
Make It Perfect

I will get the ending I want.

quiverycacti · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 3 - A Dream?



How did she die?

Why did she die?

Isn't someone supposed to protect an actress?

If that's so then why do I see the cold and lifeless body of Cha Eunji in front of me?

I saw her lifeless dead eyes and saw a bit of tear droplets running down her cheek.

Then I realized something.

This is one of the endings in the game of OE.

If the MC didn't do anything towards Cha Eunji, she would've died by the hands of that girl who accidentally pushed her.

I can report her but her death cannot be reversed.

She's dead.

I closed my eyes for just a second to fully comprehend the situation but when I opened my eyes, I was in my room, laying in bed.

I was confused as I was laying in my bed.

My alarm clock rang as it should be the time for me to wake up.

I immediately turned it off and recollected my thoughts.

Didn't Cha Eunji just die?

Why am I suddenly here?

The only solution that I have come up with is that it was all a dream.

I mean come on, those events were too unrealistic.

I got up, took a bath, got dressed, and walked to school.

Now I was walking towards my school when someone tapped on my shoulder.

I turned around only to be met with someone's index finger at my cheek.

"Gotcha!" Shouted by Suho

"Suho, why are you doing this again?" I said to him with an annoyed tone.

"Well I got nothing to do anyways." Suho said cheerfully.

"Besides, you left me solo-queueing in ranked when we said that we'd duo." He said while looking at me with a sympathetic face.

"Well I was busy playing the new OE(To One's Eye) game." I told him.

"What's OE?" He said confused.

"You're joking right?" I said in an irritated tone.

"I'm serious though? I have never heard of OE." He said sounding a bit confused

"What?! We always talk about it on a daily basis!" I said in a shocked voice.

"I have never heard of that" Suho said, puzzled by what I've said..

Wait, why do I get the sense of déjà vu from the entire conversation?

While I was lost in my thoughts we had already arrived in our classroom

We both seated seated  next to each other and waited until class starts

*Ding Dong* The bell rang.

My homeroom teacher arrived with an ecstatic attitude as always.

"We have a transfer student that will be joining us today!" My teacher said excitedly to the class. "You may come in now!"

A beautiful blonde haired girl with emerald green eyes walked into the room.

"Hello everyone!" she said out loud. "I am Cha Eunji and I will be joining you all so please be kind!" 

Everyone was blissfully surprised that the new transfer student is someone pretty and seemed extroverted.

My eyes widened.

Not because Cha Eunji just appeared but all this seems all too familiar.

From the tone of voice to the movements of her body.

It's like the dream I've had before…

Let's not overthink this since overthinking has led to some bad decisions in the past.


As time passed, the bell rang for lunch.

"Hey Honja! Hurry up!" Suho said. "We are gonna be stuck in a longer line if you take too long!"

"Yeah yeah." I replied

I was getting up from my chair until Cha Eunji approached me.

"Hey! You're Lee Honja right?" she cheerfully said. "Hopefully we didn't step on the wrong foot since you were the only one who was looking at me with such wide eyes when I was introducing myself."

"Ah, no. You must be misunderstanding it." I said to her calmly "I was just shocked on how you looked like someone I know"

"Phew." She breathed a sigh of relief "Good thing that wasn't the case since I don't want anyone to hate me."

"Well still, be careful" I said to her in a serious tone.

"Ah. Ok then, thanks for the heads up!" she told me as she smiled at me.

She is a spitting image of the webtoon version.

Even with that smile.

Me and Suho left and ate our lunch.


School is over so I might as well head home.

As I was walking out of the school building, I heard a scream.

"Someone's falling off the rooftop!" A girl screamed

Wait, I feel like I've been through this before.

If my guess is true then I think I might know what's happening.

Cha Eunji is going to die.

As I thought about that, Cha Eunji's cold and lifeless corpse fell down to the ground with blood splattered all over.

This was in my delusional mind the moment I woke up since the dream I dreamt of was too vivid and real but.

It really seems like I went back in time.

But this was dumb of me.

I doubted myself at first that I regressed back to this morning but I could've at least gone the extra mile to keep Cha Eunji safe!

Why did I do that?!

I don't even know if I can go back again!   


I am so dumb!



Then my eyes suddenly looked onto Cha Eunji's face.

I noticed something that made me sick to the stomach.