
inevitable battle

"Is that guy a Servant!?"

Holding the black wolf under her tightly, Olga Marie, who fled the battlefield under the leadership of the black wolf, yelled at Luo Zhen.

"Why are there followers here!?"

It's no wonder Olga Marie has such doubts.

Even Chaldea has only successfully summoned servants three times. It is not normal for such servants to appear in Fuyuki City in 2004.

Facing this question from Olga Marie, Luo Zhen just curled his lips.

"Didn't I say that after being transferred by the spirit son, we were immediately attacked by followers?"

These words, in exchange for Olga Marie's anger.

"You never said that!"

Olga Marie cried out angrily.

Although Matthew told Olga Marie the reason why she became a sub-servant, and also said that the two were attacked, she didn't explain that it was the sub-servant who attacked her.

Regarding this, Luo Zhen only had one word.

"Even if I didn't say it, haven't you guessed it?"

Luo Zhen didn't look at Olga Marie, but just drove the familiar on his way and spoke.

"That's a product of the <Holy Grail War>."

One sentence made Olga Marie's eyes widen.

——— <Holy Grail War>.

It was a grand ceremony that was extremely rare even in the magic world, and was called a miracle comparable to magic.

The purpose of the ceremony is to obtain the <Holy Grail>.

It is a wish-making machine that can fulfill the owner's wish and possesses amazing magic power.

The so-called Holy Grail War is a battle for this wishing machine that can fulfill the wish of the holder.

In this battle, seven masters will participate in the battle, and with the power of the ceremony, seven heroic spirits with different job titles will be summoned from the "Seat of Heroes", and they will fight each other until only one is left. When a master and servants are in a group, a wish-making machine called "Holy Grail" will come, allowing the holder to use its terrifying magic power to achieve miracles that human beings cannot do.

This matter is not considered a secret in the world of magic.

Many famous families are aware of the existence of this ritual, and even more aware of the preciousness of the <Holy Grail>, so they covet it.

And Fuyuki City is the birthplace of the Holy Grail War.

In view of this, when Olga Marie mentioned that the singularity was in Fuyuki City in 2004, many magicians from famous families responded.


"According to Chaldea's records, in 2004, Fuyuki City was indeed holding a Holy Grail War."

Olga Marie spoke with a livid face.

"Could it be that these servants are the servants who were summoned during the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City?"

Because of this, the servants who did not belong to Chaldea's summoning appeared in this town.

Because of this, Luo Zhen was attacked by Archer.

"They regard me as the master who participated in the Holy Grail War?"

Luo Zhen solved the mystery.

The ceremony to obtain the <Holy Grail> consisted of a fight between seven masters and seven servants.

Under such circumstances, if some followers regard Rozen and Mash as enemies who also participated in the Holy Grail War, it is not difficult to cause attacks.

After Lingzi transferred to this era and was attacked by an unknown Archer, and learned that the other party was a follower, Luo Zhen had such a guess.

Therefore, Luo Zhen was not shocked at all by the fact that there were servants in Fuyuki City who attacked him.

"If the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City is still going on, then it's not surprising that there are servants here."

Luo Zhen has a good understanding of the Holy Grail War.

Since the <Holy Grail> is a well-known miracle that can fulfill the wish of the holder,

The young man who cherishes miracles accidentally discovered its records in the archives of Chaldea a few years ago, and has since become very interested.

Thanks to this, Luo Zhen has a very high understanding of the Holy Grail War. Even Matthew learned of the existence of the Holy Grail War and the particularity of Fuyuki City from Luo Zen.

As for Olga Marie, her understanding of the Holy Grail War is no less than that of Rozen.

"I didn't expect that Chaldea would actually respond to the servants summoned by the Holy Grail War in Kamifuyuki City..."

Olga Marie is suffering and cannot tell.

Maybe, others don't know?

In fact, Chaldea's Heroic Spirit Summoning System was only perfected after referring to the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City.

Fuyuki City is the birthplace of the Holy Grail War, and even more so, the birthplace of <Summon of Heroes>.

Prior to this, people usually could only use the power of summoning a part of the heroic spirit with the help of profound magic. Summoning and using the heroic spirit as a servant, in the modern era where the mystery is sparse, has almost become a kind of magic. kind of luxury.

It wasn't until the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City came into the eyes of magicians that people quietly learned about the <Summon of Heroic Spirits> system.

Chaldea's <Fate> was born out of improvements based on Fuyuki City's summoning system.

Thinking of this, Olga Marie changed her mood.

"Since that monster is a servant summoned in the Holy Grail War, there should be a master, right?" Olga Marie said hastily: "When Matthew restrains Berserker, let's find the master!"

There is no doubt that Berserker is invincible.

The other party is a top-level follower.

On the other hand, Matthew, although he has obtained the power of a servant, is just a nouveau riche. He has no experience in fighting directly with a servant. Coupled with his personality, it is impossible to defeat the opponent.

If it wasn't for Mash's specialization in defense, and weapons are also shields for defense, even if they can't defeat the opponent, they can block the opponent's attack. Perhaps, with Mash's strength, he wouldn't even be able to contain the opponent. arrive.

In this case, we can only start with the Master.

"As long as the master is defeated, Berserker, who has lost the contractor, will no longer be able to continue fighting!"

Olga Marie could only choose this method.

After all, a follower is an existence that does not belong to this world. It is a spirit body in essence. It needs to rely on the contract with the master to obtain magic power and obtain a possession in order to continue to survive.

Therefore, as long as the opponent's master is defeated, unless the opponent has special skills, they can only disappear.


"That won't work." Luo Zhen poured a basin of cold water and said, "If I didn't guess wrong, the other party doesn't have a Master at all."

"No Master?" Olga Marie was stunned.

But this is Luo Zhen's idea.

"Didn't you find out that since we came to this town, we haven't even found a single person?" Luo Zhen said: "I also sent a flock of demon birds to explore the town, and as a result, not even a single person No one was found."

In other words, there are no living people in Fuyuki City.

"I'm afraid that something abnormal happened in this Holy Grail War, which led to the destruction of Fuyuki City and the disappearance of all human beings, which led to the crisis of extinction in human history."

Luo Zhen guessed so.

Luo Zhen still doesn't know what this abnormality is.

But the appearance of this abnormality should have changed the taste of the Holy Grail War, and the servants have also become special existences that can continue to operate without their master.

"Then...then what should we do!?"

Olga Marie was helpless.

"Stop making noise! Let me think about it!"

Luo Zhen glared at Olga Marie, and his head was spinning rapidly with anxiety.

Looking at the current strength of his own side, Luo Zhen estimates that the chance of winning is less than 10%.

(If you use that summon, you may have a 10% chance of winning.)

Luo Zhen quickly calculated various battle situations in his mind.

(Fortunately, this situation has been envisioned before.)

Luo Zhen, who has a very clear position on himself, has always been very self-aware. He knows that he is a master, and his duty is to command and support, rather than to fight on the front line himself. The three intermediate-level familiars it can summon are selected from many types of familiars after careful selection.

After all, unlike low-level familiars who can only compete with ordinary beasts and ferocious beasts, intermediate-level familiars already have a certain degree of special ability.

For example, the magic ants summoned by <Magic Ant Summoning>, apart from being as big as a bulldog, have extraordinary power. Even an elephant can lift it up by itself. In terms of strength, even some high-level demons are not as good as a magic ant, and they can be used in many occasions.

Of course, there was another reason why Luo Zhen fell in love with these magic ants besides their amazing power.

That is, the price/performance ratio is quite high.

This so-called cost performance is reflected in the consumption of mana.

Because ants are originally very social creatures.

After learning <Magic Ant Summoning>, Luo Zhen discovered that magic ants are familiars that win by numbers.

If one summons an intermediate-level familiar from other types, the magic power consumed is enough to summon ten magic ants.

The reason why Luo Zhen took a fancy to <Magic Ant Summoning> and learned it is because there are quite a lot of them that can be summoned.

"Many ants kill elephants. If all the magic power is exhausted and hundreds of magic ants are summoned, then with some tactics and countermeasures, it is not impossible to kill enemies of higher levels."

Therefore, the first mid-level familiar that Luo Zhen learned to summon was the magic ant.

This is not the case for the second type of intermediate-level familiar and the third type of intermediate-level familiar.

Except for the magic ants, the other two intermediate-level familiars that Luo Zhen can summon do not possess combat abilities, but focus on other aspects.

Among them, one is used by Luo Zhen to protect himself.

"As a summoning magician, the first thing you need to consider is to protect yourself."

After all, a magician who is good at <Summoning> is a weakness in itself.

If the enemy ignored the besieging familiars and only attacked the summoner, then once the summoner was defeated, no matter how many or strong familiars they had, it would be useless.

Therefore, although the second type of mid-level familiar that Luo Zhen can summon has no combat power, it has a good defense ability, and in some cases, it may even be more effective than Mash.

As for the third type of mid-level familiar, it is a kind of familiar with a certain degree of restraint on followers.

This is because Luo Zhen is very clear.

"As the master, I will definitely not deal with followers less in the future."

On the journey of human salvation, human beings are often insignificant, and only those heroic spirits that exist in legends and fantasies are the indispensable guardians of the era.

The existence of heroic spirits is essentially the defense mechanism of the world, a weapon used to protect the world.

That being the case, if you want to interfere with human affairs, if you travel to and from all eras, dealing with followers, and even fighting with them, is unavoidable.

Therefore, the third type of mid-level familiar that Luo Zhen can summon has a certain degree of restraint on followers.

To be more precise, it should be said that there is a certain amount of restraint on the spirit body.

(If you use that familiar, even if you are facing that kind of monster, you should still have 10% more chance of winning.


(It's just that the magic power to summon "that" is not so great.)

(Do you want to use it here?)

On the bumpy wolf's back, Luo Zhen tried his best to stabilize his figure while racking his brains.

Just at this moment...


As a loud noise sounded from behind, the shock wave scraped the asphalt pavement and shattered the glass of the buildings on both sides of the road, like a typhoon passing through, setting off bursts of explosions.

A figure flew out of the explosive wind like a cannonball, and immediately caught up with Rozen and Olga Marie who were bumping on the wolf's back. Carrying a strong wind, it hit Rozen not far in front of him. On the ground where it was located, while smashing the ground, it also caused smoke and dust to rise up like mushrooms.

"Cough...cough cough..."

Matthew, who was standing with a shield, stood up precariously from the smoke and dust, and seemed to have suffered a lot of damage.


Olga Marie subconsciously exclaimed.

Even Luo Zhen almost cried out, but tried his best to suppress it.

Behind him, extreme violence is approaching at an extremely fast speed.

The giant man jumped out of the air like a meteorite, and in an instant, he covered a distance of nearly a kilometer, and landed in front of Rozen and Olga Marie who were running wildly.


Matthew called out.

But before that, Luo Zhen had already given orders to the familiar he operated.


without the slightest stagnation.

Under the guidance of Luo Zhen's magic power, the two wolves roared wildly and avoided to the left and right respectively.

The burly giant fell heavily on the positions of Rozen and Olga Marie who were separated from the left and right.

The next thing is to explode.

With the sound of "Boom", the impact force was set off in the explosive wind, causing the rubble, gravel, and concrete to fly together, causing the ground to tremble.

The impact caused the two people riding on the wolf to be blown away, and rolled down to the ground for a certain distance.


Olga Marie seemed to have become dizzy under the impact, and she couldn't get up on the ground for a long time.

On the contrary, Luo Zhen had already anticipated this situation before that, and at the very moment of the moment, let the envoy put the mat under his body, avoiding the direct impact.

The poor wolf, who had been running for so long and was treated as a backup by Luo Zhen, lost consciousness.

Only then did Luo Zhen get up from the ground, gasping for breath while staring forward.


In the sound wave, a servant whose job title is Berserker roared to the sky.

Its huge figure happened to be between Rozen and Mashup.

Luo Zhen and Matthew looked at Berserker's servants at the same time, and their eyes met together across the burly and fierce figure.

There was an instant determination in the eyes between the two of them.

"There's no other way..."

Luo Zhen wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and a fearless smile appeared on his face.

Regarding this, Matthew also understood it, and her face was tense.


"Get ready! Matthew!"


The magic power surged through the two of them, soaring to the sky.