
I hope you can let your guard down

Chaldea, Rozen's room.


At this moment, Matthew stood by the bed, looking worriedly at Luo Zhen who was sitting on the bed.

"What? Is there something wrong?"

Luo Zhen didn't care about all of this, and still sat on the bed, moving his fingers nimbly.

Taking a closer look, Luo Zhen, who was sitting on the bed, put the laptop on his lap, crossed his knees, and quickly manipulated the keyboard, playing games.

Luo Zhen's eyes were also fixed on the screen, and he didn't look at Matthew at all.

Seeing Luo Zhen like this, Matthew made a sound with some hesitation.

"The director seemed to be really angry this time. Not only did he stop all the simulated battles, but he also locked himself in the room and didn't come out again. Everyone was very worried about what would happen next."

This is the current situation.

To this, Luo Zhen only replied one word.


After responding like this, Luo Zhen continued to play the game as if he had lost interest in this matter.

If it was the past, Luo Zhen was indifferent to business and only indulged in games, then Ma Xiu would have raised his objection with a serious face.

But this time, Matthew not only did not do so, but also kept hesitating as if she was concerned about Luo Zhen's mood.

"Senior." Matthew could only say this: "Why don't you go and apologize to the director."

This is the only solution that Matthew can think of.


"Do you think it's possible?" Luo Zhen kept his hands moving, and while quickly manipulating the keyboard, he said: "Even if I don't do anything, that woman will get angry every now and then. I'm going to apologize, but I just let her Just more rage, no second effect."

"No... there is no such thing." Matthew persuaded a little unconfidently: "Even if you are the director, as long as you apologize properly..."

"Okay, don't say any more." Luo Zhen replied coldly: "I'm just telling the truth, I didn't do anything wrong, I passed the simulated battle, there is no reason to be complained, as for who is that woman?" Mood, that has nothing to do with me."

Hearing that, Matthew didn't know what to do.

At this time, the automatic door of the room was opened, and a person walked in.


Looking at the person who walked in from the door, Matthew immediately called out and cast a look of help.

"Thank you, Matthew." Roman patted Matthew on the shoulder and said, "You have just finished the simulated battle, so you must be very tired. You should go back and rest first."

"But..." Matthew wanted to say something, but was stopped by Roman's eyes.

"It's not like you don't know this kid's temper." Roman shook his head and said, "Let me tell you about him, anyway, I'm his elder brother."

Hearing this, Matthew glanced at Roman, then at Luo Zhen who was still playing the game, and nodded after a while.

"Then I'll go back to my room first." Matthew said to Luo Zhen like this: "Don't play the game for too long, senior, I will call you during dinner."

After leaving such words, Matthew left the room as if turning his head twice, and let the automatic door of the room close.

The whole room suddenly returned to silence, only the sound of the keyboard being pressed quickly and the background sound of the game resounding rhythmically.

Only then did Roman look at Luo Zhen, and sighed aloud.


Before she could finish her words, she was stillborn.

"If it's for teaching, I'd like to thank you for not being sensitive."

Luo Zhen expressed it without saying a word.

The words he spoke were like this.

"In Chaldea, there are too many people who want to complain about me." Luo Zhen said, "Anyway, I'm lazy and not serious, just let me play games leisurely.


Luo Zhen's words made Roman's sigh resound again.

Immediately, Roman said so.

"He's obviously the hardest-working magician in Chaldea, but his words are really not convincing at all."


This is an adjective that, except for Matthew, can't help but sneer at the words heard by the second person.

Only this word has nothing to do with Luo Zhen.

As long as they are people in Chaldea, they must think so, right?

In the eyes of others, Luo Zhen is just a stupid person who obviously has extraordinary magic talent, but wastes time on meaningless games and entertainment, and lives a loose life all day long.

However, only Roman knew that, in fact, Luo Zhen worked harder than any magician in Chaldea.

"People who start practicing magic every day when their magic power is restored, and keep practicing until their magic power is exhausted, what kind of leisure are they talking about?"

Roman exposed this fact helplessly.


Luo Zhen would hone his magic skills assiduously almost every day until his magic power was exhausted.

If not, how could Luo Zhen summon an intermediate-level familiar, and how could he perfectly use hundreds of familiars at the same time, since he had only learned magic for three years?

All of these are the result of hard work.

Others can just see Luo Zhen wasting time on games.

But how do they know that every time Luo Zhen is playing games, it means that he has exhausted his magic power and cannot continue to practice magic, so he can only slowly wait for his magic power to recover?

"The reason why your physical fitness is so poor is also inseparable from this aspect, right?"

Roman said so.

The so-called magic power is the power that magicians can only produce after transforming their own vitality by using the magic circuit in their body.

And Luo Zhen, in order to practice magic every day, not to mention exhausting his magic power, he also transforms the vitality in his body to restore his own magic power every second. The result is naturally an excessive loss of vitality.

This caused Luo Zhen's health to be particularly poor, not even as good as some girls who are powerless.

Of course, Luo Zhen's magic circuit is too good is also a reason.

In the world of magic, it is not uncommon for people to have physical problems due to magic circuits.

The magic circuit is a pseudo-nerve originating from the soul. It is an organ used to transform magic power. Once something goes wrong, it will affect the body, which is normal.

Luo Zhen is because the magic circuit is too good, and the magic power runs too frequently and fast, which causes an excessive burden on the body.

In other words, unless Luo Zhen gave up magic and gave up becoming a magician, his health would always be so poor. Even if he didn't get sick, it would definitely be the fate of being weak.

"It's because of this that you used to..."

When these words came out of Roman's mouth involuntarily, Luo Zhen, who had been playing the game, finally spoke and interrupted Roman's words.

"Can you stop being as annoying as that woman, bro."

Luo Zhen spoke in an extremely displeased manner.

In Chaldea, the one who knows Luo Zhen best is undoubtedly Roman.

Even Matthew didn't know that Luo Zhen had been secretly honing his magic skills. Only Roman knew about it.


"Of course I know my affairs better than anyone else, so you don't need to remind me." Luo Zhen said rather annoyedly: "I also really like playing games, but I don't just regard it as a pastime and killing time. "

This is a truth.

Although Luo Zhen worked very hard in practicing magic, when he exhausted his magic and was unable to practice magic, playing games was his only way to relax.

Going online is one of the few entertainments in Chaldea.

When he was not practicing magic, Luo Zhen liked to play games online, and now he is already a well-known player in all major online games.

To put it bluntly, Luo Zhen is a real internet addict.

As long as there is nothing to do, Luo Zhen will definitely go online. This is not because there is nothing to do, but because he really likes it.

after all…

"How good is the game world?"

Luo Zhen performed super-difficult manipulations in a way that even professional players would be ashamed of, allowing his character to kill monsters without wasting blood, while staring at the screen, confiding in this way.

"There is not much deceit, there is not much concealment, there is not much conspiracy, there is not much darkness, when you meet people who are pleasing to the eye, form a group, and when you meet people who are not pleasing to the eye, kill them, no matter what it is They are all managed by the system, people with red names will be punished, weak characters will not be killed as long as they are in the city, everyone only needs to think about entertainment, how good is that?"

These words made Roman a little speechless.

Is this something that can be said by a person who is so disappointed in reality?

But Roman can also understand Luo Zhen's thoughts.

"The so-called magicians, in the final analysis, are a group of despicable people who pursue the existence of the only "end" and "truth"——the <root>. "

Luo Zhen said ironically.

"In order to achieve this goal, no matter how outrageous things can be done, this is a magician."

Such a group of people actually gathered in one place to protect human civilization and the world?

"Don't you think this is ridiculous? Brother?" Luo Zhen continued to sarcastically say: "This kind of high-sounding reason is not suitable for magicians at all. What they care about is not the life and death of human beings, and they can even ignore their own life and death. As long as you can reach the <root>, even if you die, it is a pity that you can't continue to study magic to achieve this goal. Protecting human reason is also just a rather great research and topic."

"What they want to protect is not the "human world" but the "magic world", right? "

"It's extremely hypocritical, brother, don't you think so?"

Luo Zhen's sarcasm was telling Roman what his younger brother thought about Chaldea.

However, Roman was still unable to refute.

Because, this may be a fact.

This is why Luo Zhen didn't take Chaldea's simulated battle seriously, right?

For Rozen, Chaldea is just an experimental facility where magicians use all means to study the subject of "protecting human nature".

Therefore, Luo Zhen didn't want to cooperate with all this at all.

If it weren't for the fact that there are Roman and Mash in Chaldea, and Luo Zhen's closest two people are here, if he goes too far, then even Chaldea won't be able to stay, perhaps, Luo Zhen can't even imitate Will not take part in any battles.

In the final analysis, Luo Zhen absolutely hated and despised the so-called "magician".


"Since this is the case, why do you still practice magic so hard to become a magician?"

Luo Man's contradictory rhetorical question made Luo Zhen speechless on the spot.

And this is a contradiction.

"You who don't take the existence of magicians seriously, and you who don't take the meaning of Chaldea's existence seriously, why do you practice magic so hard to become a magician?"

The expression on Roman's face gradually changed from helplessness to a smile.

It was a very tolerant and gentle smile.

Just because Roman knows...

"You don't actually hate magic, you even love magic very much, right?"

Roman told the truth in Luo Zhenxin's heart.

Luo Zhen can't deny this alone.

He really likes magic.


More precisely, it should be said that he likes "miracles".

"You have always thought that the reason why you can still exist here and survive well is because of the "miracle" that happened to you, right? "Roman said to Luo Zhen: "So, you can hate anything, but you can't hate the "miracle" itself. "

Because of this, Luo Zhen likes magic.

Because, magic is a technique used by humans to perform miracles.

Because of this, Luo Zhen likes games.

Because, compared to the cruel reality, the pure world of the game is like a miracle.

And Luo Zhen is not hardworking.

The people of Chaldea are right.

Basically, Luo Zhen is a very lazy person.

Even if it's just a walk, Luo Zhen doesn't want to do it, he just wants to hide in the room and play games.

In other words, Luo is really too lazy to go out.

But Luo Zhen like this can only work hard on one thing.

That is the time to face the "miracle".

Therefore, only in matters of magic and games, Luo Zhen has always devoted himself to it.

Because, this is a hard-won miracle.

"So, you also sincerely cherish your life that was recovered thanks to the miracle. Not only did you practice magic diligently, but you even worked hard to learn all kinds of knowledge in order to make up for your physical defects. , in addition to playing games, you have been teaching yourself through the Internet."

Everything about Luo Zhen was exposed by Luo Man just like that.

This is the fact.

Physically, Luo Zhen is both flawed and lazy.

However, in terms of magic, Luo Zhen is definitely the best among his peers. At the same time, in order to maximize his strength, he has learned various knowledge.

The evidence is that Luo Zhen can quickly plan various tactics when simulating a battle.

By the way, Luo Zhen is also proficient in eight languages. In terms of academic ability, he is already good enough to get a doctorate.

"It's because you are such a person who cherishes miracles that you feel disgusted by magicians, realists who sacrifice everything for the study of magic, right?"

As Roman said this, he patted the silent Luo Zhen on the shoulder.

"I won't ask you to correct this, and I even think you're right."

"However, the director is not that kind of person, and Chaldea is no longer the cruel facility you imagined."

"At least if you're here, I hope you can let go of your guard."

"That's all I want to say."

After finishing speaking, Roman suddenly smiled at Luo Zhen before quietly leaving the room.

Luo Zhen was left alone, sitting on the bed, not saying a word.