
Energy and Metal

I take a deep breath, focusing on the hologram floating before my eyes. It's an impressive sight, the

I take a deep breath, focusing on the hologram floating before my eyes. It's an impressive sight, the ring unfolded in all its virtual glory, waiting for my next command.

"Chip! Separate this ring into two components, the body and the letters!" I command with determination, focusing my mind on the task ahead.

The hologram shines intensely for a moment, and then it splits perfectly, as if the letters once engraved on the ring had been removed and now floated separately.

But before I can ponder the meaning of this division, the body of the ring starts to vibrate and tremble before my eyes, as if reacting to my manipulation.

"A chain reaction?" I murmur in surprise, watching with fascination as the color and blue glow of the ring's body intensify.

And then, a small explosion erupts in the virtual world, a dramatic demonstration of the artifact's reaction to its separation.

But instead of feeling fear or alarm, a smile forms on my lips. My hypothesis was correct. The letters were more than just decoration; they were a sort of stability code for the ring. In other words, the ring was a safe artifact, but by damaging it, it became a small potentially dangerous bomb, capable of exploding and causing serious damage to the arm of the person wearing it.

After the ring's explosion, I feel compelled to seek more concrete answers. "Chip! Do you recognize this energy the ring emitted in its explosion?!"

The chip's response is direct and concise: "Insufficient data to formulate a satisfactory response!"

Frustration and determination mix within me. I can't accept this lack of information. So, I decide to rely on my own technical memories to expand the chip's database. "Chip, analyze my mental field and extract all my technical memories related and correlated to the scientific fields I know, and use them as your database."

The chip seems to process my request, initiating the extraction process of my scientific memories.

"Loading Memories... 0.1%"

"Loading Memories... 0.2%"

Time seems to drag as I anxiously await the completion of the procedure. After about ten interminable minutes, all my scientific memories have been extracted and the chip confirms: "Task completed!"

Now armed with a broader knowledge base, I reformulate my question to the chip. "Chip! Do you recognize this energy by any chance? Does it have any similarity with any known energy?"

A small screen appears in my field of vision as the chip begins its analysis.

"Comparing Kinetic Energy..."

"Comparing Biomass Energy..."

"Comparing Thermal Energy..."

"Comparing Light Energy..."

"Comparing Electrical Energy..."

"Comparing Other Energies..."

I wait calmly for the result. And then, finally, the chip responds: "Similarity found: 20% electrical energy, 30% light energy."

I observe the hologram of the ring before me, eyebrows raised in perplexity at the strange fusion of energies it represents. Electrical and light energy... An intriguing and potentially dangerous combination, but how is that possible?

I ponder the characteristics of each form of energy. Light energy, which can also be simply called light, is a special form of radiation that can be seen by the human eye. It manifests in different scales in aspects such as brightness, illumination level, flux, and intensity, and travels in the form of electromagnetic waves through the air. Meanwhile, electrical energy is generated by the movement of charged particles along a conductor.

A smile of excitement forms on my lips. I am facing something new, something that defies the conventional laws of physics. The possibility of unraveling the secrets behind this peculiar energy is irresistible.

I decide to question the chip about my theories. "Hey, chip, do you think wizards use this strange energy to create technology? After all, it would be an excellent fuel to light up a city, make electric motors and converters work, among other things."

The chip's response is manual this time. "Probably, if I base it on a technical approach, that would be possible. However, this energy has unusual characteristics. It cannot be controlled by electrical wires, nor absorbed by solar panels. It seems to be alive, different from the energies I know. How this ring was made, I still don't know. I need more information."

I nod in understanding, absorbing the chip's words. "Okay, now redo the ring's hologram!" I order, determined to delve deeper into the mysteries contained in that small artifact.

As soon as the order is given, the letters that were floating in the air disappear, and the 3D hologram of the ring reappears before me, ready for more experimentation and analysis.

"Heat this metal to 2000 degrees Celsius!" I command confidently, watching closely as the chip executes my order. (That's about 3632 degrees Fahrenheit)

The ring vibrates slightly in response to the temperature increase, but remains untouched, its shiny surface resisting the extreme heat. I cross my arms, pondering this surprising revelation.

"The melting point of this metal is higher than the vast majority of known metals, higher than cobalt itself!" I murmur to myself, amazed at the impressive resistance of the ring's metal.

My thoughts revolve around the impossibility of engraving the letters on the ring's surface with such precision, given the extraordinary characteristics of the material. "Holy shit! How did the creator of this ring write these words on its surface with such precision?" I question aloud, my mind spinning in circles as I try to find a logical explanation.

After a moment of reflection, I decide to push the limits of the metal even further. "Chip! Increase the temperature to 3000 degrees Celsius!" I order, watching with anticipation as the chip raises the intensity of the applied heat. (That's about 5432 degrees Fahrenheit.)

This time, there is a noticeable change. The metal of the ring begins to take on a red hue, indicating that it is nearing its melting point. However, even under the extreme heat, the metal remains firm and solid, defying all expectations.

A chill runs through my body as I absorb the information. "Chip, is this metal a good thermal conductor by any chance?" I ask, my heart racing with anticipation.

The chip's response is direct and terrifying: "No!"

A shiver of fear runs down my spine as I confront the reality before me. "This is not an ordinary metal; it can withstand extreme heat and still not conduct that energy to another body," I ponder, my eyes gleaming with the discovery. "It is perfect for being refined and turned into rocket plates."

I compare it to cobalt, which is also ferromagnetic and has high resistance to heat and corrosion, making its primary application in the composition of special metal alloys that are used in industrial and aerospace equipment and machinery.

A smile of excitement forms on my lips. If this metal had existed in my past world, the possibilities would have been endless. "We could have colonized other solar systems with much more ease," I murmur to myself, my mind spinning with the implications of this discovery.

As I daydream about the incredible potential of this metal, I am interrupted by the chip's voice. "The host's adrenaline has increased by 45%, I recommend the host breathe and calm down!"

I take a deep breath, following the chip's advice, allowing myself to relax and calm my racing heart. After a few moments, I open my eyes again calmly, focusing on the task at hand.

I look at the ring before me and decide to explore its properties further. "Chip! Increase to 3100 degrees!" I order, watching in fascination as the metal of the ring begins to melt, entering a liquid state under the influence of extreme heat.

"So... its melting point is 3100!" I conclude, marveling at yet another discovery.

Determined to document and preserve this important experiment, I issue another mental command to the chip. "Save this experiment in the database and deactivate the virtual lab."

With a soft hum, the virtual environment around me begins to disappear, leaving me back in my room.

As my thoughts dive into the possibilities and wonders of this new world, a feeling of gratitude settles in my heart. "This world is everything a scientist could ever want," I think to myself, marveling at the infinite opportunities that stretch before me. Every discovery, every mystery to be unraveled is a blessing I could never have imagined before.

The sound of knocks on my bedroom door pulls me out of my reverie. "Knock~~! Knock~~!" I get up from the chair and walk across the room to the door. I raise my hand and turn the doorknob, the click of the lock filling the air as I push the door open.

There I stand, paralyzed before this grotesque creature that towers over me at 2 meters tall. (About 6.5 feet.) Its disproportionate limbs tremble with grotesque intensity, while the sunlight reflecting off the corridor windows casts distorted shadows over its monstrous form. Its head, a macabre mix of pig and human, emits guttural grunts that echo strangely.

Its gaze, fixed on me, conveys a sense of pure malice and despair. The bulging eyes shine with a threatening light, as if each spark of life were a reminder of endless torment. Its torn clothes hang from its body like bloodstained rags, testament to an existence marked by the pain and agony of its mutant body.

"Thump~~" "Thump~~" My heart beats uncontrollably in my chest as I try to process the sight before me.

"Adrenaline has increased by 50%, please calm down and think rationally!" The chip's voice tries to calm me, but it's useless.

My mind screams to run, to flee from this abomination that defies logic and reason. But my muscles refuse to obey, frozen by the fear that spreads like a cold shadow through my entire being, its hoarse voice echoing down the corridor. "Breakfast is ready and will always be at this time, lunch is in 7 hours, and dinner is 7 hours after lunch!" it growls, its lifeless eyes staring at me for a moment before turning and moving on, knocking on the next door.

"Knock~~" Knock~~"

A young man opens the door, but unlike me, who simply froze, he lets out a high-pitched scream, a shrill sound that echoes down the hallway. "Aaaaaaaaah!"

The mutant monster seems indifferent to the boy's screams. "Breakfast is ready!" it repeats, its voice cold and unperturbed.



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