
first spiritual transfer

Today, the whole of Chaldea is filled with a faint sense of tension, which makes the air begin to carry a little bit of pressure.


Ma Xiu seemed to feel the tension, not only her pretty face was slightly tense, but she couldn't help calling Luo Zhen.

Yawning, it seemed that it was completely inversely proportional to Matthew, and Luo Zhen, who had a loose attitude as always, glanced at Matthew and saw the tense expression on his face.

"Relax." Luo Zhen yawned immediately, and said, "Don't be so nervous, the simulated battle has been carried out many times, no problem."

Olga Marie would have criticized her casual attitude, but Matthew was affected by Luo Zhen's attitude, and felt a little more relaxed.

Seeing this scene clearly, Luo sincerely smiled and felt relieved.

Obviously, Luo Zhen deliberately made this performance for Matthew's consideration, to make Matthew relax.

Humans are creatures that are influenced by each other.

Once the people around you are nervous, then you will feel more or less nervous.

And once the people around him look like they're fooling around, they won't be serious at all.

Using this principle, Luo Zhen deliberately guided the immature Matthew.

Although the two are of the same age, and both lack life experience and have abundant knowledge, Luo Zhen is good at formulating various tactics and countermeasures compared to the innocent and kind-hearted Matthew, so he naturally understands how to deal with them in this situation. Matthew relaxes.

This is also because Luo Zhen is quite clear about his position.

As a summoning magician who manipulates familiars to fight, physical fitness may not be able to keep up, but the mind must be clear.

As for the battle, just leave it to the familiars and servants.

His task is to command and support from the rear.

Only in this way can the combat power be maximized.

Luo Zhen has always been very aware of this matter, so he has been absorbing all kinds of knowledge to enrich his mind, so that he can organize tactics and command in various battle situations.

This battle is the same.

"In terms of combat, as long as it is a servant level, a mere magician can't keep up at all."

"As masters, what we should do is not to go to the front line, but to command from the rear."

"Otherwise, Master is just holding back."

With such a cognition, Luo Zhen naturally knows what he should do most.

Coupled with the fact that he is also a summoning magician, and his combat method is also to manipulate the familiar from the rear, this understanding is even deeper.

Thinking of this, Luo Zhen couldn't help but look forward to it.

"I don't know, what kind of hero will the servant who is formally summoned by <Fate> and signed a contract with me be?"

Thinking of this, Luo Zhen really looked forward to it from the bottom of his heart.

Love magic, love miracles, such is this young man --- Lorelei Agnes.

At this time...

"So you are here."

The sound of this voice made Luo Zhen take the lead in stopping his steps towards the control room.


Mash also stopped in her tracks, but unlike Luo Zhen, she bent down to salute the visitor earnestly.

It was Leif who came.

"I've been looking for you for a long time, and it's great to not be absent."

I saw that Leif was leaning on a decorative crutch and approaching here with a normal smile.


Luo Zhen didn't say hello to Leif, but just looked at him.

For some reason, Luo Zhen always felt that...

(This guy is even creepier

Chaldea, central control room.

When Rozen and Matthew came here, all the suitors in Chaldea had already gathered.

The aptitudes were all sitting in rows of seats in the center of the control room, silently waiting for the combat meeting to start.

Just in front of these people, Olga Marie was already standing there.

"too slow!"

As always, Olga Marie scolded Rozen and Matthew loudly.

"Take a seat quickly! Don't waste time!"

A more nervous voice than usual told others that today's Olga Marie's anxiety level has set a new record.

In the past, if she came late like this, Olga Marie would never let go of Rozhen, who has always been disliked.

This proves that Olga Marie can't even think about arguing with Luo Zhen now.

Seeing Olga Marie with her arms folded and staring at her, Luo Zhen couldn't help feeling sad.

"I get so angry every day, I really don't know if it's because of early menopause..."


Luo Zhen's whispered slander made Matthew quickly pull Luo Zhen back to his seat as if he was afraid of being heard.

Seats for two are in the first row.

Here in the first row, there are less than ten seats.

Those who can sit here are the nine aptitudes who were already in Chaldea a month ago.

And these nine people naturally attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Welcome to the Secret Service Chaldea. I am the director—Olga Marie Animsfia."

Just as the rest of the people looked at Rozen and Matthew sitting in the first row with disrespectful eyes, Olga Marie's voice began to sound.

"Although there are many things I want to say, to be precise, I feel very uneasy seeing you, but it is undeniable that this battle requires the strength of you, the aptitude dug from all over the world, to go smoothly Done, so I won't gossip, let's get straight to the point."

Olga Marie seemed to suppress the anxiety in her heart, and said so in a calm voice.

"Presumably, after coming to Chaldea, you should have understood the current situation more or less, right?"

With these words, the masters present at the scene looked at each other.

After all, it's such a big deal.

Human beings are about to come to an end, even if it is the biggest secret today, it is impossible for outsiders to know, but after coming to Chaldea, everyone here must have known it.

So, Olga Marie said so.

"I don't care whether you heard it from others or from other channels, how serious our situation is now, as long as you can clearly understand this, that's enough."

"And if you still don't understand the seriousness of the situation, let me repeat it to you."

Olga Marie announced mercilessly.

"Next, your battle will determine whether human beings can survive in the future."

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

Olga Marie continued to announce coldly.

"If your battle is successful, then the history of mankind can be repaired and the future of mankind can be guaranteed."

"If your battle fails, then humanity will be completely finished."

"There are only these two outcomes, and there will never be a third."

"Now, do you understand how heavy the mission you are carrying?"

Hearing this, the faces of all the people present began to tense slightly.

A sense of tension spread in the control room.

Luo Zhen also felt Ma Ma beside him.