

Before long, night began to fall.

In the room, Luo Zhen felt the full recovery of the magic power in his body, took off the laptop that had been resting on his lap, and stretched his waist while closing the game interface.

"about there."

Luo Zhen murmured like this.

Whenever the magic power in the body is full, it is the moment when Luo Zhen starts to hone his magic skills.

Even if something like that just happened today, Luo Zhen didn't want to abandon this habit.

Just like what Roman said, Luo Zhen, who is usually lazy, is extremely hardworking and serious about magic.

A young man who truly loves the technique of <Magic> cannot give up the hard-won miracle no matter what.

"Let's practice the new summoning today. It would be great if we can complete the fourth intermediate summoning."

Luo Zhen was so looking forward to it, and was about to get out of bed.

At this time...


The automatic door of Luo Zhen's room suddenly opened with a hasty sound.


Luo Zhen was startled for a moment, and looked towards the door reflexively.

I saw, outside the door, a girl rushed in hastily.


Fufu, who was lying on Rozen's bed, immediately uttered a call as if to say hello.


Luo Zhen was also a little surprised.


Matthew, who is usually polite, didn't care about the reaction of one person and one beast. While panting, he looked at Luo Zhen.

At this second, a bad premonition emerged in Luo Zhen's heart.

Just because, in Matthew's beautiful eyes, there are unprecedented emotions.

Mash gasped like this, and stared at Rozen.

After a while, Matthew said a word.

"The lens <Sheba> has detected anomalies."

These words confirmed Luo Zhenxin's premonition.


Chaldea, go to one of the corridors in the central control room.

At this time, Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu passed through this corridor and ran towards the central control room quickly.

"Senior! Please hurry up!"

"It's... already very fast!"

Matthew, who was running in front, kept urging Luo Zhen, who was staggering as if he was about to die, which made Luo Zhen feel sad.

As a man, it's really embarrassing for him to be panting like a dead dog when a woman urges him to run faster.

"I can't help it. Who made my magic circuit so good that it affects my body's functions. That's right, it's not that I'm too weak, it's all because I'm too good..."

Luo Zhen could only comfort himself in this way, walking on the still unsteady footsteps, while shaking, and at the urging of Matthew, he quickly ran to the central control room.

After much difficulty, the two finally arrived at the central control room after passing through an elevator.

As soon as the automatic door opened, Luo Zhen, who was supported by Matthew, was panting and sweating profusely.

"Outliers are rising!"

"The outliers continue to rise!"

"Hurry up and try to control it!"

"No! It's already exceeded the limit!"

In the central control room, a group of staff who were manipulating the instruments in the command room screamed in panic and faintly screamed.

Olga Marie, who was originally hiding in the room, seemed to have been notified first, and had already arrived here, and was having a heated discussion with the serious-looking Leif, with unprecedented anxiety on her face.

And in the center of the central control room, <Chaldeas> suspended in mid-air like a huge globe is producing abnormalities.

"...No way?"

Looking at the situation of <Chaldeas>, Luo Zhen muttered in disbelief.

In the past, <Chaldeas>, which had always been shining with beautiful blue radiance and fluorescent fire of civilization, was constantly changing color.

The people who saw this scene were not only Luo Zhen and Mashup, but also the rest of the aptitudes who came here after receiving the news.


"Could it be..."

"Is it finally..."

The aptitudes who came here whispered and stared in the direction of <Chaldeas>, with quite serious expressions.

Of course, Roman also came here.

"...I didn't expect it to intensify in such a short period of time."

Roman, who came to the central control room, looked in the direction of <Chaldeas>, and after a while, made such a rare and calm speech.


Matthew was at a loss for a moment.

Luo Zhen also turned his head and looked at Roman.

After all, Roman's speech just now seemed to know the details.

In other words, this change did not exceed Roman's expectations.

At that moment, Luo Zhen asked.

"Do you know anything? Brother!"

Luo Zhen unceremoniously asked such a question.

In this regard, Roman also looked at Luo Zhen, and sighed as if he felt that there was no need to hide.

Immediately, Roman told Luo Zhen one thing.

"Actually, as early as a few months ago, the observers of Chaldea discovered that <Chaldeas> was changing color."

A simple sentence made Luo Zhen understand the situation at once.

"It started to change color a few months ago...?"

No wonder.

It's no wonder that Chaldea, who used to conduct observation missions in an orderly manner, would suddenly call the aptitudes in the pavilion to simulate battles during this period of time.

It turns out that it wasn't just because of experiments and training, but because the situation might develop in the worst direction?

<Chaldeas> began to change color.

This is not something that can be ignored.

You know, this earth environment model is a device that presents the state of the entire planet.

Once it becomes abnormal, it means that something is wrong with this planet.

"Could it be..."

Luo Zhen couldn't help thinking of the worst situation.

And this situation was revealed by the exclamation of Mash who had been watching <Chaldeas>.


Hearing this, Luo Zhen immediately turned his head and looked in the direction of <Chaldeas>.

There, <Chaldeas>, which had been shining brightly, finally gradually dimmed under the ups and downs of a dying struggle.


The entire central control room suddenly became silent.

Everyone stared blankly at the darkened <Chaldeas>, losing their words.

"The light...disappeared...?"

Matthew's murmur sounded like it came from a distant place, full of illusion.

Luo Zhen was also silent.

As long as the fire of civilization of <Chaldeas>, which represents the planet, stays lit, it proves that human beings will be able to live in peace in the next hundred years.

And once it loses its light, it only shows one thing.

————"The history of mankind is about to disappear."

That's all.

Olga Marie stared at the <Chaldeas> that had lost its radiance, her complexion turned somewhat pale.

However, Olga Marie did not lose her composure.

"Immediately start summoning master-adapted individuals!"

Olga Marie gritted her teeth and issued an order concerning the future of mankind.

"I want to see all the master candidates from all over the world gather in Chaldea within a month!"

This also means...

"The battle is about to start...?"

Luo Zhen whispered.

Accompanied by a complicated heart.

After that, Olga Marie summoned all the technicians in Chaldea to work overtime all night.

For <Chaldeas> which had lost its light, Chaldea started an in-depth observation and came up with a result.

"The last time that the existence of the Light of Civilization can be confirmed is only until 2019."

What does this represent?

It means that human beings can only survive until 2019, and will be completely extinct before 2020.

After learning about this, almost everyone had only one thought.


That's right.


If human history will disappear before 2020, doesn't that mean that the next two years will be the last time for human beings to survive?

How is this possible?

That is to say, there is no possibility of economic collapse and no signs of changes in the earth's crust. How could human beings suddenly become extinct?

This cannot be explained at all.

Regarding this, Leif gave an explanation.

"If the cause doesn't exist in the future, then the only possibility exists in the past."

In other words, in the past era, there was a sudden abnormality at any point in time, which led to the occurrence of this catastrophe.

So, Chaldea conducted a careful investigation of the information in the past 2000 years.

Investigate things that have not existed in history so far.

Investigate those foreign bodies that have never existed on Earth so far.

Existing in violation of the normal order of time and space, it has an impact on human reason, resulting in changes and emptiness of the times.

That is <Singularity>.

———"Spatial Singularity F".

This is a unique point that existed in the past era discovered by all the technicians in Chaldea after investigating the history of the past 2,000 years.

Chaldea postulates that this is what led to the extinction of humanity.

After learning this information, Olga Marie immediately made a decision.

"Send a proposal to the United Nations to obtain permission to carry out spirit ion transfer."

This is the conclusion.

Since the transfer of spiritual sons is a technology that can travel to various eras and then affect time and space, if it is carried out at will, it may lead to changes in history. Therefore, if you want to carry out formal transfer of spiritual sons, you must obtain permission from all countries in the world.

Once this permission is issued, the aptitudes summoned to Chaldea will become master candidates. As combatants, Lingzi will be transferred to the spatial singularity point F.

At that time, the heroic spirit summoning system <Fate> will also be officially launched, try to summon servants, let master candidates sign a contract with the servants, become the real master, command the servants, fight in the singularity, eliminate the The source of the disappearance of human history, restore the era, and complete the foundation of human reason.

"This will be Chaldea's first official battle. All master candidates must show me a correct attitude!"

"Don't forget, you will be the focus of determining whether human history can continue to survive!"

"If you can't correct your attitude and realize the importance of this situation, then no matter how outstanding this person's talents are, I will not allow him to participate in the first battle in a month's time!"

Throwing these words to the nine suitors who are currently in Chaldea, Olga Marie turned her attention to Rozen.

In those eyes, there was no longer the anxiety and anger of the past, and there was only determination like desperate struggle.

Then, Olga Marie said these words to Rozen.

"If you don't want to get serious, then don't come."

This is Olga Marie's decision.

After dropping these words, Olga Marie turned and left.

The rest of the aptitudes also have various thoughts in their eyes,

After glancing at Luo Zhen, he left the central control room.

In the end, Luo Zhen also left here under the worried eyes of Matthew and Roman.

Walking in the corridor, Luo Zhen couldn't help clenching his fists.

The mood was complicated from beginning to end.


Chaldea, the underground training ground.

This is the place that Chaldea provides for the aptitudes to use.

Although magicians basically have their own workshops and will not easily show their skills elsewhere, there are not no magic tricks that require open space for practice and research.

Therefore, Chaldea will provide a training ground like this, as long as you submit an application, you can use it after passing it.

Luo Zhen has been in Chaldea for a long time, and he is the number one among those who are suitable, so he naturally has the right to use the training ground freely.

Now, Luo Zhen is shooting here.


Accompanied by some fluctuations, the dark magic power gathered on Rozen's fingertips, forming a red and black light bullet.

The next moment, a red and black light bullet shot out from Luo Zhen's fingertips, cutting through the air like a bullet, and landed on a target in front of him.


Amid the heavy beating sound, the target was sent flying.

Luo Zhen just kept aiming at the targets one by one, and kept shooting, knocking the targets away one by one.

I don't know how long it has passed, a voice came from behind Luo Zhen.

"You really deserve to be a senior."

Behind Rozen, Mash came here at some point, with Fufu standing on her shoulder, smiling slightly at Rozen.

"Senior's <Gandr> has been able to cause substantial damage, very powerful."

——— <Gandr>.

It's a magic that spread from Northern Europe. Its essence is a curse. As long as you point your fingers at the target, it can exert its effect and destroy the target's health status. Therefore, it is also called "Yin Qi Bullet".

Originally, this kind of magic should be a non-lethal magic. Although it can cause abnormal physical conditions on the target, it will not produce direct lethality.

However, if it is trained to a certain level, it can also directly inflict damage on the target.

Since this magic is not particularly rare, Rozen found it in Chaldea's library and learned it.

This magic is also the only magic Luo Zhen has mastered besides "Summoning".

Of course, Luo Zhen also thought about learning other magic tricks.

It's a pity that apart from <Summoning Art>, Luo Zhen's talents in other magic arts are not very amazing.

So, out of greed for more than one can chew, Luo Zhen only learned "Yin Qi Balls" and only learned "Yin Qi Dan".

And after three years of training, now, the "Yin Qi Bullet" used by Luo Zhen has been able to form a direct lethal force, which is as powerful as a bullet. It is not difficult to knock an adult into the air, let alone knock it into the air target.

Regarding this, Luo Zhen did not get carried away.

"Apart from <Summoning>, this is the only magic I can handle."

Luo Zhen didn't turn his head back, and continued to shoot, just replied like this.

Seeing Luo Zhen like this, after hesitating for a while, Matthew summoned up the courage to ask.

"Aren't seniors going to participate in the first battle in a month's time?"

These words changed the atmosphere of the training ground.