
Summon, harness, use

Ten minutes passed quietly.

After waiting for a full two hours, the simulated battle was finally able to be carried out, allowing the staff to finally concentrate and start operating the instruments to make the final adjustments.

Olga Marie and Leif went to the command room together, and together with a group of staff, through the glass on the wall directly in front of the control room, they watched condescendingly at the suitability of the rescue cabin-like device below. those.

There, Roman is conducting the final physical examination on the suitability.

However, this work did not go very smoothly.

Among the suitability ones, it seems that someone has an opinion on Roman's physical examination, and they are arguing with Roman.

As for Luo Zhen, he had already stood beside one of the rescue capsules.

It's worth mentioning that Matthew also stood next to a rescue capsule.

Currently, there are a total of 9 suitors gathered in Chaldea.

Matthew is the ninth person with aptitude.

Of course, Matthew also had to conduct simulated battles.

At this moment, this kind and innocent girl looked in Roman's direction.

"Is the doctor all right?"

Matthew said with a feeling of uneasiness.

On the contrary, Luo Zhen looked indifferent.

"Who made my brother look like a bully? Of course those young masters and young ladies will not let go of the opportunity to play capricious, right?"

Luo Zhen really hadn't really understood the origins of those seven aptitudes.

It's not because there's no way to know, it's just that I'm not very interested.

However, Luo Zhen has heard that most of the seven aptitudes are not young, either they come from famous families like Olga Marie, or they have great backgrounds.

That being the case, it's not surprising that Roman, who looks like a soft-footed shrimp, would make any willful requests.

"Isn't it the same for the simulated battles before? Let him do it."

Luo Zhen expressed that it had nothing to do with him.

It's a pity that Luo Zhen has been watching the situation over there all the time while saying so.

And Matthew discovered this, and said this with a somewhat relaxed expression.

"Senior is obviously very concerned about Dr. Roman's condition, so it's not frank."

Luo Zhenchun pretended not to hear these words, turned around, and looked at the emergency capsule beside him.

This is a device used to assist aptitudes to carry out spiritual transfer, and it is called the <casket> by the staff in Chaldea.

With the assistance of the <casing>, the aptitudes will be able to better withstand the disappearance of the meaning of existence when transferring spirits, and the risk will be relatively reduced. Therefore, in Chaldea, every aptitude All of them are equipped with a special <casing>, even Luo Zhen is no exception.

(Well, although it's not a real spiritual transfer right now.)

Now it's just a simulation experiment, and there will be no real spiritual transfer. The aptitudes only need to enter the electronic space built by Chaldea and conduct simulated battles there.

(If it's just for simulating combat, it doesn't matter even if you don't use the <casing>.)

Luo Zhen touched the cabin in front of him, thinking like he was bored.

If it's a real spirit transfer, then the support of the <casing> is very necessary, which is enough to reduce a lot of risks, but if it's just a simulated battle, it doesn't matter even if you don't use the <casing>, right?

(Although if you don't get used to it, it will still put a lot of burden on your brain.)

This time, Luo really had nothing to do with himself and thought about such a thing.

This really has nothing to do with Luo Zhen.

As Leif said before, in the whole of Chaldea, Rozen has the highest adaptability of spirit transfer. Currently, there is no individual with higher adaptability than Rozen.

Because of such things, Luo Zhen didn't put any burden on his brain even when he was conducting a simulated battle for the first time. Even if it was a real spiritual transfer, Luo Zhen could do it without the help of the <casket>. Download successfully.

In view of this, even though Rozen had such a lazy personality, Olga Marie still didn't exclude him from the battle list, and made everyone in Chaldea wait for Rozen for two full hours.

(Although I don't want to come at all...)

Luo Zhen thought about such things.

Not long after, Roman came to check on Rozen and Matthew's health.

Looking at Roman with a sad face, Luo Zhen gloated and said, "It seems that I have been severely made things difficult, brother."

Hearing this sentence, Roman sighed even more, and said: "The young people nowadays are really impatient, and they are not even willing to cooperate a little bit, which made me work so hard. Next time, I must ask the director to give me a raise." salary."

"Come on." Luo Zhen rolled his eyes, and said mercilessly: "You and the director are like mice and cats, and no mouse would be willing to approach the cat."

"Then you are another cat, a black cat that puffs up its fur every day to threaten each other with the white cat." Roman said puzzledly, "I am really unlucky to meet you two cats."

With that said, Roman picked up the instrument and began to check Matthew's physical condition.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, doctor."

Matthew let the instrument light scan his body, and saluted Roman.

"Mashu is the most polite and understands me."

Roman finally showed a hearty smile. After inspecting Matthew, he began to inspect Luo Zhen.

On the way, Roman, who concentrated on looking at the values displayed on the instrument, and Luo Zhen, who held his hands behind his head, had such a conversation that no one heard.

"You should be more serious this time, right?"

"...I've always been serious."

"No one in Chaldea believes what you said."

"Then don't ask what you know."

"I want to cheer you up."

"...I'll do my best."

"You boy..."

The two had such a conversation without meeting their eyes, causing Roman to let out an unknown sigh, and then turned off the instrument.

"Okay, the physical values of the two are normal, and they can enter the <casing>."

After finishing speaking, Roman glanced at Luo Zhen, then stepped back, went to the command room, and reported to Olga Marie.

"Good luck, senior."

Leaving such words, Mash entered her own <cabinet>.

"The same to you."

Luo Zhen waved his hand, also entered the <casing>, and lay down in the cabin as soft as a mattress.

After a while...

"Perform simulated combat experience."

In the cabin, a mechanical sound began to sound.

"Identity authentication begins."

"Fingerprint authentication——completed."

"Voice cord certification—completed."

"Genetic Factor Authentication—Completed."

"Magic circuit detection—completed."

"Consistent with the registered name, it is confirmed as the No. 1 aptitude of Chaldea."

"Identity confirmation."

"Spirit submerged, start."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Zhen's consciousness seemed to be sucked away, and the vision in front of him was like a glare, sneaking into the imaginary world.

After recovering the vision in front of him, Luo Zhen found that he came to a vast forest.


There was a complete silence in the forest, not even the sound of birds, beasts or insects.

"Is this the battlefield this time?"

Luo Zhen quickly glanced around.

This is not the first time Luo Zhen has conducted a simulated battle.

Therefore, Luo Zhen not only quickly adapted to the current situation, but also clearly knew what would happen next.

"It's almost time to be "summoned" out, right? "

Luo Zhen was talking to himself like this.

As I said before, in the face of such a great cause as "revision of human reason", the aptitudes of human beings are quite insignificant.

The adaptable ones are only the servants and those who give orders.

The people who really fight in every era to correct human reason are higher existences than human beings.

They are heroes.

They are transcendent.

In the past, they left various great achievements in this world, and then became legends.

Relying on their great achievements, these great legends sublimated into existences similar to <Spirits> after death, and thus they were called <Heroic Spirits>, and they were recorded in the <Seat> on the side of the world.

Only with such existence can one be a real warrior.

And Chaldea has a system that summons the heroic spirits in the <seat> and makes them make contracts with suitable people who have "qualifications".

Heroic Spirit Summoning System —— <Fate>.

Through this system, the person who concludes a contract with the heroic spirits and obtains the qualification to serve them is——— <Master>.

Heroic spirits descended from the ranks of heroic spirits and turned into demon familiars served by the masters, that is———<Servant>.

All magicians who can become adaptive have the qualifications to become masters.

Luo Zhen is one of the best.

In the next second, a mechanical reminder sounded.

"Activate the Heroic Spirit Summoning System: Destiny."

When the prompt sound disappeared from this world, a gorgeous magic circle suddenly spun out of Luo Zhen's face and appeared on the ground.

"come yet?"

Looking at the gorgeous magic circle, Luo Zhen couldn't help being intoxicated by it.

No matter how many times he watched it, Luo Zhen was still fascinated by it.

The exquisite lines, beautiful geometric figures, the magic meaning contained in them, and the surging magic power swirling in front of him all made Luo Zhen, who is a magician, feel hot in his heart.

After all, it was a miracle that could never be achieved by the words of a magician alone.

After all, that is a wide and wide path leading to the truth of the world.

As long as you are a magician, you can't turn a blind eye to such mysteries.

Not to mention, Luo Zhen is still a magician who is "dedicated to this way".

"When will I be able to complete this level of "summoning" with my own strength? "

While Luo Zhen was dreaming like this, a figure gradually took shape in the brilliant magic circle and the shining light.

"Servant Summoning: Completed."

"Contract Servant: Archer."

"Battle time: 30 minutes."

"Simulated combat: start."

The notification tone faded away, causing the magic circle to gradually disappear, leaving behind the formed figure.

Looking at the figure standing in front of him, the fire in Luo Zhenxin's heart receded like a tide.

There is no other reason, but because the summoned servants in front of him really make it impossible to continue to maintain this kind of enthusiasm.

It was shrouded in black mist, only the outline of the body could be seen as a human figure, and the rest was just black magic power. It was not so much a person as it was a shadow-like existence.

Staring at it, Luo Zhen let out a sigh of relief, then sighed in disappointment.

"As expected, the current <Fate> can only summon followers of this level?"

Although Chaldea has a heroic spirit summoning system, it can be used as a historical legend on the <seat>. How can it be so easy to summon heroic spirits as familiars and servants and drive them?

In Chaldea's records, it seems that there were only three successful servants summoned using the Heroic Spirit Summoning System.

And those three servants are said to be living in Chaldea, but no one knows where they are active.

Even Luo Zhen, who has lived in Chaldea for three full years, only knows one of them, and knows the location of the other one, but the other one has never even heard of rumors, and it is extremely mysterious.

In this way, it is naturally not easy to casually summon heroic spirits to serve in simulated battles.

The summoned servant in front of him is at best the <shadow> of one of the heroic spirits on the <seat>, similar to degraded unconscious wreckage and clones, with only a small part of its power.

"Although there are few, it's right that they are much stronger than ordinary magicians. At least if I match up, I should be killed in two or three hits, right?"

Luo Zhen calmed down the somewhat disappointed mood in his heart, and turned to comfort himself.

"Besides, if the class is Archer, it will be beneficial to me."

A heroic spirit is an existence separated from the time axis, and will be summoned to all eras, whether it is the past or the future.

Coupled with their powerful strength, Heroic Spirits can be human restoration warriors, and Chaldea regards them as important means of combat.

However, it is extremely difficult to summon the body of the heroic spirit recorded on the <seat>, and there is almost no way for humans to do it.

Therefore, humans can only summon servants who are their avatars.

The power of the heroic spirits summoned in this way will be fixed in one direction.

For example, a heroic spirit who was able to use a sword and a spear at the same time to exert 100% of its power in life, will only get one of the sword and the spear when it manifests as a servant, and exert only the same power.

This power determines the direction of the servant, that is, the class.

Therefore, when the heroic spirit appears in the world, it will first obtain the <spiritual core> as its heart. With the <spiritual core> as the center, the follower will form a body constructed of magic power, and thus obtain the name of the <class rank>. > container, thus materialized.

This class and container is the so-called <Spiritual Base>.

It determines how much power the servant will have in his lifetime, and which rank he can appear in.

In view of this, the larger and wider the scale of the spirit foundation, the stronger and more powerful the servant will be.

Generally speaking, servants are generally divided into seven ranks.

——— <Saber (Swordsman)>.

——— <Archer (Archer)>.

——— <Lancer (Lancer)>.

——— <Rider (cavalry)>.

——— <Caster (magician)>.

——— <Assassin (Assassin)>.

——— <Berserker (Berserker)>.

The servant Luo Zhen used was Archer who was good at long-distance combat and possessed powerful shooting weapons.

"As far as I'm concerned, the most desired servants are the three ranks of Archer, Caster, and Assassin."

Because, the servants of these three classes are the easiest to cooperate with Luo Zhen.

Several tactics flashed through Luo Zhen's mind, and then he squatted down, put one finger on the ground, and closed his eyes.

"Magic circuit, open."

In Luo Zhen's body, the "switch" that produces "power" was pressed.

"Magic Circuit".

That is the source of magic power that all magicians are born with. The simulated nerves held in a magician's body determine the aptitude of a magician himself.

It can transform vitality into the fuel needed to perform magic, and can generate magic power, which is the most important thing for a magician.

Without it, let alone using magic normally, it would be impossible to even become a magician.

Even with it, the quality of the magic circuit determines the talent of the magician.

After all, those are the nerves used to generate magic power.

The better the quality, the stronger the magic power generated.

The greater the amount, the greater the magic power generated.

Therefore, if you have a good quality magic circuit, you will be even more powerful as a magician.

It's a pity that the number of magic circuits is determined by birth. It does not exist on the body, but is determined by the soul. It will never increase due to external factors.

That is to say, whether a magician's qualifications are good or bad is determined at birth and absolutely cannot be changed.

In order to produce excellent magic circuits, countless magicians have racked their brains. In the end, they can only accumulate bloodlines and combine with partners who have excellent magic circuits, so that the offspring who are born can get better talents and increase The magic circuit of the child born.

This is also the reason why the so-called "famous families" and "nobles" appeared in the magic world.

The longer the history of the famous family and nobles, the better the accumulated lineage of magicians, and the higher the aptitude of their descendants.

Olga Marie's family is an aristocrat who has accumulated at least hundreds or even thousands of years of magician blood, and her qualifications as a magician are extremely high.

Compared with Olga Marie, Rozen is not a famous nobleman. In the world of magicians, he is a proper wild boy.

However, Luo Zhen was born with an excellent magic circuit, and his talent was not inferior to Olga Marie's at all, and even faintly surpassed her.

Now, Luo Zhen has activated the magic circuit in his body, allowing the magic power that has been accumulated in his body to start operating.


It was a tactile sensation like an electric shock.

With this feeling, the magic circuit imprinted on the soul in Luo Zhen's body was like an electric circuit in power generation. While generating an electric current called magic power, the magic power gathered on the fingertips following Luo Zhen's mind.

Immediately, Luo Zhen drew patterns on the ground with his fingertips emitting magic power.

In the next second, the magic was activated.


The spells engraved on the ground became a part of the magic circle, allowing the brilliance to leak out between Luo Zhen's palms.

If there is a third person here, then you will find that the brilliance and the scale of the spell are very similar to the scene when the heroic spirit summoning system was activated and the servant was summoned just now.

Then, a "miracle" that ordinary people cannot perform appeared in this world.


This is the cry of a bird.

The magic formula engraved on the ground seemed to have turned into a door leading to another world, allowing birds to fly out of the brilliance and come to the sky above Rozen.

Only then did Luo Zhen open his eyes. Looking at the flock of birds flapping their wings and flying into the air, he showed a smug smile.

"There are not many magicians who can summon so many familiars at one time, even if they search all over Chaldea?"

This is self-confidence, and it is also a fact.

I have to mention it here.

As a magician's talent, Luo Zhen is undoubtedly top-notch.

However, there are many types of magic, and they are even divided into many systems.

Many magic families developed a system of magic, and passed it down from generation to generation, hoping that future generations could inherit their own research,

One day to reach the root of magic, to know the truth, to achieve omnipotence.

As for Luo Zhen, if his talent as a magician is top-notch, then his talent for magic in a system can be called astonishing.

That is the "summoning" system.

In terms of summoning, for some reason, Luo Zhen has a talent beyond the imagination of outsiders, and the control and use of summoned objects is also inhumanly high, as if he was born to learn the "summoning technique", which is quite terrifying people.

Because of this, Olga Marie was so angry at Luo Zhen's laxity. One of the reasons was that Luo Zhen had such an amazing talent, but he didn't work hard on his magic, but just played games all day long. , Visit the website.

This kind of waste of talent is simply a sin, and the longer the history of the famous magic school, the more unforgivable this behavior is.

What makes Olga Marie even more unacceptable is that the summoning system is an extremely important factor for the existence of Chaldea.

A call to a heroic spirit.

The use of servants.

Controlling the familiar.

These are all the most important qualifications for a Master.

And Luo Zhen, whose talent in this aspect is unparalleled, has naturally become the most outstanding adaptable person in Chaldea.

Not only is it amazingly adaptable to the transfer of spirits, but it is also proficient in the magic of summoning. The aptitude as a master is even more amazing. For Chaldea, an existence like Rozen is simply the most precious treasure among treasures.

This also made Olga Marie even more unable to forgive Luo Zhen's wasteful behavior.

In this way, the conflict between Luo Zhen and Olga Marie will be so intense, they will almost quarrel every time they see each other, and they cannot tolerate each other.

Of course, to Rozen, Olga Marie's anger is inexplicable.

"Even if it's wasted, that's my business. What does it have to do with that guy?"

Saying such words, Luo Zhen also felt a surge of emotion in his heart.

In his mind, unconsciously began to recall.

Recalling that pure white room.

Recalling the pungent smell of medicine.

Recalling the cold instrument.

Recalling the unpleasant quilt.


"——What do I want to do with these?"

Luo Zhen quickly shook his head, throwing away all the unbearable past, took a deep breath, and refocused.

"Let's spread out!"

With Luo Zhen waving his hand, the flock of birds hovering in mid-air immediately dispersed, flying to all directions of the forest amidst the melodious chirping of birds.

Luo Zhen closed his eyes. After feeling it for a while, he finally turned around and looked at the servant who had been obediently staying in place since he was summoned.

"follow me."

After issuing a brief order, Luo Zhen walked towards one of the directions in the forest.

And behind him, the shadow-like servant followed behind Rozen without saying a word, stepping on the dead leaves and branches under his feet, and walked forward together.

If it were a normal follower, they wouldn't be obedient like this.

They have their own will and their own values. Even if they conflict with the Master and disobey the Master's instructions, it is not surprising at all.

But if it's this kind of unconscious follower, it's just an obedient combat tool.

"I really want to serve a real follower, and taste what it feels like."

With such emotions, Luo Zhen disappeared into a corner of the forest with the followers behind him.