
t's like fighting over house wine

Leif's teasing words made Olga Marie somewhat annoyed.

"Who do you think I am? How could I not see it!"

Olga Marie snorted coldly, stared at Rozen's simulated battle, as if she was staring at him, and spoke in a low voice.

"Did he share the feeling with his familiar?"

That's right.

Luo Zhen shared the feeling with his familiar.

Under such circumstances, the familiars that Luo Zhen summoned and spread throughout the forest became his eyeliner, and what he saw and heard would be fed back to Luo Zhen.

This is not such an astonishing thing.

Sharing feelings with familiars is not a strange thing, magicians with familiars can basically do it.

The problem is that Luo Zhen didn't just share the feeling with one familiar, but shared the feeling with hundreds or even thousands of familiars.

"Hundreds of familiars will feed back what they see and hear into his mind, allowing him to have more than hundreds of feelings. It's amazing that he won't be insane."

Lefe sighed.

"Not to mention, Luo Zhen is also perfectly using all the familiars, so that all the familiars have completed the effects of reconnaissance and even luring the enemy. This dominance is undeniable."

It is because of this that Luo Zhen understood the terrain of the entire forest in a very short period of time, found a large number of enemies in the forest, and even used his weakness of low intelligence to kill almost all All enemies are lured around the high ground they seek.

In this way, all these lizardmen became targets under the scope of the sniper rifle.

"If Luo Zhen's servant is the type that is normally summoned, then he can use the <Noble Phantasm>?" Leif said with a smile, "If he can use the <Noble Phantasm>, then, with his ability, We must be able to formulate better tactics."

——— <Noble Phantasm>.

That is the strongest weapon held by the heroic spirits, and it is also the trump card mentioned in the heroic spirit's legend.

Heroic spirits all have their own treasures, and their treasures also have the same performance, power and effect as described in the legend.

Sometimes they are weapons, sometimes they can also be shields, decorations, and even the nirvana used by themselves. They are the real trump cards that can determine the outcome of a battle.

If a heroic spirit is not very strong, but only at the level of a high-level familiar, but his treasure is extremely powerful, then it is possible to defeat the servant of the highest-level familiar.

The so-called Noble Phantasm is something that has such a powerful power to turn defeat into victory.

According to whether the treasure is powerful or not, the treasure is also divided into levels.

From high to low, it is divided into five levels: A, B, C, D, and E.

If the level is expressed in numerical values, the E level is about "10", and "10" increases as the level increases. Therefore, the D level is "20", the C level is "30", the B level is "40", and the A level is "40". The level is "50".

Under such circumstances, even if he is a high-level familiar, if the opponent does not have a powerful treasure and he has a high-level treasure, then he can turn defeat into victory and seal the victory with one move.

It's just that the level of the Noble Phantasm sometimes comes with the concept of "+".

For example, "A+" and "B+". In this case, it means that it can double in an instant.

The grade C book is "30".

However, the C+ level can double in an instant, skyrocketing to "60", thus surpassing the "50" of the A level.

This is the meaning of "+".

In addition, there is also the existence of "++", which means that it will be tripled in an instant. If there is "+++", it will be quadrupled, so strong that it cannot be increased.

By the way, above the A level, there is also an Ex level.

That means that it is so strong that there is no meaning for comparison. It is expressed in numerical values, that is, it is above "50", which does not meet the grades in the range of A~E.

Of course, if there is a doubling of "+", for example, the A+ level is "100", and the Ex level is also "100".

All in all, no matter what, the treasure is an extremely important decisive means for a heroic spirit. Even if he is summoned as a servant, his treasure will be brought down with his class.

Just like Luo Zhen's follower, if his rank is Archer, that bow is likely to be his treasure.

Perhaps before his death, the rider had treasures other than bows, such as swords, but the rider who manifested as an Archer would not have treasures such as swords, unless there were special circumstances.

This is the fixed direction for the appearance of a servant. As a servant of the Archer class, it will naturally be limited to the scope of the archer.

"Unfortunately, the kind of servants who imitate battle summoning will not have will, and their abilities will drop a lot. They can't even use the treasures that are trump cards."

Leif expressed it in a tone of regret or optimism that he didn't know.

"If you can perfectly summon servants in simulated battles, then the masters will be able to get more adequate training and even accumulate a lot of experience, right?"

Not only that.

If real servants can be summoned, Chaldea can also have bigger, stronger, and more combat power.

By then, human restoration will be able to proceed more smoothly.

That is to say...

"Chaldea still has a lot of shortcomings." Leif narrowed his eyes, and said to Olga Marie with deep meaning: "If you don't work hard, Chaldea will delay this talented person. Your Master's hind legs?"

"Tsk..." Olga Marie bit her nails again as if she had been poked in a sore spot.

Luo Zhen's excellent quality is enough to make people have such an idea.

It was because of this that Olga Marie became even more irritable.

"You obviously have such excellent qualities, why can't you be more serious?"

Olga Marie was so irritable in her heart, she kind of hated iron for being weak.


(Or, you simply...)

Somehow, Olga Marie's complexion turned pale.

At this moment, Leif on the side suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that Luo Zhen has finally encountered a little trouble."

Leif's words brought Olga Marie back to her senses, and she quickly looked at the screen.

I saw that around the big tree where Luo Zhen was, the surrounding lizardmen finally arrived.

"Anyway, is the number too much?"

Leif understood a little bit.

After all, Archer's arrows were limited, so if he sniped one by one, it was only natural that some fish slipped through the sniper point and rushed around.

In this way, coupled with the large number of enemies, the situation of encirclement was naturally formed.

"It's not a good thing to lure too many enemies."

Leif made this evaluation.

On the contrary, Olga Marie calmed down.

"It's okay. With his ability, this level should be fine."

Olga Marie expressed it so firmly.

For Rozen's lazy personality, Olga Marie did have all kinds of dissatisfaction.

However, most of this dissatisfaction stems from the hatred of iron.

In other words, at least, Olga Marie still recognizes Rozen's abilities.

Even though Olga Marie didn't know much about Rozen's current magic attainments, Olga Marie still didn't feel that Rozen would be entangled by this situation.

Don't say anything else...

"With his <Summoning> level, it is not difficult to summon a familiar that can fly with him, so that he can directly escape from the encirclement."

Olga Marie responded to Lefe like this.

I believe that with Luo Zhenna's mind capable of formulating plans to lure the enemy and kill the enemy, it shouldn't be taken into account, right?

"What's more, since such a high point has been defended, as long as there are no mistakes, it will not be easy for the enemy to climb up to the high point and take down them who are sniping from the high point."

Therefore, Olga Marie didn't think that Rozen would end the simulated battle here.


"Although I think so too." Looking at the scene shown on the screen, Leif said with some helplessness or bitterness: "However, the situation seems to be beyond our expectations once again."

Hearing this, Olga Marie was slightly taken aback, and then, the scene shown on the screen made her lose her composure.

I saw that under the evaluation of Olga Marie and Leif, Rozen, who should be able to deal with this situation calmly, not only failed to summon a flying familiar to escape the encirclement, but also did not approach the approaching enemy He was completely sniped, and after insisting on shooting dozens of lizardmen, he was climbed up a tree by a fish that slipped through the net, and came behind him.

Luo Zhen, who exposed his entire back, just before the servants around him reacted and was about to step forward to kill the attacking enemy, seemed to have no resistance, and was thrown by the angrily roaring lizard man. A blow to the head, using the thick stick in his hand, hit the vital point.

"No. 1 master battlefield, the simulated battle is over."

"Time spent: 18 minutes and 54 seconds."

"Battle evaluation: Pass."

"The infiltration of spirit sons is terminated."

Under the sound of such a mechanical sound effect, the staff in the entire command room fell silent.

Lefe's expression was still helpless.

Olga Marie stayed there, and then an uncontrollable anger appeared on her face.

But Roman, who had completely brought this scene into his eyes, was standing in the group of <Baskets> and constantly monitoring the changes in the masters' physical conditions, scratched his head and murmured like a sigh.

"Now, it's going to be a mess again..."

As soon as the words fell, the <casing> beside him was opened.



After the simulated battle was over, Luo Zhen who came out of the <Basket> first let out a sigh of relief, and immediately expressed his thoughts casually as if he had completed a troublesome task.

"Go back and continue playing the game."

The speech without the slightest sense of tension or frustration caused Roman on the side to show a very complicated expression.

As for the words, there is only one sentence left.

"Why do I, Romani Akiman, have such a bad brother?"

Romani Akiman.

That was Roman's full name.

However, I don't know since when, the people of Chaldea only called him "Roman", and those who could call him by his full name belonged to the minority among the minority in Chaldea.

And I also claimed that compared to my tasteless name, this title is very tasteful and has a "romantic" feeling, so I readily accepted it.

Thanks for this,

Luo Zhen, who is his younger brother, also got the abbreviation "Luo Zhen" for the same reason.

As for Luo Zhen's full name, it is...

"Lorelai Agnes!"

A sharp cry resounded throughout the central control room, announcing Luo Zhen's full name verbatim.

The anger and fury in the voice made all the staff present tremble, and even made Roman sweat coldly.

Accompanied by such anger, Olga Marie got down from the command room and came straight to Rozen.

As a matter of course, its beautiful appearance has long been distorted by intense anger.

"The... director...?"

Seeing the appearance of Olga Marie exuding strong anger, Roman seemed to want to say something nice for Rozen, but his voice was so cowardly that it didn't work at all.

Under such circumstances, Olga Marie suppressed her anger and swallowed up Roman's tiny efforts.

Olga Marie glared at Rozen just like that, and questioned loudly.

"What's going on with this result!?"

Facing Olga Marie's questioning, Roman didn't dare to say another word. Even Leif, who came down from the command room with Olga Marie, seemed hesitant to speak, and finally seemed to realize that This time, Olga Marie couldn't be persuaded anymore, so she could only give up and followed her.

On the contrary, Luo Zhen, who was the person involved, gave a rather dull answer as if he had expected this situation a long time ago.

"What's going on? As you can see, I ended the simulated battle."

The answer without a trace of introspection made Olga Marie even more furious.

"Are you trying to fool me!?" Olga Marie gritted her teeth and said, "You obviously have the ability to solve the situation just now and continue the simulated battle. Why did you end up like that!?"

This question, in exchange for only one sentence.

"Anyway, it's just a fight like having a house, isn't it?" Luo Zhen picked out his ears, as if he wasn't interested at all, and said, "Then, a pass is enough, right?"

With these words, Olga Marie clenched her hands tightly.

Fight like a house wine?

Passing is enough?

"In order to ensure the continuation of humanity, continue the future of human history, and protect the world of mankind, this Chaldea was born for this, and you, the masters, exist for this, and simulated battles are also necessary for this. Training and experiments represent the meaning of Chaldea and the hope of mankind, and you actually say that this is a housekeeping? Just passing is enough?"

Due to the intense emotion in her heart, Olga Marie not only trembled all over, but even her voice became deep and deep.

"What do you take this place for? What do you take the responsibility of protecting humanity?"

These words were clearly heard in Luo Zhen's ears.

Rozen immediately glanced at Olga Marie.

Immediately, she uttered a heartfelt statement that completely negated all of Olga Marie's insistence.

"Isn't it the laboratory you use for self-satisfaction?"

The sarcasm made Olga Marie's emotions completely out of control.

"go out!"

Olga Marie's order resounded throughout the space.

"My Chaldea doesn't need someone like you!"

So, Luo Zhen left the control room.

in the worst possible way.