

The goblin spoke, and he quickly filled out the form with a quill, added the mark of his ring, and then handed the scroll to me. But before I could take it, he said:

"You have a good attunement with these three elements, but each element is different in itself. If you want to be a mage, I recommend that you focus your attention exclusively on a single affinity and develop it with all your strength!"

I raised my eyebrows and questioned, "But... I would be wasting the other two elemental affinities. Wouldn't that be a loss?"

The goblin shook his head as if he were talking to a complete ignoramus. He sighed and explained, "You are still young and will understand me when you start developing your affinities. Besides costing many resources, it's not just about monetary value, but also about how much you will be able to assimilate from the knowledge you bought."

I fell silent and thoughtful after hearing this.

The goblin handed the form back to me: "All right! The test is over. Walk out of the back entrance and start choosing your School!"

I bowed in respect, then left the tent.

As I exited through the back, a ray of sunlight came shining, bathing me in its light.

I smiled and thought to myself. This physical body may not have a 6-star talent, but that doesn't matter, because with my chip, I can assimilate any knowledge. And not just that, I can also enhance it, a feat even mages couldn't imagine.

Moreover, my magical affinities are surreal: Light, Thunder, and Fire. I looked at the distant sun that was shining and thought. I will not just be a mage of light, but I will be the brightest light!

After all, with my chip, I am destined to be the brightest light of all.

After thinking this, I sighed and said: "Chip, replay the state I was in before!"

"An unknown interference made the Host enter a state of hypnosis!"

"As expected!" My face darkened and, powerless, I whispered. "Fortunately, the other party had no ill intentions, otherwise…"

Deep down in my heart, the thirst for power only grew more intense.

I crossed my arms and waited for Mavia, who was still inside.

Time passed, and about 10 minutes later, Mavia emerged with a strange smile. She looked at me and said: "This queen is very talented, I am a 6-star sun!"

"What?" As soon as I heard Mavia's words, I couldn't believe it. How could a lunatic like her have such talent?

I looked into her eyes, of different colors, and asked: "What are your elemental affinities?"

Mavia crossed her arms over her two breasts, which are as large as melons, and said: "I have affinities with 3 elements, Darkness, Fire, and Plant."

Upon hearing this, I immediately realized that we couldn't go to the same schools. After all, my element is light, the antithesis of darkness. It's like water and fire, or like desert and ocean, both are so distinct that they are incompatible.

Seeing that I became thoughtful, Mavia looked at me and asked: "How many stars do you have?"

Feeling that my ego would be hurt by Mavia's twisted personality, I turned my face and started walking without answering, saying: "I forgot..."

"Liar!" Mavia shouted, following closely.

I wandered aimlessly through the wide field, observing the tents that stretched out before me. Each one seemed more peculiar than the other. To my left, a tent in the shape of a giant tree rose majestically. Its door was a fan-shaped opening, as if the leaves were being gently parted to invite me into its interior.

As I advanced, a particular tent caught my attention. It was as if it had been built from the strange skull of a mythical creature, with curved horns adorning the top. The entrance was the fierce mouth of the supposed skull, giving the impression that I was about to enter a haunted house rather than a tent.

Each tent I passed had its own unique aura, representing a different school of magic. Some were simple and discreet, while others were extravagant and ostentatious. But in each of them, I could feel some pulsing energy.

I felt a sudden sensation of heat and humidity in my hand, as if something were biting me. Surprised, I looked down and saw Mavia, with a serious expression, gripping my finger like a rabid dog.

Holding my breath, already accustomed to this girl's madness, I asked: "What are you doing, Mavia?"

She opened her mouth and released my fingers, proclaiming: "How dare you ignore this supreme queen? I am a sun! So, you must answer me: how many stars of potential do you have?"

A sun? The other young people who were coming and going stopped and whispered, looking at us with a mixture of surprise and envy.

"What? She's a sun?" A shadowy skeleton, wearing the robes of a dark mage, emerged from the tent that looked like an abyssal monster. His voice resonated as he approached: "Hello, child. It's a pleasure to meet someone like you!"

I shook my head, sighing inwardly. "Damn," I thought, anticipating yet another adventure provoked by Mavia's unique exuberance.

The skeleton, covered by a cloth mantle that seemed torn, had a skeletal appearance, with visible bones and a thin layer of skin covering his form. The skin looked dry like tree bark, as if it had been stretched over the underlying bones for many years. Where eyes would normally be, two flickering yellow lights glimmered faintly, almost like something dark and dangerous.


Image example here.


The skeleton completely ignored me, despite my being physically larger than him, and directed his gaze towards Mavia, who smiled and asked questions as if we were in a casual conversation. "My name is Mavia. What is your name?" she asked, her voice laden with curiosity and a hint of mischief.

The skeleton, despite his lack of vocal cords, opened his bony mouth and responded, "I am Raven, one of the teachers at the Great Dark Magic Tower of Eletiel."

"Dark?" Mavia repeated, her tone reflecting both fascination and inquiry.

The skeleton nodded, emitting a hollow sound of moving bones. "Yes, why do you ask?" he inquired.

I tried to open my mouth to say something to Mavia, to warn her to be careful, at least, and to apologize to the mage, but found that I couldn't speak. A sensation of paralysis spread through my entire body, as if a mountain were pressing on my lips, making it impossible to speak. Moreover, I realized I couldn't move; my body was immobilized, as if trapped by some invisible force.

I looked around and noticed that everyone around us was in the same condition. No one could move or speak, except Mavia and the skeleton Raven. A sense of discomfort and perplexity overcame me as I quickly understood what was happening.

"Damn..." was all I could think as I remained paralyzed, unable to even make a sound. My only option was to watch the conversation between Mavia and Raven, like a helpless spectator before the events unfolding in front of me.

Mavia looked at her small hands and proclaimed, "I have an affinity with darkness!"

Raven, despite being unable to smile due to his skeletal condition, showed some form of approval. The yellow flames in his eyes burned brightly, sending a shiver through the environment and causing a supernatural effect on everyone present.

"How interesting," he said, his voice resonating in the air. "I am certain that the Great Dark Tower of Eletiel will be perfect for someone like you. Come, I have something to show you."

The skeleton began to move towards the tent shaped like a monstrous skull, whose entrance resembled the open mouth of a legendary creature. With firm steps, he disappeared into the sinister entrance, inviting Mavia to follow him.

Mavia turned her gaze to me, her eyes brimming with determination and a hint of sadness. "This Supreme Queen has decided to follow her own path," she declared. "I hope we meet again in the future, King of this Queen."

As I watched Mavia follow Raven towards the dark tent, a sense of acceptance took hold of me. Even if I wanted to stop her, I knew it would be a difficult task. After all, I am still too weak, and in good conscience, I would never dare challenge the will of a mage like Raven.

Moreover, our fates were sealed from the moment I discovered she possessed the attribute of darkness. It was only a matter of time before we parted ways. The only thing that saddened me a bit was knowing I would no longer have Mavia's small, warm, and crazy body in my bed at night. And, unfortunately, I could no longer perform magical experiments on her peculiar body, which intrigued me so much.

As soon as Mavia disappeared into the tent, the invisible force that kept us paralyzed vanished. Everyone around began to move again, some with mocking smiles and others even daring to provoke me. "Haha, Giant doesn't need to cry, there are others like her out there!" one of them said, provoking laughter among the onlookers.

A fat man in the crowd added with a malicious air: "I guess someone's going to spend the night without fun, hahahaa!"

I ignored the unpleasant comments, keeping my head held high with determination, and then gave them a cold stare. Everyone immediately fell silent. I clenched my fists, sure I could kill everyone here with just my fists, but I maintained control and continued to walk, now alone, in search of a school that suited my own attribute.


1643 Words


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