
It is not the existence of the same level

"A follower..."

A few minutes later, after learning about the whole incident from Matthew, Olga Marie bit her nails and moaned as she expected, but also as if feeling inexplicable anxiety.

"Why didn't you..."

Olga Marie's croon was full of annoyance.

No one knows whether they are annoyed that Chaldea's Experiment No. 6 was realized too soon, or that the experiment was realized too late.

But the fact that Olga Marie's delicate body is trembling slightly, both Rozen and Matthew can still find out.

It's just that no one knows how Olga Marie is feeling right now.

In the end, whether this girl is angry at the reappearance of this inhuman experiment, or is afraid of other things, only she herself knows.

Of course, it's not just Olga Marie who has the problem, it's right that Rozen has the same problem.

"The fact that Matthew became a sub-servant really surprised me for a long time, but I was also surprised that you appeared here." Luo Zhen cast a glance at Olga Marie and said unceremoniously Said: "Why did this happen? Logically speaking, it is impossible for you to appear here, isn't it?"

These words just hit Olga Marie's sore spot.

But this is a fact.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Olga Marie to appear here.

"Although you are a top-notch magician and have a high aptitude for magic, you neither have the aptitude of a master nor the aptitude of spirit transfer."

Luo Zhen exposed this problem.

This is where the problem lies.

Olga Marie doesn't have the aptitude for spiritual transfer.

Therefore, Olga Marie is not a competent master, and she has no plans to carry out the spirit seed transfer experiment.

In this way, it is totally unreasonable for Olga Marie to appear here.

Not to mention lack of adaptability, it is impossible for the spiritual transfer to be successful. Even if it is successful, if Olga Marie is not on the list of Chaldean spiritual transfer, then even if the system is switched to automatic operation, the spiritual transfer will not be carried out. Moving to Fuyuki City.

Under such circumstances, why did Olga Marie appear in Fuyuki City in 2004?

This is Luo Zhen's question.


"How do I know what's going on?" Olga Marie said annoyedly, "I originally planned to stay in Chaldea, and I didn't expect to come to such a place at all, but somehow the control room The sudden explosion engulfed everything in front of me with flames, and I almost lost consciousness immediately, and when I woke up, I was already here!"

That is to say, Olga Marie herself is also inexplicable.

"Is there an error in the experiment of spirit transfer? Or is it caused by unknown reasons? Who will tell me what's going on?"

Olga Marie groaned as if she had a headache.

"Where did Lefe go at a time like this?"

If it's that professor, he should be able to give a reasonable explanation for this situation, right?


(Maybe the reason lies with that professor, idiot.)

Luo Zhen looked at Olga Marie, who was moaning with her head in her arms. While muttering in her heart, she felt extremely uncomfortable as if she had been stabbed by a thorn.

(In the final analysis, why the control room in Chaldea exploded, and why the professor disappeared before the battle started, these mysteries have not yet been solved.)

Recalling the chill in his throat that he felt from Leif, Rozen wanted to drag this guy out.

Intuition told Luo Zhen that there must be some important secret hidden in Leif's body.

If this is not the case, before the start of the important battle,

Luo Zhen will not rush out of the control room just because of Leif's disappearance.

The reason is to get rid of this feeling of being stuck in the throat.

That being said, Luo Zhen already knows where that professor is now.

So, Luo Zhen couldn't help turning his head, and looked in one direction through the broken window.

In that direction, there is a deep mountain.

(If I guessed correctly...)

Luo really thought about such a thing, and turned his head to look at Olga Marie.

"By the way, director idiot."

"Bai...the director of the idiot...!?"

Rozhen's blurted address made Olga Marie's forehead bulge with blue veins.

But Luo Zhen ignored Olga Marie's reaction at all, and continued to speak as if nothing had happened.

"Since you are the director of Chaldea, you should know how to contact Chaldea in an emergency, right?"

For this purpose, Luo Zhen brought Matthew over to find Olga Marie.

Otherwise, Luo Zhen really wanted to make this proud director suffer some more, and only show up when she couldn't hold on anymore.

I don't know if Luo Zhen had sinister intentions. Olga Marie snorted coldly, or answered Luo Zhen's question.

"I can directly connect to Chaldea's communication channel with the authority of the director, but it has to be done through a communicator."

Hearing this, Luo Zhen cast his eyes on Olga Marie's wrist.

There, there is no communicator customized by Chaldea.

(Was the control room affected by the explosion when it exploded? Or disappeared during the abnormal spiritual transfer?)

No matter what the reason is, it seems that this is the reason why Olga Marie failed to get in touch with Chaldea and fell into the fate of following Fufu.

"My communicator also disappeared after becoming a sub-servant."

Holding a shield and letting Fufu stand on her shoulders, Matthew looked at Rozen.

"It seems that among us, only the senior still holds the communicator."

Matthew's words drew everyone's attention to Rozen's wrist.

There, he was indeed wearing a communicator specially made by Chaldea.

In fact, from the very beginning, Rozen has been trying to get in touch with Chaldea through the communicator, but all failed.

"Since you have a dedicated means of communication, I'll leave the communicator to you."

With that said, Luo Zhen simply took off the watch-shaped communicator on his wrist and threw it to Olga Marie.

"Be careful! This is the only means of communication we currently have!"

Olga Marie hastily caught the communicator, and while complaining, quickly operated the communicator.

After a while, Olga Marie gave up.

"No, I can't get in touch." Olga Marie shook her head and said, "Although I entered the communication channel, there is no one answering at the end of Chaldea."

Thinking about it carefully, this is also normal.

There was such a big fire in the control room, and even the central area was sealed off. Until the abnormal disaster is eliminated and the blockade is lifted, no one can enter the central control room and pick up the communication here.

(I don't know what happened to my brother...)

Thinking of this, Luo Zhen became a little worried.

However, now is not the time to worry about others.

"Choo Choo Choo…!"

A small bird suddenly flew in from the window, hovering above Luo Zhen's head, and wailed like an alarm.

"This is…!?"

Luo Zhen's complexion changed.


At the same time, Fufu let out a warning cry from Matthew's back.

"What... what's wrong...!?"

Olga Marie panicked.

As for Mash, he had already raised his shield and stood in front of everyone.

Just at this moment...


A terrifying roar resounded through the air.

Hohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh "

When such a roar appeared in this space and reached the ears of Rozen, Matthew, and Olga Marie, the three trembled at the same time.

"Then... what is that...?"

Olga Marie's complexion became extremely pale.


Matthew also clenched the shield-holding hand so hard that her fingertips turned white.

Luo Zhen also had cold sweat on his forehead.

From this voice, everyone heard a sense of violence enough to stop the heart, drop the body temperature, and even stop the flow of blood.

Then, a terrible sense of crisis flooded everyone's hearts.

In the next second...


Matthew let out a loud cry.


Almost at the same time, in the room of the building where everyone was hiding, one of the walls shattered on the spot, turning into pieces in the blast, and blowing towards the surroundings.

"Yeah, yah, yah, yah, yah!"

Olga Marie screamed.

Luo Zhen was staring at the front, and saw a figure slowly walking in from outside the shattered wall.

It was more than two meters tall, muscular and very strong, wearing a battle skirt, holding a stone ax with a jagged cross section in his hand, bare upper body, bare feet, covered with black lines. sweat.


Ju Khan let out a roar that could shake the air, turning the roar into sound waves and blowing away.


Matthew stood in front of the crowd with a giant shield in his hand, and helped them block the wave of sound.

"is that a lie…?"

Olga Marie stepped back step by step, looking at the profuse sweat, her face was full of fear.

"It's really... It's a big joke..."

Luo Zhen's expression also became extremely reluctant.

From the opponent, Luo Zhen felt a terrible pressure that even Archer who attacked him did not have.

Obviously, the other party is a follower.

Judging from his utterly irrational appearance, it should be Berserker without a doubt.

"The job is only suitable for heroic spirits who have fallen into madness during their lifetime..."

Servants who get this job title will have the skills of <Madness>, and they will be strengthened in exchange for being deprived of rationality.

That was originally a class that existed to strengthen weak servants.

But there is a huge gap between the servant in front of me and the word "weak".

"That is undoubtedly one of the top servants!"

Even among all heroic spirits, they are enough to become the existence of the first step.

Now, it is convenient for the opponent to appear in the world with Berserker's job agency, and at the cost of losing his mind, he has been strengthened.

He is a top follower himself, and has been strengthened.

Now, Luo Zhen and his party are facing such an enemy.

Then, Luo Zhen understood.

"Compared to the previous Archer, this servant is not at the same level at all!"

And when facing Archer, Luo Zhen was almost overturned under the favorable situation, let alone facing this monster in front of him.

So, Luo Zhen has only one idea.

"Run away!"

Luo Zhen's voice resounded through the air.

"That's not a character we can deal with now! Escape before he goes crazy! The farther you can escape, the better!"

Regarding Rozen's decision, neither Matthew nor Olga Marie made objections.

At that moment, no matter it was Rozen, Matthew or Olga Marie, they all turned around and ran away without hesitation.


Berserker immediately roared angrily,

come after.



In a corner of the burning city, the side wall of a building suddenly exploded, turning the rubble into bullets and blowing in all directions.

Matthew, holding a cross shield, flew upside down from the shattered wall, his face full of shock and pain.


With a terrifying roar, Berserker rushed at a frightening speed.

Even though he was huge in size, Berserker's movements were as sensitive as a cheetah. While flying towards Matthew, he swung the stone ax in his hand and slashed down on Matthew's body.


Amidst the terrifying knocking sound, the stone ax that landed on the shield burst out with palpitating force, causing the impact force to explode on the shield, setting off a shock wave.

"Goo... woo...!?"

Matthew, who blocked the blow, made a distressed sound. His slender body couldn't restrain the amazing force that fell on the shield. He was blown away by the shock wave and hit a building behind him. The walls of the object were smashed to pieces.


Luo Zhen who ran out of the building saw this scene and couldn't help calling out.

"It's really... a monster...!"

Olga Marie also ran out, her face extremely pale.


Berserker, who was holding a stone axe, turned around at this moment and looked at Rozen and Olga Marie.



Luo Zhen and Olga Marie felt their scalps explode at the same time, and stepped back.

"Drink, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

At this moment, Matthew's coquettish voice sounded. Standing on the shield, he leaped out of the shattered wall. His whole body turned into a cannonball. He set off a strong wind and charged Berserker.

With the sound of "Peng", the charging Matthew was blocked.


Berserker continued to growl, with a look of complete loss of reason, but the posture of standing up with the stone ax to block the shield that Matthew threw down had obviously gone through a lot of tempering.

Needless to say, this follower did not lose his fighting skills during his lifetime because of his lost sanity.

This is simply a foul.


Matthew restrained Berserker's weapon, and shouted at Rozen and Olga Marie from behind the shield.

Only then did the two of them react.

"Let's go!"

Luo Zhen abandoned the reluctance in his heart, took Olga Marie's hand, and ran in another direction.

"Wait...wait! What about Matthew!?"

At this time, it was Olga Marie who was worried about Matthew.

"Matthew is fine!"

Luo Zhen threw out such an answer without any doubt, dragged Olga Marie, and ran forward desperately.


Fufu had also landed on the ground, running as if leading the way.

The two of them and the beast ran into the depths of the city just like that, just to stay away from the disaster behind them.

However, at this time, a new problem appeared.


Luo Zhen, who was exhausted, gradually gasped for breath.

"You...you are still the same as before! Your physical strength is not good at all!"

Olga Marie smacked her lips, and dragged Rozen in turn, running forward.

However, Olga Marie is also a girl, and her physical strength is not much better.

"Comparing physical strength with followers is a stupid thing to do!"

Seeing that the speed of the two of them began to slow down, Luo Zhen activated the magic circuit without hesitation.

"<Wolf Call>!"

Two burly black wolves were summoned.

"Quick! Sit on it!"

Luo Zhen pushed Olga Marie, who was at a loss, onto one of the wolves, and sat on the other, and then drove the two wolves to run wildly forward.



Behind him, Mash's coquettish shouts and the enemy's roars were still resounding.

Listening to this voice, Luo Zhen pressed the command spell on the back of his hand with one hand.

Once he leaves the battlefield, Luo Zhen will use the command spell without hesitation to call Mash back.

With this in mind, Luo Zhen drove the wolf to make the devil and ran forward.