
day of destiny


As if to symbolize the mood at this time, the red and black magic bullet sent a target into the air in a way that was more powerful than any previous shot, causing it to fly to the wall and smash it into pieces.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Luo Zhen retracted his fingertips that had been releasing magic power as if he no longer wanted to continue shooting.

However, Luo Zhen still didn't turn his head and looked at Matthew.

There is no other reason.

If Matthew saw his current expression, Luo Zhen would not have the confidence to hide his true inner thoughts.

That's what he said, but Luo Zhen didn't hide his inner thoughts at all, and spoke out his answer.

"...To be honest, I don't know."

This is Luo Zhen's most real thought now.

At this moment, what Roman said came to mind in Luo Zhen's mind.

"Chaldea is no longer the cruel facility you imagined, so, at least if you are here, I hope you can let go of your guard."

Roman really hopes so, right?

However, Luo Zhen still has no way to trust Chaldea.

That's not only because of the aversion to the existence of "magician", but also because of Luo Zhen's past.

In view of this, Luo Zhen really didn't want to cooperate with Chaldea's actions.


"If the battle fails, mankind will have no future."

Matthew hugged Fufu, looked at Luo Zhen's back, and spoke in a low voice.

"Senior, do you think this is okay?"

This question is the point that makes Luo Zhen confused.

Is it okay?

How could it be okay?

Regardless of the great goal of saving human beings or not, it is impossible for Rozen to watch them die just for Matthew and Roman.

Not to mention, Luo Zhen also didn't want to die.

Not because of fear.

As early as fourteen years ago, Luo Zhen had already accurately recognized death, and the fear of death had also been abandoned long ago.

However, for this life that survived by a miracle, Luo Zhen didn't want it to wither so easily.

And if the spatial singularity F has not been repaired, not only Matthew and Roman, but also Luo Zhen himself will not be spared.

On the one hand, out of inner resistance, Luo Zhen did not want to cooperate with Chaldea's actions.

On the one hand, for the sake of Matthew, Roman and himself, Luo Zhen can't just watch the failure of laying the foundation of Humanism.

The two moods made Luo Zhen not know what choice to make.

What should I do?

At this time, Luo Zhen couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

At the moment, Luo Zhen didn't think about his own question any more, and instead asked Matthew.

"What about Mash?" Luo Zhen asked, "Do you want to participate in the first battle?"

It seems that she didn't expect that Luo Zhen would suddenly ask herself the other way around, and Matthew couldn't help being a little dazed.

However, after a while, Matthew answered.

"If possible, I don't want to give up the chance to fight for the first time."

This is Matthew's answer.

Regarding this, Luo Zhen only had one thought.

"It really has your style."

That's the only impression Luo Zhen can make.

The time I spent with Matthew was about two years if I counted everything.

Regarding Matthew's character, Luo Zhen thought he knew quite well.

Turning his head, Luo Zhen looked at Matthew.

The pink shoulder-length short hair hangs down very softly, as if every strand of hair can be clearly seen, with distinct sections.

The bangs on one side just covered one eye, and she wore a pair of flat-rimmed glasses on her face.

She was wearing a white uniform, with a short skirt underneath, a pair of healthy-looking thighs wrapped in pantyhose, and boots under her feet.

As for the figure, it is even more slim and graceful. Considering the age, it is undoubtedly too plump.

Such a girl always has a pitiful expression full of seriousness and illusion on her face.

At first glance, this is an indifferent girl with a somewhat unbelievable atmosphere.

In fact, Matthew is not cold, but she is not good at expressing her feelings.

Like Luo Zhen, she has very little experience in life, but she has a lot of knowledge.

Usually, Matthew is taciturn. When talking with others, he also adopts a no-nonsense attitude and conversation habits, just like controlling himself. He only speaks when necessary, which makes people feel uncomfortable. The feeling of being close.

In fact, Matthew is very curious and active. He will greet others, talk to others, ask for opinions, is very serious, hardworking, full of curiosity about the outside world, and wants to explore a wider world. Just a pure girl.

And an ordinary girl naturally wouldn't like to fight.

Therefore, Luo Zhen is very clear that Matthew does not want to participate in the battle because he likes to fight.

On the contrary, Matthew is actually very afraid of fighting.

It's just that Matthew wanted to work hard to overcome difficulties because he had to fight.

The same is true for the first battle this time.

Faced with a battle that had to be fought, Matthew often had only one choice.

That is to work hard to overcome.

This is something only Luo Zhen knows.

Because of this, Luo Zhen had no choice but to ask.

"Does Matthew think this is okay?"

Luo Zhen asked this involuntarily.

The past of this pure and kind girl in front of her, like Luo Zhen, is unbearable to look back on.

Even, Matthew's fate is even crueler than Rozen's.

At least, Luo Zhen has been saved.

And Matthew, but not yet.

This made Luo Zhen have to ask that question.

"Don't you hate Chaldea?"

Such a question made Matthew's eyes slightly widen.

Immediately afterwards, Matthew smiled.

A very shallow, very light, yet very beautiful smile.

"Yes, I don't hate Chaldea."

Matthew smiled and made such an answer.

"Because it allowed me to meet seniors."

The gratitude and warmth carried in the words from the heart touched Luo Zhen's heart.

It is impossible for Luo Zhen not to understand the meaning of this sentence.

This reminded Luo Zhen of the scene when he first met Matthew.

Matthew also seemed to recall what happened at that time, and the expression on his face became more and more gentle.

Seeing such an expression, Luo Zhen knew it.

For myself, I have no second choice.

"I really lost to you."

Luo Zhen also showed a smile.

The distress in my heart has disappeared.

Compared to resisting Chaldea and magicians, Luo Zhen didn't want to see the smile of the girl in front of him disappear.

This is Luo Zhen's most real thought now.

Compared to this, the resistance in my heart also became less important.

Therefore, there is only one choice left.

No matter what, the girl in front of me cannot be allowed to fight alone.

This is what Luo Zhen must do.


"Let's work hard together! Matthew!"

"Yes! Senior!"

In the training ground, the boys and girls made powerful declarations to each other. One relaxed, and the other showed surprise.


Fufu, who was lying in Matthew's arms, seemed to feel the bond and warmth between the two of them, and also made a voice of agreement.

On this day, Luo Zhen made a decision to fight.

In order to regain the future of mankind, they embarked on a long journey.

In the next period of time, the entire Chaldea entered a state of complete confusion.

The technicians were all mobilized by Olga Marie, concentrated in various facilities in Chaldea, investigating and observing the situation of the space singularity point F, and trying to summarize information and countermeasures.

The staff were all given one task after another, some went to the United Nations to obtain permission to carry out formal spiritual transfer, and some began to travel around the world according to Olga Marie's instructions, to gather people with spiritual transfer suitability and A master-adapted talent.

In order to ensure the victory and success of the first battle in a month's time, Olga Marie is desperate.

At this time, as long as it is something that can increase the chance of winning the battle, no matter what it is, Olga Marie will do it, right?

In addition, as Olga Marie's most trusted technician, Leif also devoted himself to his work and disappeared without a trace. Even Roman was driven wantonly, in order to prevent the busy staff from collapsing due to exhaustion. I'm so busy that I hardly have time to eat.

I also groaned in the same way.

"There will be an updated episode of <Magic☆Merry> this month!"

Roman, who was screaming like this, didn't even say hello. He only met Rozen a few times in a whole month, and spent the rest of the time running around in every corner of Chaldea, taking care of everyone in Chaldea. of good health.

By the way, the so-called <Magic☆Merry> refers to the blog of an Internet idol.

Roman is a die-hard fan of this blog. He loves it so much that he even regards it as spiritual food. He will linger on this blog for a long time every day, and he is keen on the punishment of constantly posting comments and being scolded back by the other party. Luo Zhen, who is keen on surfing the Internet, is not flattered, and has considered several times whether to sever brotherhood with this disgraceful guy.

Under such circumstances, within a month, a number of masters were called to Chaldea one after another.

And these aptitudes have all been practiced as a matter of course.

In order to be able to achieve brilliant results in the first battle, Olga Marie gave instructions almost in a frenzy.

"All master candidates must receive a certain level of simulated battle training. I will issue permission. From now on, every master master can freely participate in simulated battles. No, it is necessary to conduct simulated battle training every day. !"

To sum up, when the technicians and staff are busy, the aptitudes, including Luo Zhen, can't be idle, and they are engaged in simulated battles more frequently than before. Harsh training.

Naturally, this caused many master candidates who had just arrived in Chaldea to howl.

After all, if you can't get used to the spirit submersion, it will put a huge burden on your brain. Under such frequent simulated battles, those who have just gathered in Chaldea and have not been trained will of course be howling.

On the contrary, Luo Zhen, whose physical strength was far lower than others, was so active in the simulated battle that he didn't even look like him.

At least, this is how people evaluate Rozen in today's Chaldea.

"No. 1's simulated battle evaluation is a perfect score."

"Is it a perfect score again this time?"

"Didn't that guy just give up when he passed the exam?"

"Have you started working hard recently?"

"In the face of doomsday, that guy is also nervous, right?"

"It would be great if I could work so hard at ordinary times."

These are the evaluations given by the people in Chaldea after hearing Rozen's performance.

Even the master candidates cast all kinds of eyes on Luo Zhen.

And knowing these things, those acquaintances who knew Luo Zhen also had their own reactions.

"As expected of a senior.


This is the reaction that Matthew, who is carrying out simulated battles with Luo Zhen every day, will be proud of every time.

"Are you finally willing to get serious?"

This is the exclamation-like laughter of the extremely busy Roman.

"This is Luo Zhen's real ability, right?"

This is Leif who occasionally heard other people commenting on Rozen.

"...It should have been like this from the beginning, idiot."

This is the cold snort of Olga Marie who learned about this from the report.

As a result, it was the apt people who only gathered in Chaldea during this month felt disdainful about it.

"It's just a wild magician who came from nowhere."

"It is estimated that the adaptability is relatively high?"

"But that kind of physique can't prove anything at all."

"That's right."

"We, the heirs of noble blood from the <Magic Association>, are the real elites."

This is the reaction of those aptitudes.

——— <Magic Association>.

It was a mutual aid association gathered by those who studied <magic> as knowledge.

Regardless of nationality or genre, it is formed by people who study magic, manages and hides magic, and takes this development as a mission.

That is the <Magic Association>.

In the world of magic, the status of the <Magic Association> can be said to be unparalleled.

Among other things, the history of its existence alone is more than two thousand years old.

Therefore, except for a few magicians like Luo Zhen who have been staying in Chaldea and learning magic silently, magicians in the magic world usually belong to this association.

This allowed the <Magic Association> to gather almost all the famous families that are still handed down from ancient times to the present.

Among them, Olga Marie's family was included.

In other words, strictly speaking, Chaldea is also a facility affiliated with the <Magic Association>.

And the more famous the family, the better the magic circuit, and the higher the magic talent.

This has resulted in the association's magicians generally being people who value bloodlines above everything else.

For these people, the little-known Luo Zhen naturally belonged to a wild boy who became a monk halfway, so they disdain and despise him from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, not everyone is right.

The talents with the ability to transfer spirits and masters are not all from the famous magic families of the association, and some are ordinary people with magic circuits.

"Thirty-eight were selected from the famous magic schools."

"Ten were selected from ordinary people."

"There will be a total of forty-eight suitors gathered in Chaldea."

"Relying on these forty-eight masters to lay the foundation for humanism again and restore human history to normal."

Olga Marie, who counted the combat power, once declared this to Luo Zhen and others.

Just like that, a month passed.

In the end, all the forty-eight qualified masters gathered in Chaldea.

On this day, the battle started.


Closing the laptop in his hand, Luo Zhen gently stroked its surface with his fingers, curled his lips, and smiled.

"I hope I can continue to come back and open you up."

Leaving such words behind, Luo Zhen left his room and went outside the door.

Here, the well-behaved and obedient juniors have been waiting for a long time.

"Good morning, senior."

"Good morning, Matthew."

"Didn't you play games all night last night?"



"Don't worry, it won't mess up."

The two had this simple conversation at the door.

Immediately, they left here together and went to the control room.