

Under each tent, there were signs displaying the names of the academies, along with details such as areas of specialization and the famous mages who taught there. It was evident that all this effort was aimed at helping us choose an academy aligned with our elemental affinities.

I looked at each of the signs, reflecting on my own affinities. "My elemental affinities have great destructive potential if used intelligently," I thought, feeling a surge of determination. I took a deep breath, realizing that I had finally reached the end of the grand conference of Magical Schools. My gaze fell on the ring on my right hand. According to the goblin, its value was estimated to be around 10 magical crystals, an exorbitant amount.

I remembered the father of this body, Baron George Vol. To obtain a single magical crystal, he had to fight the worst battles of his life, suffering deep wounds and nearly losing his life.

I sighed and issued a mental command: "Chip, compare the patterns on the ring on my finger with the banners of each of the Schools I've passed before!"

After my order, the chip began to work: "Beep! Mission initialized..."

"Starting comparison..."



The scanning speed was impressive, and in less than 30 seconds, the chip brought the result. "Scan complete, comparing with the database."

"Comparison completed!"

The results showed levels of similarity:

1. Tower of the Great Sun Mountain, 70.9%.

2. Blood Forest Tower of Lerpel, 34.4%.

3. Mystic Tower of Sage Pingu, 23.1%… Among others less relevant.

"So, these three academies have the highest probabilities?" I murmured to myself, stroking my chin thoughtfully.

From the various introductions of the academies, I remembered that the Blood Forest Tower specialized in the elements of Blood and Plant, as well as creating magical slaves via blood. Although intriguing, this didn't seem like the best option for my affinities.

The Mystic Tower of Sage Pingu focused on arcane wisdom and hidden mysteries, with a more theoretical and contemplative approach, which didn't align with my desire for destructive power and action.

The Tower of the Great Sun Mountain seemed to be the best choice. They were famous for their specialization in the Light element, a pure and devastating power if used correctly. Moreover, their rivalry with dark mages suggested a clear opposing alignment that could firmly position me against users of darkness, making me a natural adversary of those like Raven and his dark school.

"Hm... I hope Mavia doesn't dare have bad intentions against me in the future, and even if she does, I will dominate her again and make her my sexual slave and servant."

I decided that the Tower of the Great Sun Mountain would be my choice. Not only because of the high similarity with the ring but also for the potential growth and clear path it offered me.

As I approached the tent of the Sun Mountain School, I noticed a group of young people gathered around. My imposing size immediately drew their attention, causing them to avert their gaze in a mixture of surprise and intimidation. My muscles, sculpted by the breathing technique, clearly intimidated these young ones who had not yet become mages.

I ignored their presence and focused on the large tent. It was completely white, adorned with golden letters, simple and beautiful, unlike the other extravagant and strange tents scattered across the field.

Upon entering, I was enveloped by a calm environment that emanated a warm aura. The sensation was comforting and at the same time energizing, making my hair stand on end.

"A warrior? It's been some time since I met a warrior with an affinity for light!" A voice sounded out of nowhere, echoing through the space.

I looked around, trying to identify the source of the voice. "Where are you? Who's speaking?" My voice echoed in the silent tent.

Suddenly, I felt a soft shock coursing through my body. "I think this will make your eyes hurt!" The voice announced.

In the next moment, the environment shone intensely. A light so strong that I had to raise both hands to cover my eyes, the reflection almost unbearable. I felt the light piercing through my closed eyelids, enveloping me completely.

When I finally managed to open my eyes, blinking against the blinding light, I noticed a figure emerging from the center of the tent. A beautiful woman, dressed in long white robes with golden parts that shone like the sun itself. Her eyes were green, and her white hair flowed down to her breasts.

Around her, books and scrolls floated, and something in the shape of a staff stood beside her, as if it were alive, just waiting to be used.


Example Image Here.


"Welcome to the tent of the Tower of the Great Sun Mountain," she said, with a voice that was both gentle and authoritative. "I am Elara, one of the few teachers at the academy! What do you desire?"

I took a deep breath, feeling the intensity of the moment and bowed before her. "Hello, my name is Charles Vol and I am here to enroll in the school."

She did not smile, but the light around her seemed to pulse softly. "Then you have come to the right place. Light is an affinity of great power, but also of great responsibility... It only accepts the strongest, the weakest fall into darkness, and become dark mages."

I nodded at Elara's words, but didn't understand, how can dark mages exist? Is there a way to change the natural affinity of the body? I shook my head, ignoring these unanswered questions and said, "My determination is strong."

She maintained her serious and indifferent expression and said, "Give me your scroll!"

As I handed the scroll to Elara, my hand brushed against her skin, and I felt a maternal warmth that almost made me want to kiss her. It was as if a primal impulse took over me, but my rationality prevailed, and the fear of death screamed in my heart, keeping me in control.

I trembled, confused by that absurd momentary desire. "What was that?" I thought, swallowing hard as Elara examined the scroll. "Four stars? Not bad," she said, her soft and melodious voice entering my ears.

I noticed something strange: my feelings were being stimulated in an unusual way. Something about Elara attracted me deeply, even without her realizing it. Obviously, a mage like her could easily force me to do anything and wouldn't need to use such indirect methods.

I decided I needed an immediate defense. I issued a mental command: "Chip! Block my libido!"

The chip activated some nanoparticles and responded, "Libido blocked. I recommend not leaving the libido deactivated for too long, as it can cause many hormonal problems over time."

I ignored the chip's warning and tried to stay focused. "Noble Elara," I said, my voice firm despite the inner turmoil, "before starting, I would like to see the rules established by the Sun Mountain School."

Elara looked at me with the coldness of a tomb and said, "Of course, Charles. The Tower of the Great Sun Mountain has a set of strict guidelines to ensure the development of all its students."

She gestured, and a small table of light materialized in front of me, with an open scroll. The rules were clearly written: "According to ancient laws, by choosing the Sun Mountain Tower as your school, you will have the right to attend the tower's basic classes, as well as enjoy five years of residence with lodging and food paid within your financial possibilities. It is also permitted to use Culture Points as a form of payment to acquire books available in the Library and items among the students."

"Culture?" What are Culture Points, I wondered, my mind spinning, and I realized it must be some kind of currency used within the Sun Mountain Tower. Besides, I noticed that everything there is paid, but I don't need to worry because with my chip, I will be able to make money, perhaps even open a shop if possible.

After finishing reading, I looked at Elara and nodded. "I understand! I have grasped the basic terms now. May I know what kind of payment is required to enter the school of the Great Sun Mountain Tower?"

Elara replied indifferently, "10 magical crystals or an item of equivalent value!"

Without hesitation, I responded, "I will use this item to exchange!" I raised my hand and removed the ring from my ring finger.

"You seem to have an interesting trinket!" The light in Elara's eyes shone with curiosity.

Elara's white and feminine hand took the ring and placed it in her palm, then she took out an item similar to a magnifying glass to inspect it. She examined it thoroughly, her eyes shining with intensity.

"Hmm… It is indeed very interesting, I haven't seen these patterns in a long time!" She murmured to herself. "A low-grade magical artifact! It appears to have been created at the Sun Mountain school, and there's an inscription carved from a hastily made spell formation, but it's broken. It's worth at least 10 magical crystals!"

She turned her gaze to me, her eyes now softer. "Are you willing to mortgage this ring for your school fees? Once you have decided, sign the ancient contract of our School!"

"I accept!" I responded calmly, with clear determination in my voice.

Elara then took an ancient scroll, unrolling it in front of me. The contract was written in an arcane language, with runes that glowed softly. She handed me a magical quill, and I signed my name on the scroll, feeling a slight tingling as I did so.

Elara said, "I declare the contract formed!"


1652 Words


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