checkpoint. I'm assuming when one of the main girls from OE dies since it didn't work when I wished for me to turn back in time when I tested it earlier but I should still be careful since I don't know the full mechanics of this." I whispered to myself as I doodled a timepiece.

"Now the weirdest part is that any trace about OE is gone. I've checked the internet and some of the merchandise I've bought but they are gone." I grumbled "So instead I have to rely on my memories of the web novel, webtoon, and game since it seems like all three of them are used as the source material."

Then my sister yelled downstairs saying "Hey! Honja! You're going to be late!"

Oh right!

I hurriedly took a bath, got dressed, and went to school.


I've kept everything the same as it was last time since I can't afford doing a butterfly effect.

"Now that it's lunch Cha Eunji should come over to me and ask me that question." I mumbled

And as I thought, Cha Eunji came to see me.

"Hey! You're Lee Honja right?" she cheerfully said. "Hopefully we didn't step on the wrong foot since you were the only one who was looking at me with such wide eyes when I was introducing myself."

"Ah no it's just a misunderstanding" I told her "It was just that you were so pretty that my eyes couldn't believe itself haha…"

Man, I am not good at flirting.

I am already cringing from saying that ughhh!

Her face became red and as she was flustered.

"Ah! Uhm! I-I mean i-if that's what you think hahahahaha…" she said erratically


She must think I am a creep now.

"Ahaha, well, me and my friend were about to go get lunch and if you're not too busy, then do you want to join us?" I insisted.

"I mean, I don't really have plans so sure!" she replied enthusiastically with a smile.