
For...why are you here!

In Chaldea, there were only three cases where Heroic Spirits were successfully summoned.

In other words, within Chaldea, there were already three followers.

And according to Matthew...

"The one that merged with me is Heroic Spirit Prototype No. 2."

Matthew told Luo Zhen so.

"Before being engulfed by the fire in the control room, that Heroic Spirit made a contract with me, transferring his abilities and Noble Phantasm as a Heroic Spirit to me. On the contrary, he hoped that I could eliminate the singularity and save humanity."

It is precisely because of this that Mash gained power and became a sub-servant.

This also made Luo Zhen understand.

"I see. Since the subjects themselves agree, the experiment will naturally succeed, right?"

In this world, the most difficult experiment to complete is none other than the experiment that cannot be cooperated.

And since the subject of the experiment has fully cooperated, the difficulty of the experiment will naturally be reduced.

Thus, Mash finally became a sub-servant.

"Fortunately, before the transfer of the spirit son, I signed a contract with the senior."

Matthew said so.

"If it wasn't for the Command Seal obtained through the contract, senior wouldn't be able to summon me here."

Maybe it was because the adjustment of the spirit son transfer hadn't been completed, and then there was a deviation. Luo Zhen and Matthew were separated during the spirit son transfer process, and were transferred to different directions.

If Luo Zhen hadn't used the Command Seal decisively, he would have died in the hands of that unknown archer long ago.


"To be able to carry out orders to the extent of space transfer with just a swipe of the command spell, I really deserve to be a senior."

Matthew admired Luo Zhen like this.

Forcibly transferring the servants from different spaces, in terms of the command spell of Chaldea, the power of a single stroke is not enough, but Luo Zhen has realized it.

This is a very surprising thing, and it is reasonable.

The level of the master's own ability will greatly affect the strength of the servant.

The higher the master's ability, the more magic power the servant can get from the master, and then exert more powerful power.

The same is true for command spells.

If the master's ability is higher, the effect of the command spell will be more obvious.

For example, when using the command spell, if it is an instant order or a specific order, it will exert a high coercive power.

Very clear orders like "destroy the enemy in front of you", "recover your wounds", "come to me", etc., will be carried out in a certain way.

Conversely, if the execution period of the command is too long or the scope is too wide, the effect of the command spell will be reduced.

For example, the order "obey everything I say" is not only too long, but also too wide. If it can be realized, then there is no need for three strokes of the command spell. Just one stroke can control the servant at will, nothing at all. Unrealistic, therefore, such orders are almost useless.

But everything is not without exception.

As long as the quality of the master is particularly good, it can be regarded as this kind of unreasonable order, and it can also produce some effects.

Luo Zhen is in such a situation.

As the individual with the best master qualifications in the records of Chaldea, Luo Zhen's ability is needless to say.

In view of this, Luo Zhen can achieve the order of space transfer with just a swipe of the command spell, and summon Mash in front of him.

Luo Zhen even had a feeling.

"Even if it is a mandatory order, it seems that it can be realized."

That's it.

Originally, given the characteristics of Chaldea's Command Seal, if it is just a swipe, the restraint on the servant should only be "cursed", and it is impossible to force the order to be executed by the servant.

However, Luo Zhen felt that with his own ability, even with just one swipe, through the magic power of the command spell, he could still make a mandatory order.

It can be seen from this that it is not without reason that Chaldea attaches so much importance to Rozen.

Luo Zhen, who has an astonishing talent in the <Summoning> system, has a surprisingly high quality as a master. He can complete the summoning, control and use of servants better than others, and it is ridiculously good.

In this way, using the power of the command spell, Luo Zhen can also strengthen and restore Matthew beyond the effect of the normal command spell.

In addition, Luo Zhen can also increase Matthew's strength by giving him a lot of magic power, which gives Luo Zhen some confidence.

"It seems that the remaining two command spells must be used with caution."

Although it is said that Chaldea has magical powers and restores a command spell a day, but the current situation of Chaldea is still unknown.

The fire in the control room may make Chaldea's system abnormal, unable to use magic power, and form a new Command Seal, that's also possible.

Out of this concern, Luo Zhen asked Matthew about the situation.

This is because the magic power of the servants is all performed by Chaldea.

If Matthew can receive the magic power from Chaldea, it proves that Chaldea's situation has not reached the worst result.

If you can't, you're in trouble.


"It's okay, senior, I am now receiving the magic power from Chaldea, and I can fight normally."

Matthew reported some good news to Rozen.

"Since this is the case, the situation in Chaldea should not be too bad, but I don't know if the functions of the control room have returned to normal, and whether the fire has been eliminated."

Luo Zhen thought about it.

"Then what should we do next, senior?"

Matthew confirmed the target to Luo Zhen again.

Regarding this, Luo Zhen didn't hesitate at all.

"First of all, we must find a way to get in touch with Chaldea and understand the current situation."

Regardless, intelligence is a must.

You have to understand the situation before you can act.

Moreover, the support of Chaldea is also necessary for this side.

"If it's Chaldea's radar, then we can detect and sample the surrounding area with me as the center. If there is an enemy approaching, we won't be unable to find it."

As for now, Luo Zhen can only rely on Luo Zhen to be vigilant.

"Although I don't really want to waste too much magic power, every point of magic power is precious for the next battle, but without the support of Chaldea, I can only do this."

Having said that, Luo Zhen used the magic of "Bird Summoning" to summon a flock of birds, scattered them to every corner of Fuyuki City, closed his eyes, and shared the feeling with the familiar, exploring Fuyuki City.

In this regard, Matthew could only rely on Rozen, so she waited quietly.



Suddenly, Luo Zhen opened his eyes, a little startled.

"She... no, why are they here?"

Luo Zhen's astonished voice made Matthew startled on the spot.


Matthew made a sound in surprise.

"No, it's okay, don't worry." Luo Zhen shook his head immediately, and then said in an inexplicable and weird tone, "It's just that we may have to meet some acquaintances."

"Acquaintance?" Matthew was even more confused.

After a while, the two left here.

At the same time, in a corner of Fuyuki City, a girl was shuffling with exhaustion, walking forward slowly.

"Really...! What the hell is going on...!?"

The girl let out an anxious cry.

There is only one person who makes this sound that sounds like he is angry all the time.

Who else but Olga Marie?

"The inexplicable control room exploded, and when I woke up, I was already in this kind of place. No matter how much I shouted, no one responded, and I couldn't even communicate with Chaldea. Why am I the only one who encountered this kind of unlucky situation? thing…!?"

Olga Marie yelled loudly as if she wanted to vent all her grievances.

"Raif! Where are you!? Even if it's not Rafe! If anyone hears it, please respond to me! I don't want to stay in this kind of place! Come pick me up!"

Such an unreasonable and disrespectful cry told others how bad Olga Marie was in her current mood.

However, Olga Marie is not the only one here.

When Olga Marie stopped, a white object unceremoniously bumped into her ankle.

"it hurts…!"

Olga Marie let out a cry of pain.


The white thing also screamed.

Impressively, it was Fufu.

As if urging Olga Marie to leave here quickly, Fufu kept hitting Olga Marie's ankle, causing Olga Marie to scream in pain.

"I got it! I got it! I'll keep going! Don't hit me again!"

Olga Marie could only cry in surrender.

"By the way, what the hell is this guy? A creature? Or a monster? Why did he appear here? And why are you being so fierce to me!?"

Obviously, even Olga Marie, who is the director, has never seen Fufu.

r> From this, we can see how mysterious and elusive Fufu is to the people of Chaldea.

Of course, Olga Marie knew.

"Could it be that you are the incredible creature that has been walking in Chaldea in the rumors? Then you should obey my orders! Chaldea is mine! Since you live with me, you should be obedient Listen...it hurts!"

Olga Marie hadn't had time to show off her airs for a long time before Fufu slammed her on her knee again, clutching her knee, and squatted down with tears in her eyes.


Fufu just kept yelling at Olga Marie.

When Olga Marie woke up, Fufu came out of nowhere, and unceremoniously urged her to rush in one direction as if she knew Olga Marie.

Poor Olga Marie, who is obviously a well-born magician, but she has nothing to do with Fufu. Being bullied by such a little beast, she is really ashamed.

Perhaps Olga Marie also had the same idea, her face was so red that she went crazy.

"Seriously... I've had enough...!"

Olga Marie cried out.


At this time, Fufu stopped bullying Olga Marie, and ran over while screaming towards the front as if she had discovered something.

Seeing this, Olga Marie panicked instead.

"Wait... wait! Don't leave me here alone!"

So Olga Marie quickly caught up with Fufu.

If the staff in Chaldea saw this flustered and timid appearance, they would surely laugh while clutching their stomachs.

But I have to say, this is the real Olga Marie.

As the daughter of a famous magic family, Olga Marie is also aristocratic, with an arrogant personality and self-righteousness. Due to the pressure of work, her temper is quite irritable, but she is still a dishonest young lady who values the people around her by nature. I don't like to owe favors to others, I will repay my kindness, and I like to be brave, and I am quite fragile, easy to be hit, and even faintly timid.

After all, at heart, Olga Marie was only in her twenties.

Let such a young girl in her twenties take charge of the management of the entire Chaldea, and bear the excessive expectations of the family, it will naturally become like this, that is, irritable, and over-conscious about everything, forming an overreaction.

There are actually quite a few people in Chaldea who know about this point, and many people know that Olga Marie is just trying to be brave.

But now, since there are no outsiders, Olga Marie can no longer be brave and show her true side to the fullest.


"What a disgrace. Where is the usual attitude of thinking you're great and superior?"

When such a voice full of ridicule reached Olga Marie's ears, Olga Marie's panicked figure froze in place.


At the same time, Fufu jumped into the arms of a young girl with a melodious cry.

"Fufu, so you came with me?"

The girl holding the huge shield was surprised and pleasantly surprised, and hugged Fufu who jumped towards her into her arms.

Beside him, a young man in a Chaldean uniform looked at Olga Marie with a half-smile.

"Ro... Lorelei!"

Olga Marie suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"Hey, great director, it seems that you are having a good life."

Luo Zhen said such words with a hippie smile.

This made Olga Marie's mood suddenly fall to the bottom.


It's too bad.

It's too bad to be seen by this man instead of someone else.

"Why...why are you here!?"

Olga Marie became furious on the spot.

Of course, what surprised Olga Marie even more was Matthew's appearance.

"What's going on with you? Mash!"

Olga Marie was shocked.

The astonishing fluctuations of magic power that surged from Mash's body told Olga Marie that the girl in front of her had been completely reborn.

As for the reason for this, Olga Marie can only think of one.

That's why Olga Marie behaved like this.

Regarding this, the sarcasm on Luo Zhen's face became more and more obvious.

"You are the director of Chaldea, how could you not guess the good deeds that Chaldea has done?"

When he said this, Luo Zhen really didn't show mercy at all.

This made Olga Marie's lips tremble a few times, and in the end, she couldn't say a word.


Matthew pulled La Luozhen's sleeve and shook his head at him.


Luo Zhen snorted coldly, did not compromise, but did not say anything more.

Anyway, it was the former director, Olga Marie's father, who used Matthew as a test subject for Experiment No. 6, not Olga Marie herself.

Olga Marie inherited Chaldea and became the director of Chaldea, but it only took a few years.

Regarding this, Olga Marie didn't seem to intend to shirk responsibility, but just spoke as if trying to calm down with a livid face.

"In short, explain to me first."

Just like that, a group of three people and one beast left here together and entered a building.