
Magic Cores

After signing my name on the parchment, Elara said, "Take this key! Go back and rest. Tomorrow we will continue our journey back to the school!"

She pulled out something that looked like a metal castle door key and handed it to me. I looked at the key and saw that it had the number '7' engraved on it.

"Thank you, noble Elara, have a good day," I replied, bowing like a noble. Then I turned around and started to leave the tent.

As I left with the key in my hand, a smile began to form on my face. "Finally, my adventures in the magical world are about to begin. Now I just have to wait a few more days until the journey ends, and I will have access to magical knowledge," I thought, full of expectations.

I walked with firm steps, leaving behind the tent of the Tower of the Great Sun Mountain. Behind the school's recruitment area, there were rows of wooden cabins erected. In the middle of them, young people of both genders were coming and going. These cabins seemed to be the temporary residences of the acolytes.

As I walked among the cabins, I observed the diversity of the young people. Some were laughing and talking animatedly, while others seemed focused on their own thoughts, perhaps reflecting on the next steps in their magical journeys.

Finally, I found the cabin with the golden inscriptions of the Sun Mountain. The key fit perfectly into the lock, turning with a satisfying click. I pushed the door open and entered.



Sun Mountain Tower Tent



Elara moved gracefully through her spacious tent, where the light on the tent's fabrics shimmered passively.

Elara glided to the chair and sat down, crossing her legs elegantly. Her posture was imposing but relaxed, as if she were completely in control of everything around her. Elara's eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and satisfaction. She raised her hand to her white hair, tossing it back, while an enigmatic smile formed on her lips.

"Hahaha... it is rare to find someone who seems to resist the passive charms of a mage," Elara murmured to herself, still savoring the memory of the recent encounter. "Even though I wasn't really using any force, he managed to talk to me calmly." She imagined the scene, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "What expression would that giant make if he saw me naked? Would he lose control and act like a perverted dog, and would I have to kill him so that no one would find out?"

Elara shook her head slightly, still smiling, and then her eyes fell on the ring she was now holding in her hands.

"I hope he has the same determination on the magical journey he is about to begin, otherwise...." she whispered, her smile becoming sharper. She twirled the ring between her fingers, already planning the next steps in her cunning mind.



As soon as I entered the cabin, I noticed several doors around; there seemed to be about ten doors, certainly for each possible student's room. The environment was silent, and it seemed tight and small for my current size. I sighed and put the key Elara had given me into my pocket and said, "Chip! Activate my libido, remove the block."

With its electronic voice, the chip sounded in my head saying, "Libido activated..."

I felt my body becoming lighter and my energy increasing. It was as if a vibrant energy had been released inside me. I looked around, observing the numbered doors, and my eyes fixed on door number 7.

I walked towards the room, the sound of my footsteps echoing lightly in the almost palpable silence of the cabin. Outside, none of the students bothered to come and greet me, perhaps because they were absorbed in their own worlds or simply ignoring my presence. I understand them. In a new environment, everyone has their own concerns and anxieties.

I am sure that whoever is inside these rooms heard the door opening when I entered. Maybe they are watching, waiting for some sign. I decided to ignore them too, at least for now.

I opened the door to room number 7.

A smell of rot and rust invaded my nose, making the air almost unbreathable.

"Atichim~~ Atichiiim~~" I sneezed uncontrollably twice.

Clenching my fists, I murmured to myself, "It seems this is just a meeting point, so the accommodations are quite precarious!"

Besides a bed and a chair in the wooden cabin, there was practically nothing else. The environment was austere and left much to be desired in terms of comfort. I found an old cloth in a corner, probably left there by some other unfortunate guest. I wiped the chair, trying to remove the accumulated dirt, and sat down.

"Crack~~ Creak~~"

The wooden chair creaked continuously, making me fear that it would break into pieces at any moment. The quality was lamentable.

"Fortunately, it's only for one night! In this condition, it would be better to clean up a bit first!" I said, more to myself than to anyone else.

After cleaning the chair and lifting the bed sheet, which was visibly dusty and dirty, I decided to lie down, hoping to find a minimum of rest. However, as soon as I lay down, I heard the unmistakable sound of wood breaking.


The bed collapsed under my weight and broke into several pieces. I felt my anger rising rapidly, a throbbing vein appeared on my forehead. All the accumulated frustration exploded in a shout of rage: "Fuck! Goddamn it!"

I got up from the wreckage of the destroyed bed, trying to control my breathing and temper. The situation was ridiculous and extremely irritating.

As I settled into the least uncomfortable corner of the cabin, loud voices began to echo from the other rooms.

"I'm trying to sleep, can you shut up?!"

Before I could respond, another voice shouted, "Dude? Today I almost died because the mage on my airship decided to throw my sister into the air, for something that wasn't even directly her fault, so shut up because I'm trying to sleep."

And more voices joined the cacophony: "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, I want to sleep!"

The cacophony of voices elevated my frustration to a new level. I nearly lost control and shouted, "Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?!"

My deep voice echoed with clear irritation. "When I leave this room and find you, I will give you a beating and teach you a lesson, because it seems you don't understand your situation!"

As my words penetrated the environment, silence fell like a heavy mantle. However, a single voice, equally strong and fearless, retorted: "Sure... Sure... Now shut up, because I'm sleepy!"

The male voice showed no fear, and that surprised me. I took a deep breath, trying to master the irritation bubbling inside me. After all, the blame for my room being so bad wasn't these people's fault.

The silence that followed was oppressive, but it also brought an unexpected relief. I reflected on the situation: everyone here was facing their own battles and challenges, and I needed to keep that in mind. My frustration should not be directed at them. They were just strangers in an equally precarious situation.

Settling back into the corner, I closed my eyes, letting my breath calm down.

After all, I need a calmer mind because tomorrow would be a new day.



Mavia was seated in an old dark wooden chair, intricately carved with designs. The room around her was lit only by flickering candles, whose flames cast dancing shadows on the stone walls covered by old tapestries. In front of her, standing, was Raven, the skeleton wrapped in a black cloak that contrasted with his snow-white bones. In his bony hand, he held a crystal ball that glowed softly with an ethereal light.

"So, Mavia, do you accept to be my personal pupil?" asked Raven, his voice echoing with a grave and supernatural timbre.

Mavia, with her long golden hair cascading over her shoulders, moved her head slowly. Her green and blue eyes were fixed on a corner of the room, where she seemed to be listening to something no one else could hear. "Should I accept or should I refuse?!" she murmured, conversing with the voices in her head, the duality of her mind reflected in her uneasy tone.

Raven's empty eyes shone with a spectral light as he continued to speak, the crystal ball emitting a pulsating glow. "If you accept, I will be your personal teacher and guide you on the path of magic. Inside this crystal ball, there is a technique to form Magic Cores, something essential for everyone who wishes to walk the great path of magic."

Mavia, with an enigmatic smile, fixed her gaze on the crystal ball. The promise of knowledge and power was irresistible. "Okay, I accept!" she declared, her voice firm and determined.

Raven approached, extending the crystal ball to Mavia's small black hands. Upon touching it, she felt an intense cold that seemed to penetrate her skin. "With your talent, you are destined to shine, just like me. After all, someone with the talent of a sun doesn't appear every day," said Raven, his voice carrying a strange mixture of pride and expectation.

Mavia held the crystal ball carefully, feeling its smooth and icy surface. The light inside it seemed to spin and pulse, as if it were alive. "How can I open this crystal ball?" she asked, her voice resonating in a peculiar way, as if two people were speaking at the same time.

Raven smiled, or at least gave the impression of a smile, despite not having lips. "To open the crystal ball, you must first close your eyes and hold the crystal, letting the energy inside it penetrate your mind.

Close your eyes and concentrate. Feel the small flow of information from the crystal and let it connect with your mind."

Mavia closed her eyes, breathing deeply as she began to concentrate...


1702 Words


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