
I didn't intend to leave myself a way out

If Cu Chulainn as Caster is an extremely famous and legendary hero whose existence even children know, then Archer is truly unknown.

At least, until 2018 AD, even if Archer announces his real name to the world, no one will be able to find his name from past legends and myths.

The reason is very simple.

Archer is not a Heroic Spirit from the past, but a Heroic Spirit from the future.

"Originally, the so-called <Seat of Heroes> has no concept of time."

No matter in the past, present or future, as long as you have enough capital to become a "hero", it will be recorded in the "seat" and become a heroic spirit.

That being the case, in this era, of course no one would know Archer.

Therefore, if you must call Archer by his real name, then using "nameless" will have a more substantial sense.

An unknown unsung hero from the future.

This is probably the best way to describe Archer.

"Although, for me, as long as I have the means to complete the task, it doesn't matter whether I have a name or not."

With this in mind, the Archer servant stood facing the wind, looking into the distance.

The location is in the deep mountain like a giant beast that devours people.

The location is a temple located in the mountains.

Archer stood on the top of the temple, relying on the skill of <Clairvoyance>, to look several kilometers away.

There, the expected enemy came towards us.

There is a young girl who looks a little anxious in inappropriate aristocratic costumes.

There is a sage holding a wooden stick and wearing a disgusting frivolous face.

There is a sub-servant holding a shield, with an incredible creature standing on his shoulder.

There is a young man who looks weak, but his eyes are constantly shining with a brilliance that cannot be underestimated.

The group of four is rushing towards this side.

"Is it really here?"

Archer's tone was full of unexpected meaning.

Archer has been waiting here since Berserker was defeated.

"Since the rest of the servants have been defeated, it's only a matter of time before they come to challenge."

Then, instead of launching another attack, it's better to wait here and wait for the enemy to come by themselves.

Anyway, no matter what, as long as the enemy approaches, it will be advantageous for me to occupy the commanding heights and be able to monitor the surrounding distance of several kilometers.

For this reason, Archer also specially destroyed the sewers around the deep mountain, so that Luo Zhen and his party could no longer approach from underground like last time.

"This time..."

Red magic burst out from Archer's hand, forming a black iron bow, which was tightly held in his hand.


The moment Archer took hold of the bow, among Luo Zhen's group approaching the deep mountain, two followers immediately reacted.

"I found the hostile reaction!"

Matthew immediately tightened his face and raised his shield.

"Is it really that guy Archer who launched the snipe first?"

Caster smiled disdainfully, as if he knew Archer's style very well, but his hand holding the wooden stick was tight.

"The opponent is an archer, so there is no way to do it like this."

Olga Marie seemed to be mentally prepared to be targeted.


As if pulling himself together, Luo Zhen unceremoniously pulled Fufu off Matthew's shoulder and threw it onto Olga Marie.

Immediately, Luo Zhen looked towards the direction of the deep mountain,

Show a playful smile.

"Just follow the plan and neutralize Archer's sniping attack!"

Luo Zhen's words made everyone around him laugh.

Then, surging magic power bloomed around.



Archer, who was about to shoot, suddenly focused his eyes.

I saw that within the range of his <Clairvoyance>, the actions of Luo Zhen and his group who were rushing towards this direction suddenly changed.

"This is a secret trick! See it clearly!"

Caster shouted like this, raised the wooden stick in his hand, spun it for a while, and hit the ground heavily.

Accompanied by the sound of "铛", a gleaming rune appeared on the ground struck by the wooden staff.

That is the rune script, which can replace the effects of incantations and magic circles. It only needs to be engraved to activate magic. It originated from the mystery of northern Europe.

Caster almost didn't spend any time writing the rune text, allowing the magic to start.

In the next second, the ground hit by the wooden stick suddenly protruded, and thick tree roots drilled out.

As an existence who inherited <Rune Magic>, Cu Chulainn was often called the Sage of the Forest when he was a magician.

Although there are various types of <Rune Magic>, various and powerful effects can be achieved through the flexible use of different rune characters, such as skills such as <Magic Power> and <Clairvoyance>, and even one of the ability parameters can be increased Caster can do everything up to the highest level of usage, but they have the disadvantage of not being able to use them at the same time. Coupled with personality factors, Caster tends to be aggressive.

Now, Caster showed his aggressive side, allowing extremely thick tree roots to drill out from the ground, like a bridge, continuously extending towards the deep mountain.

And Luo Zhen and his party were sitting at the front of these tree roots. As the tree roots extended, they approached the deep mountain at an astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, the distance of nearly one kilometer was eliminated by the other party in this way.

"Don't even think about succeeding...!"

Seeing the enemy approaching at an unexpected speed, hardly giving himself a chance to fly a kite, Archer gasped, and pointed the arrow on the bowstring without hesitation.

However, since Luo Zhen decided to launch an attack in this way, he naturally wouldn't give Archer a chance to snipe him.

So, even if the sewer couldn't leave, Luo Zhen also quietly sent his familiar.

Now is the time for these familiars to play a role.


Just as Archer's arrow was about to burst out, the ground around the temple also exploded.

From the ground, huge monster ants came out one after another.


As soon as Archer's complexion changed, the magic ants started to move.

They turned into turrets one by one, instead of rushing towards Archer, they carried huge rocks one by one, and projected the rocks one by one with a strange force comparable to that of the superior familiar.

As a result, the heavy rain of rocks enveloped Archer.

"Play some useless cleverness!"

Archer jumped up, and while avoiding the approaching stone bullets, he turned his body and kicked violently, preparing to kick a rock that was shot at his front door into the air.

Such Archer never found it.

On the back of the stone it kicked, a delicate rune suddenly lit up.

By the time Archer noticed the magic power, it was already too late.


Explosions resounded throughout.

The stone carved with runes exploded like a bomb, turning into a billowing heat wave, covering Archer. In the pitch-black mountain, red flames surged over the temple layer by layer like a wave, illuminating the surroundings.

The surrounding woods were blown by the hot wind, not only swaying endlessly, but the fragile leaves also quickly turned yellow and fell down, covering the ground.

Archer appeared from the flames, with black smoke rising all over his body, and he landed on the ground, looking a bit embarrassed.


Feeling that the damage he suffered, even though it was not high, actually affected him, Archer couldn't help but be speechless.

Then, the voice of the instigator appeared.

"Is this level of magic unbearable? The name of the Three Knights is crying!"

At the same time as such shouts appeared, the group of thick tree roots extending like a bridge finally arrived here, allowing Luo Zhen and his party, who came rushing like wind and waves, to come down from above.

Looking at Archer who was kneeling on one knee, Luo Zhen smiled as if he was sure of winning.

"Although you have the class skill of <Magic Power>, the level of the skill is not high."

Servants of the three classes, Saber, Lancer, and Archer, all possess the skill of "anti-magic power", and can be immune to the damage and effects of magic to a certain extent, but "anti-magic power" also has different levels.

Like Mash, her <Against Magic Power> is fully A-level, except for the incomparable Ex-level, which is the highest level in general, so even the highest-ranking magicians of the time cannot cause damage to her with magic alone. It is astoundingly high and strong.

And compared to Mash, Archer, who also possesses the class skill of <Magic Power>, is much weaker.

"Your 〈Magic Power〉 is very weak. It is only D-rank. It can only nullify one project of magic. At this level, a slightly stronger magician can easily break through, let alone be able to obtain Caster. This class is a magician of the age of the gods."

Luo Zhen stared at Archer with an inexplicable smile in his eyes.

"Do you think that blocking the sewer will make up for the mistakes of the last attack? That's a big misunderstanding?"

"Your biggest mistake should be that you met me face-to-face during the first attack. As the master, I saw through your ability value."

"So, your weak <anti-magic power> has become my breakthrough point."

As soon as the words fell, a lot of magic power gushed out from Luo Zhen's body.

The magic power was injected into Caster who had concluded a temporary contract with Luo Zhen through the temporary contract channel.

"Well done!"

Caster immediately laughed out loud, and with a movement of his fingers, he actually swayed magic power in the space in front of him, depicting runes that shone with light.

The next moment, these runes turned into clumps of flames, which shot out like cannonballs, grazing in Archer's direction.


Archer was startled suddenly, he almost didn't even have time to hesitate, and was ready to jump again to avoid the incoming fireballs.

It's a pity that Archer forgot that Caster is not the only enemy he has to face.


Amid the crackling sound, magic ants drilled out of the ground around Archer, erected their forelimbs carrying strange power, and hugged Archer's legs tightly.


After discovering this, Archer knew it.

For myself, there is no way to avoid it.

Countless clumps of flames immediately covered Archer's body.


The fierce explosion resounded through the sky, filling the air with waves of fire.


Olga Marie, holding Fufu, resisted the incoming hot wind,

One side let out a cry of surprise.

However, unlike Olga Marie, Rozen, Matthew and Caster all spoke together.

""No! Not yet!"""

Just as the sound fell, the fire wave in front was separated.

There, Archer was unscathed from the direct blow, and the black bow in his hand had long since disappeared, replaced by the black and white short knife that he had seen before, resembling the double circles of Tai Chi. cut off.

And in front of Archer stood a mirror-like transparent shield with six petals.

Seeing this scene, regardless of other people's reactions, Luo Zhen secretly smiled wryly.

"Sure enough, there is a shield..."

After all, if the opponent is an archer but can project even a melee weapon, it is not surprising that a shield will be projected.

It was because of this thought that Luo Zhen would not hesitate to consume magic power to increase Caster's magic power, trying to take down the opponent in one fell swoop, so as not to make any troubles.

It's a pity that the opponent's projection accuracy is unimaginably high, and the projected weapons are all extremely strong. Unlike other magicians, the things made by using <Projection Magic> will become quite fragile due to factors such as lack of imagination. It breaks when touched.

From this point of view, the other party is indeed a heroic spirit that can only exist in myths and legends.

Of course, Luo Zhen didn't realize that what he did could bring such a big threat to the followers, which is already rare and precious.

"Almost let you succeed."

Archer stood up with his face sinking like water, and instead of looking in the direction of Caster who was attacking him, he stared at Luo Zhen.

"I see. Is this the difference between having a Master and not having a Master?"

Obviously, Archer is aware of it.

"Here, the most difficult thing to deal with is not the guard dog, nor the girl holding that tricky shield, but you."

Archer's eyes released a murderous look.


Ma Xiu immediately seemed to be stimulated, jumped up, and stood in front of Rozen, with a full face of guard.

"Your opponent is me, don't get me wrong."

Caster also stood in front of Matthew, looking at Archer provocatively.

Even Olga Marie glared at Archer with a hostile face, as if warning.

And the more everyone behaved like this, the more Archer valued Luo Zhen.

"It seems that the key this time is none other than you, unknown Master."

Archer spoke out calmly.

"In that case, come here."

"Come here and see if you have the ability to save this era and this human reason."

After leaving such words, Archer didn't launch another attack, but turned into light particles and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, everyone frowned.

"You realize that you can't win this round by yourself, so you retreat decisively?"

Olga Marie understood it this way.

"It's really annoying as always."

Caster was a little unhappy.


Matthew also

It was looking at Luo Zhen.

Bearing everyone's gaze, Luo Zhen shrugged.

"Although I really want to get rid of Archer first and then concentrate on dealing with Saber, but the opponent is smarter than I imagined, and probably saw through the purpose here, and raised our vigilance. From now on, we can only deal with Saber and Archer at the same time. "

This is not a situation that can be perfunctory with a smile.


"I didn't intend to leave a way out for myself either."

Luo Zhen looked towards the direction that gave him a creepy feeling.

There is only one thing left to do.

That's going straight to Huanglong.