
worst enemy

big hole.

It was a huge cave located in the middle of a deep mountain called Enzang Mountain.

As the name suggests, it is an incomparably huge void, quite spacious.

After Archer's retreat, Luo Zhen's group traveled a long distance and came to the front of the tunnel leading to the large void.

"It's finally here..."

As soon as he saw the spacious cave, Luo Zhen seemed to be completely burned out, lying on the ground, looking hopeless.

"Hey, hey, this is only a 20-minute journey. You are so tired after walking slowly, isn't your physical strength too weak?"

Seeing Luo Zhen like this, Caster was a little dumbfounded, speechless.

"What is slowness? It's not so easy to keep up with you followers!"

Hearing this, Luo Zhen retorted fiercely.

You must know that the Great Cavern is located inside Yuanzang Mountain. If you want to find the passage leading to the Great Cavern, you need to cross a long mountain road.

Of course, the not-so-short point here is that for Rozen, in reality, it's not a particularly unacceptable distance and consumption.

This made Caster scratch his head and spread his hands.

"This is the so-called price of talent, right? Having an excellent brain and magic aptitude, but having your physical strength taken away, if my master sees it, surely he won't be able to bear it?"

Caster's words first aroused not Rozen's reaction, but Matthew's reaction.

"Mr. Cu Chulin's master is the master of the Kingdom of Shadows, the king of witches who can kill even gods?"

Matthew asked.

Regarding this, Caster was a little uncomfortable.

"Forget about honorifics, I'm not used to that, so just come here normally, don't call me by my real name, just call me Caster."

Caster said this first, and then curled his lips into a smile.

"That's right, compared to me, Master is truly terrifyingly strong. There are very few people in the world who can compare to her."

The person who trained Cu Chulainn, the strongest fighter in Ulster, is naturally not an ordinary person.

She is a witch who lives in the Kingdom of Shadows, one of the Celtic fairylands, and is considered to be the king of the Nether Kingdom that accepts the dead and souls of the dead.

She is also very talented, a teacher who has trained many disciples to become fighters or magicians, and trained many famous heroes in history.

She has the fighting skills enough to step into the realm of the gods, and she has magic tricks that even many gods can't touch. She is clearly a human body, but she stepped into the realm of the gods in the human body, thus killing countless undead and human beings. Even gods.

Thanks to this, this great witch received a curse that entangled her all her life, unable to die, and lived forever in the Kingdom of Shadows. Unless the world perishes or is destroyed, there will never be peace.

This is one of the most famous characters in Celtic mythology, the eternal queen and lord of foreign lands—Skathach.

"Can you teach the character of... Mr. Caster?" Matthew asked curiously, "What kind of person is that?"

"How should I put it..." Caster continued to scratch his head in trouble, as if he didn't know how to describe it, and said after a while: "She is not only terrifyingly strong, but also able to see through the cause and effect of everything in the world with her eyes, but she has always The sage who keeps her mouth shut, has the highest level of talent compared to our disciples, so she can easily see through other people's quality, temperament, and ability, and she is quite talented."

Because of this, there are many disciples of Scathach, and every one of them is talented, and was taught by him to become heroes who are indomitable.

"Master's greatest wish is to cultivate a guy who can kill himself,

Free yourself from the eternal curse of immortality, but unfortunately no one has been able to do it until now, so she is probably still living in the Kingdom of Shadows, if you have the opportunity to go there, maybe you can see her . "

Caster said such irresponsible words, which made Matthew dumbfounded on the spot.

Olga Marie even spoke out directly.

"As early as the Age of Gods, the Kingdom of Shadows was no longer connected to the present world. In the modern age where the degree of mystery is extremely rare, there is no way to get there. Even if it is a spiritual transfer, it is still unknown whether it can be done. , even if you can get there, no idiot will go there."

After all, the so-called Kingdom of Shadows is the Kingdom of the Dead. If a living person enters it, the chance of surviving is less than one in ten thousand. If you think about going there, it is no different from courting death.


"Being able to live there is the beginning, otherwise you won't be qualified to receive Master's guidance."

Caster said this casually, then looked at Luo Zhen who was still lying on the ground, too tired to get up, grinned, and laughed.

"However, the master may or may not be able to do it. If you have time, go try it. Seeing the useless appearance of a person with rare qualities, with the personality of the master, he will definitely practice until he falls asleep. No time will be given to you to make you reborn."

These words made Luo Zhen tremble a little.

If it's just practicing magic, that's all. For exercising, he's absolutely indifferent!

However, why is there a feeling that this kind of thing might really happen in the future?

This is definitely an illusion!

"I... I'd better send the familiar to the big cave to check the situation first!"

Luo Zhen changed the topic decisively and prepared to summon the familiar.

But this time, Caster stopped Luo Zhen.

"Don't waste magic power, this method is fine against Archer, but it won't work against Saber.

Caster once fought against Saber, and even took a blow from Saber's release of the Noble Phantasm, and finally survived by luck.

"After taking a blow from that Noble Phantasm, no one can recognize Saber's true identity, right?"

That's what Caster said back then.

So, from Caster, Luo Zhen and his party have already learned Saber's real name, and they were astonished and shocked for a long time.

If Saber is really that person, then sending an emissary in there is really just a waste of magic power.


"Let's attack directly!"

Caster proposed the most direct and brutal method.

"no solution anymore."

Luo Zhen patted the dirt on his body and stood up.

"Then let's attack in!"

So, under Luo Zhen's instruction, everyone rushed into the big hollow.

In the end, the group came to the mountainside, which was so spacious that it was unimaginable.

Here, the most vicious existence has been waiting for a long time.



As soon as they entered the large void and saw Saber's real body, Matthew and Olga Marie let out muffled sounds at the same time.


Caster also clenched his staff tightly as if facing an enemy.

Luo Zhen took a deep breath, suppressing the cold sweat that was about to break out.

All of this is because of the amazing magical power released by the other party that can overwhelm everything.

"come yet?"

Following such a brisk and cold voice, the biggest enemy in this singularity appeared in front of everyone with powerful steps. ——— "Pitch black".

This was Luo Zhen's first impression after seeing Saber.

Her skin was white, and it was an extremely unhealthy paleness.

She was wearing what looked like a rather heavy armor. That set of armor was completely black in contrast to the skin, covering nearly 90% of the opponent's body, shining with a frightening luster.

The other party's height is not very high, and can even be called short or even slender.

However, that extremely slender and thin body exudes a terrifying magical power that is enough to make one feel horrified.

The ferocious magic power is like a dark wave devouring people's hearts, permeating the entire void.

This incomparably ferocious magic power now comes from the rider in front of him——Saber.

Before that, Luo Zhen had already made mental preparations.

Be prepared to face the most terrifying enemy.

The opponent was the existence that Berserker, whom he regarded as absolutely invincible, could not defeat.

Moreover, the class of Saber, in addition to having a legend commensurate with the "Knight of the Sword", can only be obtained by a Heroic Spirit with the highest level of abilities other than magic power, so it is often regarded as among the followers. The trump card of the Holy Grail War is considered to be the most champion-inclined class, and it is undoubtedly powerful.

In fact, in Chaldea's records, the winner of Fuyuki City's Holy Grail War in 2004 was a servant of the Saber class, which shows its strength.

However, when facing this enemy, Luo Zhen realized that his psychological preparation was not enough.

The other party is definitely more terrifying than I imagined.

And what surprised Luo Zhen even more was...

"It's actually a woman...!?"


Saber, who even Berserker could not defeat, that formidable and terrifying enemy that everyone was shocked after learning her real name, turned out to be a slender girl.

"Then... that one is actually a girl...!?"

"The legend is not reliable at all!"

Even Matthew and Olga Marie uttered a cry. It is conceivable that they were shaken in their hearts. On the contrary, Caster, who had met him before, took it for granted, which made people feel hatred in their hearts.

Under such circumstances, Saber stood on a rocky platform that rose from the ground like a cliff, looking down at everyone from a high position.

"Is this the powerful enemy that forced you to retreat and couldn't even defend the front line?"

Saber's light and cool voice sounded again.

However, this sentence was not addressed to Luo Zhen and his party, but to a servant who appeared behind him.

"That is a group of powerful enemies that cannot be underestimated." Archer stood behind Saber, as if voluntarily being inferior to others, and said in a deep voice: "Even you, if you don't pay attention, you may be defeated."

"Really?" Saber didn't show an angry expression, instead, her eyes stopped on Luo Zhen and his party as if appraising the value.

When she saw Caster, Saber didn't show any abnormality, her expression was quite indifferent.

When she saw Olga Marie, Saber didn't even stop her gaze, as if she didn't pay attention to it at all, she just glanced at it casually.

When she saw Matthew, Saber paused on the shield she was holding for a while, doubts and pondering faintly flashed in her eyes.

When she saw Luo Zhen, Saber's eyes narrowed.

"I see."

Saber spoke surprisingly.

"Are you the last master of Chaldea?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

"She...she knows the existence of Chaldea...!?"

Matthew was very surprised.

"What's going on!?"

Olga Marie was even more shocked.

The other party obviously knew the situation of Luo Zhen and his party very well.

This alone is enough to surprise people.

After all, Luo Zhen and his party are not from this era. They are actually well known by the other party. If they say there is no problem, few people will believe it.

On the contrary, Luo Zhen had already expected this.

There are two reasons.

One is what Archer said when he retreated.

"Come here and see if you have the ability to save this era and this human reason."

Archer, who said such a sentence, obviously knew the true identity of Luo Zhen and his party, otherwise he would not have said the theme of "saving humanity" that only exists in Chaldea.

If Luo Zhen guessed correctly, Archer should have learned something from Saber.

As for Saber, she learned about these things from the mastermind who gave her the <Holy Grail>.

Luo Zhen kept all these things in his heart, and facing Saber's eyes, he showed a somewhat pretentious smile.

"To be honest, after learning your real name, I really never imagined that you would accept the <Holy Grail> given by the mastermind behind the scenes to do evil in this era."

After suppressing the fear of Saber's terrifying magic power in his heart, the first thing Luo Zhen resorted to was dialogue.

Dialogue is the most beneficial way to obtain information, Luo Zhen has always thought so.

Moreover, through dialogue, effects such as deterrence, mitigation, confusion, and even deception can be formed. When facing an almost invincible enemy, as long as one does not want to escape, dialogue is the only way to find a chance of victory.

So, only at this time, Luo Zhen is happy to delay the time, at least to buy time for Matthew and Olga Marie to change their mentality and deal with the situation seriously.

And Luo Zhen's plan seems to be somewhat successful.

Saber replied blankly to Luo Zhen's question.

"The judgment of good and evil should not depend on one aspect." Saber said indifferently: "My purpose is only to maintain this era, so I will accept the gift of the <Holy Grail> after knowing that everything is irreversible. Whether this is good or evil is left to the world and history to decide."

There is simply too much hidden information in these words.

"Maintain the era?"

Matthew was slightly taken aback.

"Is everything irreparable?"

Olga Marie was even more taken aback.

"What are you guys talking about?"

Caster also keenly sensed that something was wrong.

Even Luo Zhen had many thoughts in his mind because of these words.

After rubbing, converging, and summarizing these ideas, Luo Zhen gradually obtained a fact.

And this seemed to be noticed by Saber, and the eyes that fell on Luo Zhen became sharp on the spot, which made Luo Zhen's heart skip a beat.

"It seems that you are indeed very smart, Master of Chaldea." Saber said blankly, "But ignorance is sometimes a luxury. Knowing too much is actually a misfortune."

Saying this, Saber walked slowly towards this side.


At this moment, the air began to hum.

That was the phenomenon caused by the surge of magic power.

The pitch-black magic power gathered in Saber's hands like this, and finally turned into a sword.

A magic sword with a pitch-black color and red lines all over its body, exuding a terrifying atmosphere.

No, that's not a magic sword, but a holy sword that has changed its form.

Everyone knows, everyone knows, even Berserker drank hatred under its brilliance, and even Caster stiffened for it, the holy sword that stood on guard as if facing a big enemy.

"Master of Chaldea, do you want to save Humanity?"

Saber raised the pitch-black holy sword in her hand and pointed at Luo Zhen.

"Then let the sword in my hand determine whether you have such aptitude."

Thus, the ferocious magic power turned into substance.

Bathed in that magical storm, Luo Zhen understood.

This time, it is impossible not to work hard.

The pitch-black magic power gathered in Saber's hands like this, and finally turned into a sword.

A magic sword with a pitch-black color and red lines all over its body, exuding a terrifying atmosphere.

No, that's not a magic sword, but a holy sword that has changed its form.

Everyone knows, everyone knows, even Berserker drank hatred under its brilliance, and even Caster stiffened for it, the holy sword that stood on guard as if facing a big enemy.

"Master of Chaldea, do you want to save Humanity?"

Saber raised the pitch-black holy sword in her hand and pointed at Luo Zhen.

"Then let the sword in my hand determine whether you have such aptitude."

Thus, the ferocious magic power turned into substance.

Bathed in that magical storm, Luo Zhen understood.

This time, it is impossible not to work hard.