
How could someone be so useless?

In the vast and silent forest, apart from the occasional one or two birds flying by, there is no trace of movement.

Luo Zhen led the servants with the rank of Archer, sometimes turning corners in the forest, sometimes going straight, and advancing without hesitation.

That decisive action doesn't look like he just came to this forest just now, but as if he has lived in this forest for at least a few years. His footsteps are not at all confused or hesitant, quite firm.

Of course, it's not because Luo Zhen is really familiar with this forest.

The battlefield of simulated battles is different almost every time.

This is to train the masters to effectively organize battles in various situations.

Of course, because of this purpose, the opponent is also different every time.

Sometimes it's a monster.

Sometimes it's human.

Even sometimes he is a follower.

"What is the opponent this time?"

Having said that, Luo Zhen already knew the true face of the enemy.

But, before that...

"I'm so tired..."

Luo Zhen, who had just walked for less than ten minutes, lay down directly.

Archer stopped behind him, lowered his head, and seemed to be looking at Rozen who was sweating profusely.

That look, it's like saying...

""How can someone be so useless"——you shouldn't be thinking about such things, are you? Archer? "

Luo Zhen turned his head and stared at Archer.


Archer remained silent and said nothing.

This is also of course.

The follower in front of him doesn't have such things as will and consciousness at all.

In other words, it was all caused by Luo Zhen's inferiority complex.

And as if for the sake of sophistry, Luo Zhen began to chatter.

"I was originally a magician, and a magician should stand in the guard position, shoot fireballs, and emit halos. How could I rush up to confront others like those rude idiots, so there is no need to be too good at all. physical strength, right?"


"What? You said you can exercise? That's what idiots would do! How can a magician exercise his body? That's a joke, right?"


"You said that modern magicians also have compulsory self-protection skills? That's definitely an illusion!"


"In the final analysis, in the Age of Gods, magicians were more pure. They would never do such stupid things as exercising. After all, they are magicians. Magicians should be more mysterious, more elegant, and more..."


"...Okay, I admit that my physical strength is not good."

Realizing that he was playing the piano to a cow, Luo Zhen, who became more sophistry and sadder, just got down on the ground, looking hopeless.

Perhaps Luo Zhen's superior magic ability was envied by heaven. As a price, Luo Zhen's physical fitness was extremely low.

If it's running, even Matthew can beat Rozen, and even Roman's good-for-nothing brother can crush Rozen physically, making Rozen a veritable champion in Chaldea. Sports idiot.

Now, this is reflected.

Although it is a rough forest road in the forest, walking in such a place, it is normal for physical strength to be exhausted, but after walking for less than ten minutes, he was so tired that he fell down. This shows how low Luo Zhen's physical strength is.

"This is the so-called "no one is perfect", and I can't help it. "

Luo Zhen seemed to be making excuses, so he comforted himself.


"We have as many familiars as we want."

Saying so, Luo Zhen snapped his fingers.

The magic power in the body flows, allowing the magic circle formed by the spells to form directly,

In a hazy mist, a huge wolf sprang out of it.


The big wolf howled and rubbed against Luo Zhen's chest, showing an intimacy.

"Good boy, come on, let me ride on your back."

Luo Zhen climbed directly onto the wolf's back, completely ignoring the fact that the wolf is a "tofu waist".


The big wolf immediately let out a sound like a loyal dog, and it was actually under the control of Luo Zhen, and continued to walk forward.

Archer followed silently again.

Not long after, the two of them and the wolf came under a tree.

It was a big tree that was obviously much bigger than its surroundings, and was an integer multiple of its height.

"It's here."

Luo Zhen closed his eyes for a moment, as if he had received some message, he confirmed that this was the place he was looking for, and got down from the wolf.

Looking at the huge tree in front of him, Luo Zhen began to give orders.

"Archer, take me up."

After receiving the instruction, Archer went straight forward, hugged Luo Zhen, jumped up, and showed amazing jumping power, stepping on branches one by one along the way, and rushed to the top of the tree.

Luo Zhen, who landed on the top of the tree, nodded, thinking about it.

"Archer should be a superior familiar, right?"

As a magician who is proficient in summoning, in order to better judge the abilities of his familiars, Luo Zhen graded the abilities of his familiars.

Lower-level demons: Individuals without any special abilities, such as ordinary wild beasts, ferocious beasts, and insect beasts, all belong to this level. The wolf summoned by Luo Zhen just now is one of them.

Intermediate-level familiars: Existences with certain special abilities, such as objects that understand magic, monsters that are out of the normal biological system, and lives that have power beyond human beings, all belong to this level.

High-level familiars: even excellent magicians are invincible, such as rumored demons, powerful ghosts and even servants, all belong to this level.

Top-level familiar: At this level, even an army can be defeated alone, and a city can be captured alone. Even among the servants, only first-class existences can be ranked, which is very terrifying.

Luo Zhen uses these four levels to distinguish an individual's ability, which is convenient for him to judge and think.

Of course, this is just a basic classification.

Leaving aside the lower level, middle level, and upper level, when it comes to the highest level, there is only a lower limit and no upper limit.

Being able to defeat one legion is the highest level, and being able to defeat ten, hundred, thousand, or even ten thousand legions is also the highest level. The gap between the two is huge.

For this reason, among the highest ranks, Luo Zhen also made distinctions.

Those who can defeat an army alone are at the tactical level.

Those who can conquer a country by themselves are at the strategic level.

As for the level above the strategic level, Luo Zhen still can't imagine that level.

So, at present, it is only necessary to distinguish in this way.

And according to Luo Zhen's judgment, the Archer he is currently using should be a superior familiar.

"Now they are all high-level familiars. If Archer can be summoned as a normal servant, then he must be the highest-level familiar. I don't know whether it is tactical or strategic."

Luo Zhen made this estimate in his heart while sighing.

"A single magician, no matter how talented he is, still can't compete with Chaldea's system."

At present, Luo Zhen can only summon mid-level familiars, and cannot summon high-level familiars.

No matter how talented he is, Luo Zhen has only learned magic for three years, and being able to summon an intermediate-level familiar is already amazing.

It's just that, in front of the superior familiar, the intermediate familiar is probably just delivering food.

"If I can casually summon superior familiars, or even the highest level familiars, then I'll be awesome."

While thinking about it, Luo Zhen sat down and closed his eyes again.

Magic power emerges from him.

At this moment, Luo Zhen's consciousness began to fly away.

His spirit flew to every corner of the forest as if divided into hundreds of parts.

Then, hundreds of pictures appeared in his mind.

That is the picture located in every corner of the forest.

Some of these pictures are in a static state, as if seen by a surveillance camera, while others are in motion, reporting the situation in every corner of the forest to Luo Zhen.

So, Luo Zhen saw it.

From every corner of the forest, "alien" one after another are rushing here.

They were lizardmen with cyan muscles all over their bodies, fangs protruding from their mouths, sticks tightly held in their hands, and heads like crocodiles and lizards.



While roaring like wild beasts, the lizard people rushed towards Rozen's direction.

Taking a closer look, in front of these lizardmen, there is a small bird flying in front of each.

Apparently, these lizardmen came in the direction of Luo Zhen after these little birds.

Luo Zhen closed his eyes, while looking at such a scene, while calculating in his heart.

"A single one is not terrible. It is only an intermediate-level familiar. I can defeat it by myself, but there are a lot of them, a total of 312, and they are still increasing."

"With this number, if I am surrounded and I am alone, as long as there are ten people present, there is almost a 90% chance of escaping. Even if Archer is present, dozens of people are fine. With such a large number, half It's all dangerous."

"A simulated battle is a simulated battle. It is impossible to win steadily just because there are followers. It still has to be difficult, otherwise the purpose of training will not be achieved."


"I still want to abuse vegetables."

While Luo Zhen was talking to himself like this, behind him, Archer unexpectedly grasped a bow at some point.


Under the surge of magical power, an arrow appeared in Archer's hand, which was placed on the bowstring.

At this moment, Luo Zhen also injected magic power into Archer's body.

After all, a follower is a spirit body, and its materialization relies on magic power. It does not exist in this world. If it wants to stay in this world, someone needs to provide it with magic power.

And the magic power needed by a servant cannot be provided by the magician alone, which is one of the reasons why humans cannot summon servants alone.

Servants need to consume mana just to exist.

Once fighting, the magic power consumed is even more astonishing.

Fortunately, Chaldea, as the backup of the Masters, was able to pay for this magic power through the Heroic Spirit Summoning System.

However, for the followers, the presence of the Master is still necessary.

As long as there is a master who has signed a contract, the master can provide magic power to the followers through the channel established by the contract with each other.

And the more magic power, the more power a follower can exert.

Now, Luo Zhen provided Archer with a large amount of magic power, making the black mist surging on Archer's body seem to come alive, rolling with all his strength.

Immediately afterwards...

"At three o'clock! Let it go!"

Luo Zhen gave an order.


Accompanied by a ringing sound like a bell, an arrow turned into a meteor and rushed forward.

The moment Archer let go of the bowstring, the arrow that was shot with great power actually stirred up a gust of wind, and fell in a direction in the forest.

There, a lizardman ran over even better, and met the incoming arrow head-on.


The sound of tearing the flesh sounded.

The arrow filled with magic pierced through the iron-hard blue skin of the lizardman,

Tear off the incomparably solidified muscles under the lizard man's skin, penetrate directly into his chest, and come out from his back.


The lizard man let out a painful cry, and fell to the ground dead under a burst of blood.

The sound of the arrow tearing through the air and the impact of the strong wind did not arrive here until then.

Luo Zhen was alone in the face of a monster that required a lot of effort to kill, and was directly killed by a follower's blow.

This is the power of a follower.

This is the beginning of the killing.

Luo Zhen issued another instruction.

"Seven o'clock direction! Let it go!"

The arrow pierced the sky and shot towards the seven o'clock direction.


The sound of the body being torn apart resounded again, causing a lizardman's head to be pierced through. Before he could even scream, he died completely.

"At eleven o'clock! Let it go!"

The arrow flew into the forest and shot straight at the direction indicated by Luo Zhen.


Another lizardman was pierced through his body. Driven by a powerful arrow, he crashed into the tree behind him and was nailed to it.

So, Luo Zhen began to give instructions non-stop.

"One o'clock direction! Let it go!"

"Five o'clock direction! Let it go!"

"Nine o'clock direction! Let it go!"

"Twelve o'clock direction! Let it go!"

"Eight O'clock!"

"five o'clock!"

"ten o'clock!"

"seven o 'clock!"




Under Luo Zhen's instructions one by one, arrows filled with magic leaped into the forest and shot towards the lizardmen one by one.

And each of those arrows hit a lizardman without exception, piercing, tearing, and flying his body, causing each of the powerful lizardmen to die on the spot, falling to pieces. In a pool of blood.



The roars of the lizard people sounded out one after another, and it was unclear whether they were angry or fearful.

Under such circumstances, Archer's shooting continues

And those lizardmen, although the number is constantly decreasing, are also constantly advancing.


Chaldea, the central control command room.

Here, the reports of a group of technicians are also ringing non-stop.

"Spirit submersion - everything is normal!"

"The imaginary world——is being maintained!"

"Simulated battle—going smoothly!"

"The magic power value fluctuates steadily! Continue to monitor!"

"Continue to monitor!"


A group of technicians reported loudly like this, while manipulating the instruments in front of them, they were very busy.

Olga Marie looked at the scene and looked at the projection screens unfolding in front of her.

There, a simulated battle scene of a total of 9 masters was playing.

Olga Marie looked over one by one, and then stopped on one of them.

That is the simulated battle that Luo Zhen is in.

Seeing that Luo Zhen kept giving orders to the servants beside him, so that the rider could display his shooting ability with perfect accuracy and accurately shoot and kill the advancing lizardmen on the spot, Olga Marie couldn't help biting. nail.

"It's still as good as ever—don't you think so?"

These words came from Leif who was standing next to Olga Marie.

Leif also looked at Rozen's simulated battle, as if he knew exactly what Olga Marie was thinking, while smiling, he spoke like this.

"In order to create this record, what did he do, I believe you can see it, right? Mary?"

Leif said such words in a teasing tone.