
"Rozen" and "Roman"

I don't know why, Luo Zhen has always had a deep fear of Leif.

Although the so-called professor in front of him has great popularity in the whole of Chaldea, even Matthew has a little respect for him, but Luo Zhen just can't like him.

Because, even if this person keeps showing him a straightforward and hearty smile, Luo Zhen will still feel creepy.

It felt like a human skin mask was pasted on the other party's face.

Luo Zhen didn't know what was hidden behind that straightforward and hearty smile.

Therefore, Luo Zhen has always been afraid of Leif, and it can even be said to be afraid.

It's just that, on the surface, Luo Zhen didn't show these things, but made a sound like a smile on the surface.

"You're here too, Professor Leif."

Hearing this, Leif nodded, the smile on his face didn't lose, and he even narrowed his eyes.

Then, Leif said so.

"Although this is not the first time for you to engage in simulated battles, it is still risky to infiltrate spirit sons. If one fails, you will not be able to come back. Therefore, not only the technicians of the entire museum, but I must also monitor them all the time. "

Spirit transfer is not something that can be done casually.

Reishifying the body and sending it to an era completely different from the modern age means that this person no longer exists in the modern age, which will lead to the problem of "disappearing the meaning of existence" for the aptitude.

If the transfer is carried out directly like this, then in the current era, this person is equivalent to non-existent. If he wants to return, he will be rejected by the current era, and he will not be able to return to the current era smoothly.

For this reason, when carrying out spiritual transfer, the technicians of the entire Chaldea need to try their best to prove the existence of aptitudes in modern times, to prevent the concept of aptitudes from disappearing, and to be ready to meet returning aptitudes at any time , so as not to get lost in the chaotic times.

In addition, it is necessary to transform the body into spirit and materialization. A slight carelessness may lead to the disappearance of the adaptive person. It is conceivable that this technology is very risky.

In order to adapt to the technology of spirit seed transfer, starting not long ago, led by Rozen, all the aptitude gathered in Chaldea would carry out simulated battles of spirit son infiltration every once in a while.

As the name suggests, it is a simulated experiment of spirit particle transfer.

By sending the aptitudes into the imaginary world and conducting imaginary training, they can gradually adapt to the burden brought by the transfer of spirit sons and withstand the disappearance of the meaning of existence. This is one of the purposes of the experiment.

Of course, just like the literal description, in addition to the experiment of spirit seed transfer, the aptitudes also need to conduct combat simulations.

In order to protect humanity, the aptitude must fight in various eras, which is also a good simulation training.

However, it's not the aptitudes who are really fighting.

Aptitudes are at best "assistant".

Wanting to deal with big events that would make human history itself disappear, that's not something a mere human being who is a magician can do.

There is someone else who can truly restore the power of this ruined situation.

The Adaptive Ones are the ones who manipulate this power, not the ones who actually fight.

Of course, Luo Zhen is very clear about this.

(Although some don't want to entrust their personal safety to Professor Leif...)

But there is no way. In Chaldea, Lefe is the highest technician after all. With him present, at least it is enough to deal with various situations.

Compared to the bad-tempered Olga Marie, Lefe is the most reliable character in Chaldea.

This point, even Luo Zhen has to admit it.

Besides, besides Rafe, Rozen also has absolute trustees who can safely hand over his body.

That person just arrived here.

"Sorry! I'm late!"

Under a panicked voice, another man rushed in from the door.

It was a tall and thin doctor in a white coat, with his long orange hair tied into a ponytail, and he had an indecent air about him.

Seeing this doctor, everyone present behaved differently.

"Doctor Roman."

Matthew breathed a sigh of relief as if seeing support.

"Are you actually late too? Romani!"

Olga Marie became furious, and the anger that had subsided just now suddenly exploded.

"You two brothers are really..."

Professor Leif felt a little helpless.

As for Luo Zhen, seeing the doctor rushing in in a panic, he couldn't help laughing.

"I didn't expect that you are later than me, brother."


The person in front of him is none other than Luo Zhen's elder brother——Roman.

"You...you actually arrived before me? Luo Zhen!"

Seeing the entire central control room where all the staff had arrived, and even his younger brother, the snickering figure of Luo Zhen who was best at being late, Roman stopped his panicked footsteps, his body was in a state of embarrassment, and his expression was even more serious. He looked a little resentful, and made a dry laugh.

"Yes... I'm sorry, everyone, I was actually able to arrive on time, but I browsed a very interesting website last night, and accidentally stayed up all night..."

It seems that like a brother, there must be a brother.


Matthew, who just relaxed, immediately became dumb again.

As for Olga Marie, she even uttered angrily.

"Are you guys aware of what responsibility you are carrying!?"

At that moment, Olga Marie yelled at Rozen and Roman angrily.

"One of you is the No. 1 adaptive person in Chaldea, and the other is the person in charge of the medical department in Chaldea. You are so late for such an important day, do you really think that my tolerance for you is unlimited? !?"

Obviously, Olga Marie's dissatisfaction with Rozen and Roman has accumulated to the limit.

As he said, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is different from Luo Zhen, who is an aptitude. The bodies of the aptitudes transferred by the spirit son are very important people for the aptitudes who may have physical conditions due to the transfer of the spirit son at any time.

But unlike Rozen, who was against Olga Marie, Roman yelled "Wow" to the angry Olga Marie.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I won't dare to do it again next time!"

Roman bowed and apologized again and again, looking terrified.

This made Luo Zhen speechless.

"It really embarrasses our family."

Luo Zhen said that directly.

"This is called strategic surrender!"

Roman, who was despised by his younger brother, retorted stiffly on the spot.

Luo Zhen raised his brows, not to be outdone either.

"What strategic surrender? I've only heard of strategic retreat!"

"Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist!"

"But brother, your situation is only because you are afraid, so you succumbed, right?"

"That's... that's not it!"

"that is!"


"that is!"


The two brothers immediately had a very childish quarrel, which left Matthew and Leif on the side a little speechless.


Olga Marie yelled and shouted angrily.

"Give me all the positions immediately! Start the simulated battle immediately!"

Amidst Olga Marie's angry shouts, this childish quarrel was finally stopped.

The simulated battle finally started officially....