
William and Pimpou

Upon seeing the boy faint and the monster remain indifferent, I watched it start to move away, returning to the place it came from. After all, my room is at the end of the second floor of this airship.

But something else caught my attention besides the fainted boy: the message the chip showed me.

"Beep! Danger alert!"

"Danger alert!"

"The host's body is extremely close to a source of danger. It is recommended to move at least 1000 meters away!"

Without hesitation, I questioned in my mind: "Chip, what's the problem? This monster won't attack me, it only came to warn the students to go have breakfast."

The chip responded quickly: "The air around this creature is filled with strange energy particles, the same energy you extracted from your ring earlier. If you are exposed to this energy for too long, your body will suffer irreparable damage."

After hearing the chip's words, I frowned, worried about the thoughts forming in my mind. But I soon pushed them away, after all, there was nothing I could do at that moment.

All I could do was accept the situation and strive not to freeze in fear, as happened before. In a real battlefield, this freezing could have cost me my life.

Still standing at my room's door, after calming down from the initial scare, my gaze moved over the boy's body on the floor again. He looked so fragile, with his thin silhouette and simple clothes. In the blink of an eye, my brain labeled him as a complete second-rate poor.

I decided to ignore him, turning to close my room's door and starting to walk down the long hallway of the airship.

The hallway stretched out before me, punctuated by doors from which young people emerged and headed to the dining hall. The monster from before did not follow us; it diverted to a lower floor, descending some stairs.

Conversations echoed through the hallway, filling the space with unsettling murmurs. Some students commented among themselves about the monster, expressing fear of its relentless fury. "Holy shit! Did you see how that monster's eyes were full of fury? If it had permission, it would devour us alive!" one of them said.

A more robust boy, wearing a brown leather outfit, took a deep breath and tried to calm them down. "No need to worry. It won't do anything. That monster is just a magical slave. If I'm not mistaken, they are the results of some mage's experiments on this airship."

As the words echoed among the crowd of students gathering and forming groups towards the cafeteria, I felt a shiver run down my spine. Mage experiments? That creature, then, was a human who had been subjected to some form of magical experiment? The idea made me shudder as I pondered the sinister secrets the airship might harbor.

"Damn! In my previous world, experiments on humans were completely forbidden, but here the mages do it openly..." I thought internally as I continued to walk through the airship's hallway.

In my previous world, ethics and morality were unwavering bastions against the savagery of power.

Human experiments were condemned without hesitation, considered abominations perpetrated by sick minds. But here, in this new world, mages seemed to operate in a different sphere of influence, where the laws of ethics seemed more malleable, or even nonexistent.

As I pondered these questions, I arrived at a large dining hall that stretched out before me. It was a spacious area, with rows of tables and chairs occupied by students chatting animatedly.

The tables were made of dark wood, polished until they shone under the soft light emanating from the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Each table was surrounded by comfortable, upholstered chairs arranged neatly. The atmosphere was similar to a university, with students of different ages and appearances sharing the same space.

As I approached the large counter where the cooks served food to the hungry students, I ignored the murmurs and laughter around me. My focus was entirely on the task ahead: grabbing a tray and tasting the flavors of this new world.

The cooks were also mutant monstrosities busy behind the counter, moving with dexterity as they prepared and served a variety of dishes. The delicious aroma of fresh food floated in the air, making my mouth water in anticipation.

Getting closer, I observed the different dishes displayed on shiny trays. There was a variety of options, from traditional dishes according to my memories to more exotic creations that piqued my curiosity.

I grabbed an empty tray and started to move along the counter, carefully selecting the dishes that caught my interest. I felt the curious gazes of the other students on me, but it didn't bother me.

After a few moments, my tray is filled with a variety of food. I take one last look at the counter towards the monsters with empty eyes as if they have lost hope in living, before I walk away to find a place to sit.

I choose a solitary spot, in a chair strategically positioned behind a large stone pillar. It's as if I am hiding, seeking a temporary refuge from the commotion of the cafeteria. However, my position offers more than just concealment; it provides me with a wide view of the entire area, allowing me to observe without being noticed.

I sigh as my eyes wander around the cafeteria, landing on the cooks in the distance. Their disproportionate bodies and contorted expressions reveal a silent agony, a true manifestation of the dark side of this unknown world.

I turn my gaze to the tray in front of me, pick up the spoon, and begin to eat in a calm and reflective manner.

Then, suddenly, a deep male voice cuts through the air of the cafeteria, interrupting my thoughts. "Are you trying to die? You little piece of shit!" My eyes turn to the commotion, finding a tall, muscular young man with red-hot hair, blue eyes, and a scar on his face staring at a smaller boy with fierce eyes.


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The smaller boy looks distressed, "Sorry!! Sorry!!" His words of apology spill quickly from his lips as he bows before the other. A spilled tray of food on the muscular boy seems to be the catalyst for this tense interaction.

I observe the scene with calculated calm, my interest piqued by the dynamic unfolding before me.

"What is your name? Piece of shit!" The muscular boy's voice resonates with relentless authority, instantly silencing the murmur that filled the cafeteria. All eyes turn to the interaction between the two young men, as if they suddenly became the center of attention.

The skinny boy timidly lifts his head, his eyes behind his glasses showing a mixture of fear and submission. "Sorry... William, I didn't see you, I have vision problems. My name is Pimpou Wirk."

An arrogant smile spreads across William's face. "No... Your name from now on will be piece of shit!"

"POW~~" A quick and brutal blow is struck, William's fist meeting Pimpou's face with devastating force. I watch as Pimpou falls backward like a ripe fruit falling from a tree, his frail body unable to withstand the impact.

"AAAhhh~~" A scream of pain escapes his lips as the broken glasses dig into his eyes and his nose starts to gush blood.

William shows no signs of remorse, seizing the opportunity to consolidate his dominance over the situation. "From now on, anyone I see talking to piece of shit will be my enemy!" His voice echoes through the cafeteria, defiant and arrogant.

The ensuing silence is deafening. All the weaker students absorb William's words with a mixture of fear. A mental note is made by everyone present, marking Pimpou Wirk as someone to be avoided at all costs, a pariah in the already hostile environment of the cafeteria.

I watch from afar as William delivers another brutal blow, kicking Pimpou's defenseless stomach with his boot.

"Pow~~" A muffled sound of impact.

"UUlllhh~~" Along with the impact, the air is filled with the sound of Pimpou's suffering.

While Pimpou suffers in silence, almost blind and bleeding on the floor, the other students around simply ignore his agony. The spectacle of violence seems to be a mere distraction, a momentary interruption in their own selfish concerns.

I observe all this with a mixture of repulsion and dismay. It's as if I am witnessing the brutal laws of nature in their purest form: the strongest prevail, while the weakest are left to fight for scraps of mercy.

My eyes drift to the cooks behind the counter, their cold indifference like a mirror of the apathy that permeates this place. They continue to serve food as if nothing is happening, as if Pimpou and the other young people there are nothing but insignificant shadows in their monotonous existence.

I slowly connect the dots, my mind absorbing the harsh reality of this relentless place. Here, the law of the jungle reigns supreme, and compassion is a luxury that few can afford. The stronger youths dictate the rules, dominating the weaker ones, while those who are dominated are reduced to mere cattle living in a cruel and inhuman game.


1558 Words


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