
<Different world>


Under the faint sound of a siren, the automatic door of the room closed again, and the guests who visited this room were sent away.

Luo Zhen stared blankly at the screen of the laptop in front of him, but he didn't manipulate the keyboard any more, he didn't even focus his eyes, and let the character he cultivated with great difficulty be killed by the boss who was about to lose blood Returning to the city and resurrecting, his nimble fingers no longer moved even once.

It wasn't until half a minute later that this scene was broken by a faint voice.

"You are usually so weak, why is it so persuasive only when you are preaching?"

Luo Zhen could only complain like this.

That's right.

Looking at Roman's weak appearance in front of Olga Marie, one can tell how bullying this old brother Luo Zhen usually gives people.

However, whenever this kind of time occurs, Roman will show a mature side that others can't imagine, like a sage who sees through all the confusion in the world, and speaks very convincing words to Luo Zhen.

"If you can do this normally, then you won't be treated as a soft-legged shrimp by the people of Chaldea, useless brother..."

Luo Zhen just kept complaining to the only relative who was not present, and threw the laptop on his lap aside in a fit of anger, and lay down on his bed.

at this time…


Accompanied by a lovely cry, a white creature got out of nowhere and jumped onto Luo Zhen who was lying on the bed.

"Fufu?" Luo Zhen raised his brows immediately, as if he wanted to settle accounts, and said to Fufu who jumped on him: "Have you been hiding around and watching my jokes?"

"Fu!" Fufu ignored Luo Zhen's anger and scratched the fur on her neck with her front paws.

"Okay!" Luo Zhen seemed to be even more angry, and shouted strangely: "Even you look down on me, don't you?"

"Fu!" Fufu raised her eyes and looked at Luo Zhen innocently.

"Don't look at me like that!" Luo Zhen taught Fu Fu a lesson: "Don't think that I dare not trouble you because you pretend to be so cute. Now that Matthew is not here, there is no one to help you. If you are stewed, you can only accept your fate, and if you know how powerful it is, quickly expose your belly and surrender!"

"Fu!" As if she didn't want to pay any attention to Luo Zhen who made trouble for no reason, she just lay down on the spot and lay on Luo Zhen's abdomen, as if she wanted to just sleep like this.

"You..." Luo Zhen stretched out a hand to Fu Fu angrily, as if he wanted to repair it.

However, just as the hand was stretched out, Luo Zhen stopped and stared at the hand stretched out in front of him.

Taking a closer look, Luo Zhen was actually wearing a dark golden glove on his right hand.

Looking at the glove, complex emotions flashed in Luo Zhen's eyes for a second, and he immediately stretched out his hand and took off the glove.

Appearing under the glove is a hand with fairer skin.

And on that hand, was wearing a ring.

A golden ring with a whole body that looks simple and mysterious at the same time.

Luo Zhen stretched out his hand and touched the ring.

Feeling the cold touch from the ring, Luo Zhen murmured.

"Has fourteen years passed since then?"

Having said that, Luo Zhen's memory also returned to fourteen years ago.

That was a year when Luo Zhen ushered in despair and hope at the same time.

That year, Luo Zhen was only two years old.

Lying on the hospital bed, he should have died due to his extreme weakness.

However, this ending was reversed in the end.

By an unknown miracle.

"If that's what you lack, since God won't give it to you, let me give it to you."

Recalling that voice, Luo Zhen closed his eyes.

At that time, with the help of the owner of this voice, Luo Zhen obtained a miracle. He survived and recovered his body at an astonishing speed. He no longer had to lie on the hospital bed waiting to die, but was able to act as a A "person" goes to live.

As for the cause and reason of all this, Luo Zhen still hasn't figured it out until now.

At that time, whose voice was it?

At that time, what was the miracle that saved him?

How did you save yourself?

Luo Zhen didn't know all of this.

It was like just having a dream. After waking up, Luo Zhen recovered as a matter of course, and walked out of the isolation ward as a matter of course. Even though his physique was very weak since childhood, Luo Zhen now has indeed received sufficient support to support his life. down the body.

Since then, two changes have taken place.

One is the appearance of Roman.

Luo Zhen still remembered what the man who appeared in front of him said when he came out of the isolation ward.

"I am Romani Akiman. Although it is very abrupt to say this, I must tell you that I am your blood relative, and I can be said to be your "brother". The only thing that is certain is that I hope You can accept me. "

When Roman said such words, the expression on his face at that time was tenderness and joy that he had never seen before.

It was because of this expression that Luo Zhen accepted this person who suddenly appeared in front of him and claimed to be his brother.

At that time, Roman also took out a DNA test report, which clearly stated the fact that the two were blood brothers.

If it weren't for the fact that Luo Zhen and Roman had never met each other before they were two years old, maybe their surnames would be exactly the same?

This was the first change that Luo Zhen encountered after he came out of the isolation ward.

The second change is the ring in Luo Zhen's hand.

After Luo Zhen was miraculously reborn, this ring suddenly appeared on his finger like his flesh and blood, no matter what method he used, he couldn't take it off.

Luo Zhen even had a feeling that even if he cut off his finger or even his arm, this ring would return to him and would never leave him.

This made Luo Zhen understand one thing.

"This ring is definitely related to the miracle that year."

Therefore, Luo Zhen called this ring like this.


The ring named after the most important thing to Luo Zhen has accompanied Luo Zhen for fourteen years.

Also in these fourteen years, inexplicable messages gradually emerged from the ring named "Miracle", allowing Luo Zhen to gain a lot of knowledge.

This knowledge is mainly divided into two parts.

One: Knowledge of summoning magic.

Two: the magical power of the ring itself.

The former allowed Luo Zhen to acquire all kinds of "summoning" knowledge, and he supported Luo Zhen to master a good summoning magic with his amazing talent in just three years.

The latter told Luo Zhen that the ring has a function.

It can open the door to <Another World>.

What is the world?

Time is the world.

Space is the boundary.

It is all.

It is all.

It is everything.

Even though generally speaking now, the so-called world refers to the planet on which human beings live, but no matter what time and space it is, it is actually a world.

heaven and earth.


Human world.


and even everything.

These are all worlds.

That being the case, the so-called "different world" naturally refers to a world different from Luo Zhen's current time and space.

It can be a parallel world that seems to be different from the current world, but has a different development history.

It can be completely different from the current world, even Chaldea can't observe it, and magicians can't even imagine another world.

Even the existence of the "human body" can also be regarded as a microcosm that cannot be felt by the person himself.

In Buddhism, there is even the concept of "one grain of sand, one world".

From this we can see how broad the so-called "world" really is.

And the existence of <Miracle>, apart from instilling all the knowledge of <Summoning Art> into Luo Zhen, the only function is to open the door to these different worlds.

"A different world..."

Luo Zhen caressed the ring worn on his finger, which was already like his own flesh and blood, soul, and avatar, and he couldn't help feeling suspicious in his heart.

"Is there really another world?"

If it only refers to the parallel world, Luo Zhen is not surprised.

In addition to being able to observe different eras, Chaldea can also occasionally observe the existence of parallel worlds.

If you really want to, then with Chaldea's technology, it is not absolutely impossible to transfer to the parallel world through spirit son transfer.

At least, theoretically, the purpose of going to the parallel world can be achieved through spiritual transfer.

However, through the message given to him by <Miracle>, Luo Zhen knew that this ring could do more than just that.

Even if it's a world completely different from the current one, magicians let alone observation, even a different world beyond imagination, that's feasible.

Therefore, Luo Zhen had no choice but to doubt.

"Does that kind of world really exist?"

This is what Luo Zhen suspected.

As for the effect of <Miracle> on opening the door to another world, Luo Zhen has no doubts.


"It's possible to open the different world of "soul"..."


Opening the different world of "soul" has already been done.

That was three years ago.

The knowledge given to Luo Zhen by "Miracle" includes all kinds of summoning magic from ancient times to the present, even the magic from ancient times and even the age of gods, as long as it belongs to the "summoning" system, there are all kinds of summoning magic.

For example, when simulating battles, Rozen used <Bird Call> which could summon bird familiars and <Wolf Call> which could summon wolf familiars.

Although both are magics that can only summon low-level familiars, if it weren't for the fact that Luo Zhen had only practiced magic for only three years, then he might have even learned the magic of summoning high-level familiars, and he could summon Maybe it's a fantasy that only existed in the past era.

In fact, even now, Luo Zhen can only use three kinds of magic to summon mid-level familiars.

However, the knowledge Luo Zhen obtained from "Miracle" is enough to support him to train until he can summon the highest-level familiar, and finally he can even learn "Summoning of Heroic Spirits", and he can rely on Chaldea alone. A miracle that can only be done by all, and even a mystery that is exercised on it.

If this matter is known to modern magicians, it will definitely drive this group of garbage who yearn for magic knowledge and mystery crazy.

In view of this, Luo Zhen has a "miracle", except for Roman, no one knows, including Matthew.

This is also what Roman asked Luo Zhen to do.

I still remember that when Luo Zhen showed the existence of "Miracle" to Roman, Roman stared at the ring for a long time with abnormally serious and sinister eyes, and then gave instructions.

"In any case, no third person can know the existence of this ring, do you understand?"

That was the first and last time Roman asked Luo Zhen to do something in an orderly tone.

That's why Luo Zhencai didn't even tell Matthew, and usually wears gloves to hide the existence of the <Miracle>, which has been concealed until now.

It can be seen from this that once the <Miracle> matter is leaked, the final result will be how bad it will be.

And just three years ago, Luo Zhen received all the knowledge from <Miracle> and began to learn the magic of summoning. When he summoned the first familiar, the power of this ring was revealed.

"By opening the door of the "soul", the familiar is regarded as a pure record, like a magic circuit, engraved in my body...? "

Luo Zhen murmured and told about this miracle.

This is the power possessed by <Miracle>.

Luo Zhen also knew about the same thing, and was very close to him.

That is Heroic Spirit.

Heroic spirits exist outside the world and are recorded on the <seat>.

What <Miracle> does is just like that situation.

As long as it is a familiar that was successfully summoned by Luo Zhen, it will be recorded in Luo Zhen's soul because of the power of "miracle".

That is to say, Luo Zhen's soul is equivalent to the <seat> of the familiar he summons.

Thanks to this, as long as the familiar has been successfully summoned once, Luo Zhen can easily summon it again by consuming a certain amount of magic power. Even if the familiar dies, it can continue to consume magic power and continue to summon. And it has the absolute right to order it, no matter how ridiculous the order is, the familiar will definitely obey it.

For other magicians, even if they can successfully summon a familiar once, they may not be able to control it. Even if they can control it, once the familiar dies, unless there are special cases, the familiar will also be lost.

This is the only effect of <Miracle> displayed, and it is also the effect that will be automatically produced every time Luo Zhen successfully summons a new familiar after that.

According to Roman...

"Perhaps <miracle> is a symbiotic existence with your soul, so it cannot be taken off, lost or destroyed, and because of this, only the other world of "soul" is always open without your effort. "

This is the speculation that Roman told Luo Zhen after he knew about it.

In addition, if you want to open the door to another world, you need Luo Zhen to use the power of "Miracle".

Luo Zhen already knew the method used.

However, Luo Zhen never used this power even once.

That's not only because of opening the door to other different worlds. According to different worlds, Luo Zhen will pay some price, but also because Luo Zhen still can't believe that a different world completely different from this world really exists.

Even if it exists, what kind of world is that?

Is it really okay to go to that kind of place?

Such considerations made Luo Zhen not decide to use the power of "Miracle" for a long time.

"Can you summon all kinds of familiars, and even summoned by various worlds... <Summoner of Miracles>...?"

Thinking of the evaluation that Roman once gave him like a tease, but also like a wry smile, Luo Zhen rubbed the center of his brows.

"The current world is enough for me to drink a pot. Who knows what it's like in another world?"

After finishing speaking, Luo Zhen put on the gloves again, hid the only miracle in the world again, and lay back on the bed.

Such Luo Zhen didn't know.

On this day, fate began to turn.