
Set off

In order to better grasp the performance of the servant, the master usually needs to confirm the ability of the servant by visual observation.

And the above is the value that appears after the performance of the servant is digitized. As Matthew said, as long as it is the master, it can be confirmed.

Among them, the attribute indicates the camp that the follower tends to, and the strength, durability, agility, magic power, luck, and treasure are also named after the name, which respectively represent the strength of the follower's physical strength, the damage that can be tolerated, the speed of the body and reaction, The amount of manipulative magic power, luck, and the strength of the Noble Phantasm possessed are the same as the Noble Phantasm's grades. They are generally divided into five grades: A, B, C, D, and E. The highest grade is A, and the lowest grade is E. The non-standard level belongs to Ex, and also has a multiplication effect such as "+".

As for class skills and reserved skills, they are all special abilities belonging to the servants.

The difference is that class skills depend on the servant's class, while skills retained depend on the ability of the servant during his lifetime.

For example, the servants of the three classes of Saber, Lancer, and Archer are generally endowed with the skill "anti-magic power" and have a certain degree of magic resistance, so they are also called the three knights, and the servants of the Rider class are generally They will all be given the skills of <Riding>, Caster is <Item Creation> and <Position Construction>, Assassin is <Break Break>, and Berserker is <Frenzy>.

These are all class skills, and the servants who have obtained this class will generally have these relative skills.

Retained skills are abilities that he possessed during his lifetime, just like Archer, his <Projection Magic> and <Clairvoyance> are abilities he possessed during his lifetime, so they belong to retained skills. Caster also possesses the reserved skills of <Rune Magic>, a powerful Servants even have skills comparable to Noble Phantasms, which is astounding.

In view of this, Luo Zhen was also able to confirm Matthew's ability value, and clearly observed his ability value in his eyes.

"The better the master's ability, the more analysis he can do on the servants, right?"

Matthew looked at Luo Zhen with some hope.

"If you are a senior, you will definitely be able to know the ability value of the servant to the greatest extent."

This is indeed a fact.

Just like what Matthew said, the higher the ability of the master, the more ability points of the servants that can be confirmed.

In the case of Luo Zhen, attributes, ability values, class skills, and retained skills can all be seen, which shows how high his ability as a master is.

And it's not the first time Luo Zhen saw Matthew's ability value.

After all, mastering a servant's ability is the first thing a qualified master should do. Luo Zhen had already confirmed Mash's ability value during Archer's attack.

It's just that Luo Zhen was still quite puzzled when he saw Matthew's ability value.

"It's fine if the level of the treasure can't be confirmed, but I didn't expect to be unable to confirm the level of the remaining skills."

But now, Luo Zhen understood.

The reason why there is no way to confirm the level of the Noble Phantasm is because Mash can't use the Noble Phantasm yet.

The reason why the levels of skills are all uncertain is because Matthew has not fully grasped the power of being a servant, or in other words, she still has a lot of room for growth, which led to this happening.

Even the class skill level of <Possession Inheritance> is displayed as a question mark, which proves that Matthew's potential is still great, and the uncertainty is very high.

But what Luo Zhen really cares about is Matthew's class.

——— <Shielder (Shield soldier)>.

This is an unorthodox class that is different from the seven major classes. Only servants who do not meet the requirements of the basic class will have it after meeting certain conditions. Just like a bug in the system, it is an exception among exceptions.

Servants with non-orthodox ranks may not necessarily be stronger than those with orthodox ranks, but they are often very special, either with abnormal ability values, unexpected skills, or amazing abilities. A treasure of astonishment.

And the followers who transferred their power to Matthew are obviously in this row.


Shield soldiers.

Luo Zhen didn't know much about this class, but he could more or less guess that it must be possessed by servants who possess skills and treasures like shields to protect themselves and their companions.

In other words, Mash is a servant who has specialized in defense.

This can also be seen from its ability value.

"Having the highest level of durability and so many skills to protect one's side, it's not surprising to get this rank."

It is precisely because of such outstanding defensive power that Mash can completely withstand the attacks of monsters like Berserker even when he is a half-baked person.

But even so, it still couldn't conceal the fact that Matthew couldn't use the treasure.

The shield in his hand is just a relatively strong shield now, and it has not exerted its power as a treasure at all.

If the power of the Noble Phantasm is brought into play, it should be like the magic spear owned by Caster during his lifetime, which has amazing effects such as hitting the heart.

In order to exert this effect, the real name of the treasure must be released.

After all, a famous weapon will have its own name, just like its master's heroic spirit.

Only when the real name is liberated can the true power of the treasure be brought into play.

This is the problem.

Mash doesn't even know the real name of the heroic spirit who gave her power, so how can she know the real name of the treasure?

That's why Matthew hopes that Luo Zhen can analyze it.


"No matter what, if the master's ability can analyze the servant's real name, then the servant has no meaning to hide the real name."

Luo Zhen said with a wry smile.

With Luo Zhen's ability, the ability value he can analyze has reached the maximum level.

As for the real name, it is impossible to know it only by the master's ability.

Otherwise, no matter what kind of servant he is facing, the master can instantly know the effect and weakness of his treasure, which is really unreasonable.


Matthew became a little disappointed.

That was not against Luo Zhen's disappointment, but against himself.

"Sorry, senior, I pushed my problem onto you." Matthew said very sadly: "As expected, senior should be with better..."

This time, Luo Zhen didn't let Matthew finish talking.

"If you say that again, I'll be angry."

Luo Zhen said such words quite seriously, which made Matthew shut her mouth in panic.

Seeing this, Luo Zhen's expression eased slightly, and he stretched out his hand to touch Matthew's head.

"don't worry."

Luo Zhen curled his lips and smiled.

"Since I am the best master, you who have made a contract with me will definitely not be a half-hearted servant forever."

"So, trust me, just leave it to me."

In the end, Luo Zhen did not choose unnecessary comfort, but made a firm promise.


Ma Xiu stared blankly at Luo Zhen, seeing the confident expression on his face, the feeling of loneliness in his heart finally gradually disappeared.

That's right.

believe him.

As long as you trust the person in front of you, that's all.

So, I want to give everything I have to him and dedicate to him.

Dedicated to this senior who has always led me to the front.

In this case, we will be able to break through all the difficulties.

Certainly... the next day.

The time for battle came quietly.

When Rozen and Matthew returned to the chapel, Olga Marie had already woken up.

"It seems that he is ready. He is really a newcomer that cannot be underestimated."

Saying this, Caster also appeared in a burst of blue mist-like light particles, leaning the wooden staff on his shoulder, with a fearless smile on his face as always.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Caster, Olga Marie was taken aback, and then vented her anger.

"Since you're next to me, don't turn into a spirit! Do you want to scare people to death!?"

As mentioned earlier, in essence, followers are actually spirit bodies, but they are much higher than ordinary spirit bodies, comparable to elves.

That being the case, the followers will naturally be able to return to their spirit bodies, making it impossible for ordinary people to observe their existence with their naked eyes.

This is the so-called spiritualization.

When confronting Archer, the reason why the opponent disappears in a burst of light particles when he leaves is also because of the use of this characteristic of the follower, returning to the state of the spirit body, hiding the body, not really disappearing .

Apparently, when everyone was resting, Caster stayed in the chapel in a spiritualized state, but he didn't tell Olga Marie, which shocked Olga Marie and vented his anger.

For this, Caster shrugged.

"Although servants don't need to rest, all life activities will consume mana. When you are resting, I will naturally have to restore my state to perfection."

It was for this purpose that Caster would maintain his spiritual form, restore his physical strength and magic power, and not reappear until now.

"What a convenient stunt."

Matthew blurted out this sentence out of envy or reality.

Servants can be transformed into spiritual sons to reduce the consumption of mana, and even use it for recovery, but as a sub-servant, Matthew who has a real body cannot do this.

Of course, because of the physical relationship, Mash doesn't need to consume magic power for life activities. Even if she can't transform into a spirit, it won't have much impact.

Looking at such a group of people, Luo Zhen, who was teasing Fufu on his shoulder, finally turned his head.

"My magic power has almost recovered, even if it doesn't have ten CDs, it's 80% to 90%."

The appearance of this sentence is only for one purpose.

That is to declare to everyone.

"It's time to head to Saber's location."

Luo Zhen made a declaration of battle.

This made Matthew and Olga Marie tense their faces at the same time.

"Then, please allow me to go with you." Matthew said to Luo Zhen like this: "Although I am still immature, I will definitely try my best to protect the Master."

As she said that, Matthew's eyes were surprisingly determined.

"...No way." Olga Marie sighed, "It's too late to say that you don't want to go to that kind of place. Anyway, Chaldea still can't be contacted, so I'll go with you."

In other words, Olga Marie is ready to risk herself.

"I have no objection." Caster took a look at Olga Marie, and said very directly: "But are you okay? You don't have the qualifications to be a master, right? You can only watch after you go? "

Facing the battle between the top servants, it is really impossible for a mere human magician to help.

In this way, instead of going to a dangerous place, it is better to stay here and wait for the result, which is safer.

However, Olga Marie did not compromise.

"How can you let the situation go on like this?" Olga Marie bit her fingernails and murmured, "If no results can be achieved, then Chaldea is probably finished."

To know,

In order to lay the foundation for humanism this time, Chaldea not only obtained talents from the general society, but also obtained talents from the Magic Association, and recruited 38 qualified masters from famous families to participate in this battle.

Now, those 38 masters are almost unknown, and the Magic Association will definitely not let it go. If the battle fails again, Olga Marie's responsibility will definitely be infinitely magnified by the Magic Association, and she will eventually be resigned. Not impossible.

Coupled with the failure of laying the foundation of humanism, there is no future for human beings. With Olga Marie's worry-loving personality, it is naturally impossible to sit still.

This actually made Luo Zhen look at Olga Marie a little differently.

"I didn't expect that you have a strong sense of responsibility."

Luo Zhen pursed his lips and said such words.

"You don't need to worry about it!"

Olga Marie immediately stared back.

Seeing that the rivals were about to quarrel, Matthew hurriedly spoke out.

"Then, where exactly is Saber?"

If one wanted to deal with Saber, one would naturally have to find her hiding place.


Caster just wanted to answer, but was snatched away by Luo Zhen.

"If I'm not mistaken, Saber should be there, right?"

Luo Zhen interrupted Caster's speech with such a sentence, and pointed in a direction.

Everyone immediately looked in the direction Luo Zhen pointed.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw it.

The direction Luo Zhen pointed at was a mountain.

A temple is located in a deep mountain exuding a long and vicissitudes of life.

"Oh?" Caster smiled in surprise, "How can you be so sure that Saber is there?"

"It's very simple." Luo Zhen turned his head and looked at the deep mountain.

Looking at the deep mountain that Luo Zhen had seen once when he just met Olga Marie.

Then, Luo Zhen said so.

"From the moment Lingzi transferred to this town and was attacked by Archer, I have already vaguely felt a chill from that mountain."

Luo Zhen didn't know why he felt this way.

However, Luo Zhen can be sure.

"That feeling is exactly the same as the feeling Professor Leif gave me."

Luo Zhen did not say this word.

But since he had this feeling and understood this point, Luo Zhen probably guessed the truth about some singularities. It wasn't until he learned from Caster how the singularity appeared and what happened after that that Luozhen was sure of himself. guess.

In view of this...

"I think that the Saber holding the <Holy Grail> that caused this singularity to appear is likely to be in that mountain." Luo Zhen asserted: "As long as you go to that mountain, the last scene of this Holy Grail War will happen." It's going to happen."

Such an assertion stunned Matthew and Olga Marie, and at the same time made the corners of Caster's lips twitch.

"It seems that you are not only talented and smart, but also have keen intuition and eyesight."

Caster admired it first, then nodded in affirmation.

"That's right, Saber is in that mountain, and the ritual magic circle of the Holy Grail War is also in a huge hollow in that mountain."

In other words, that mountain was initiated by the Holy Grail War ceremony


"Then let's go."

Luo Zhen gave such an instruction, and then looked at the mountain again.

Under the dark sky, the deep mountains exuding vicissitudes of life looked extremely gloomy.

It looked like a ferocious beast with its mouth open, ready to collect its prey.