
Dark Sword of Aurora


In the air, an oppressive silence began to pervade.

A pitch-black storm of magic power swept through the entire empty space, making the air seem to become heavy.

Seeing Saber's unreserved squandering of that ferocious magic power, Luo Zhen's group almost held their breath, and they didn't dare to act rashly at all. They could only face Saber's indifferent gaze and froze in place.

Fortunately, there are still people here who can withstand the pressure and take the lead in breaking the deadlock.


When such words appeared in the air and turned into scorching flames, the big hole was finally dyed red.

At this moment, Caster was indeed the first to bear the pressure brought by Saber.

"Although I don't know what you know..."

Caster stared at Saber, with a ferocious smile on his face.

"But since it's a situation where you have to fight no matter what, let's put you down first!"

After the wild declaration, the heat expelled the heavy air, and at the same time it became scorching hot, it also turned into flaming cannonballs, across the space, and shot at Saber one after another violently.

"Is it magic?"

Saber looked coldly at the incoming flaming mass, and unexpectedly, she did not dodge or dodge at all, and was greeted with a direct attack from the flaming mass.

"Bang bang bang bang bang...!"

Amidst the sound of an explosion, fire waves surged, covering Saber's whole body.

But before everyone could react, a pitch-black holy sword swung heavily in the fire waves, and with a sound of "Boom", it seemed to split the scorching flame, and the whole thing was blown away.

Among them, Saber reappeared in front of everyone without even a single hair being injured.

"Tch..." Caster smacked his lips and said, "Is it really useless?"

As he said that, when Caster wanted to do something, he was interrupted.


Amidst the sharp piercing sound, an arrow carrying magic power dropped from the sky and shot straight at Caster.

I saw that Archer, who had been watching coldly, was standing on the high platform of the rock. He didn't know when to draw his bow and arrow, and when everyone was focusing on Saber, he shot without hesitation.


Mash immediately stood up and stood in front of Caster.


Amidst the crisp sound, the powerful arrow landed on the heavy shield, and after sparking a burst of sparks, it was bounced away neatly.

And at this moment, Saber moved.


This is the sound caused by the soles of the feet stepping hard on the ground.

Saber suddenly raised her head, and her feet wearing combat boots fell heavily on the ground, causing a burst of cracking and shock waves. In the turbulent air current, mixed with smoke and dust, she rushed to Matthew's body.


Matthew showed a look of surprise.

But Saber had a cold face, raised the pitch-black holy sword in her hand high, and slashed down fiercely at Matthew.

The strong wind was divided into two halves under this chop.


The sound of gold and iron colliding reverberated in the air like an echo, causing a circle of force around Saber and Mash who were fighting together.

"Good weight…!"

Bearing Saber's blow head-on, Matthew's shield's hands trembled, and his complexion also changed.

To this, Saber only responded with one sentence.

"Of course it is heavy, because this is a blow from the holy sword that bears the hope of mankind and the fate of the planet. Even if this body is now suspected of being depraved,

The holy sword has been reversed and turned into this dark appearance, but its essence has not changed at all. "

Saber stared closely at Matthew holding up the shield, struggling hard, as if she felt something worth remembering from him, and offered a rare piece of advice.

"If you can't even bear this kind of weight, then your shield won't be able to bear the burden of saving humanity at all, so let's give it up here!"

After saying that, Saber drew back, and the holy sword that had just been cut suddenly turned around, wanting to chop off at Matthew's head hidden behind the shield.


However, Saber stopped abruptly and dodged to the side without hesitation.

Almost at the same second, the ground where it was just standing exploded, and several magic ants emerged.

Seeing this scene, Saber, who dodged to avoid it, immediately turned her eyes and looked in another direction.

There, Luo Zhen was filled with magic power, and turned his back to Olga Marie, who was holding Fufu and ran away to avoid being affected by the battle, with a dignified expression on his face.

"Is it really possible to avoid it?"

There was a faint light in Luo Zhen's eyes.

That's the performance of using the master's ability to see through the servant's ability value.

Under such circumstances, Saber's astonishing ability value was learned by Luo Zhen.

"Muscle strength and durability are the highest A-level. Although agility is D-level, magic power is A++ level. There must be a limit for fouls, right?"

Luo Zhen couldn't help being dumbfounded.

And compared to the ability value, Saber's skills are even more difficult.

After excluding a few skills that are useless in combat, among Saber's remaining skills, there are three that must be paid special attention to.

First of all, there is the B-level job skill <Magic Power>, which can nullify the magic of chanting into three verses. Even great magic can hardly hurt Saber, so Caster's magic just now has no effect at all.

Then there is the B-level skill <Intuition>, which can instantly recognize and take the most suitable action for oneself in battle. If you reach B-level, even if you are somewhat negligent and slow to pay attention to the outside world, you can use sneak attacks to attack It is even more difficult to succeed.

Finally, the A-level reserved skill <Magic Power Release> can empower one's weapons and body with magical power, and be strengthened. Thanks to this skill, Saber, who seems to be weak in physique, is actually a servant capable of confronting monsters like Berserker head-on. Even the armor on his body has been strengthened with magic power, and the defense power has increased significantly, which is very tricky.

It is precisely because of these three skills that Luo Zhen and his party were almost crushed by Saber.

Of course, it goes without saying for Caster, because of the relationship with "Magic Power", unless you prepare powerful magic, you can't hurt Saber at all, but powerful magic often takes a lot of time to prepare, and requires a lot of magic power. If you are not sure of victory, It cannot be used casually at all.

Because of Luo Zhen's <Instinct> skill, even if the summoned magic ants attack from the ground, Saber still keenly detects them and calmly avoids them.

Even Mash suffered a heavy slash from Saber because of <Magic Power Release>, and his arm went numb from blocking.

If it weren't for the fact that Luo Zhen has been transmitting magic power to Matthew from the very beginning, and let Matthew use the <Magic Power Defense> which is the same principle as the <Magic Power Release> to resist, then maybe Matthew would have been chopped off long ago, and he couldn't stand up at all. Steady ground.

Coupled with the strengthening of the <Holy Grail>, Luo Zhen only felt a heavy pressure coming.

"No, I have to find a way."

Otherwise, this time, this side may suffer a crushing defeat.

Luo Zhen, who was thinking like this, didn't realize at all...

"Do you think I will let you go?"

This is a declaration from Archer on the high platform.

Immediately, a powerful arrow pierced through the space, and under the gaze of Luo Zhen's sharply constricted pupils, it shot straight at his head.

"call out…!"

The sharp piercing sound hurt the eardrums.

The powerful arrow showed the speed of the bullets, and under the roar of the strong wind, it shot straight at Luo Zhen.

No one could have expected that in this final decisive battle, the weapons in the hands of the high-ranking servants were not aimed at the heroes who existed as equals, but towards the master who was powerless.

So, when everyone reacted, the deadly arrow had already crossed and arrived in front of Luo Zhen.

Immediately afterwards, he wiped Luo Zhen's cheek and shot backwards.


The crackling sound came from behind Luo Zhen.

The powerful arrows hit the ground, blasting the surface, as if destroying the rock plate, digging out a pothole with flying gravel and smoke.

The power is not insignificant.

However, it...

"The shot missed...!?"

This scene not only surprised Matthew and Olga Marie, but also made Saber stunned.


Archer himself couldn't believe it at all, showing a look of astonishment.

Archery, which can accurately hit a target several kilometers away, is now actually missing at a distance of less than a hundred meters?


Absolutely impossible!


At this moment, Archer felt a tingling pain coming from his body.

If someone can look inside Archer's body, they must be able to see the phantom of an owl attacking the spiritual core in Archer's body.

It was the evil spirit summoned by Luo Zhen.

Just when Archer pointed the arrow at Rozen, Rozen summoned it, allowing the evil spirits to invade Archer's body and disturb his spiritual body.

Thanks to this, Archer's arrow trembled a little before it shot out, which caused the arrow to miss.

"Do you think I didn't guard against you?"

Luo Zhen wiped off the cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and showed a very irritating smile to Archer.

"How could I not pay attention to your actions who can sneak attack from the rear at any time, idiot."

After finishing speaking, Luo Zhen sent out a large amount of magic power, causing it to be injected into the servants who had signed a temporary contract with him.


As the Nordic runes lit up, scorching flames burned without any warning from where Archer was standing, scorching the rock.

"———Trace on (projection start)——"

Archer also did not hesitate at all. He chanted short incantations and used magic to make a pink transparent petal-like shield unfold in front of him, blocking the scorching flames from burning.

But Caster is no longer ready to let Archer retreat unscathed.

"I won't let you attack our master again, bastard!"

Caster jumped onto the high rock platform, spun his staff, and hit the ground heavily.

"If it's the same, let me return it to you!"

Not to be outdone, Archer raised his black bow and set up his arrows.

"Bang bang bang bang bang...!"

The runes and arrows flickered one after another, making the explosion sound endless.

At the same time, Saber was also burning with pitch-black magic power, and with a ferocious aura, she launched a fierce attack on Matthew who was holding the shield.


Like a blacksmith forging iron, every time the black holy sword in Saber's hand falls on Mash's shield, it will spark a burst of bright sparks.

The shock wave is like an invisible bomb,

It exploded continuously from the contact point between the holy sword and the shield, plowed open the surrounding ground, and set off gusts of wind and sand.

Matthew could only try her best to stabilize her figure, and with a hard expression, blocked Saber's extremely heavy attack.

"Obviously using <Magic Power Release> on such a large scale consumes a lot of energy, but she still uses it so extravagantly...!"

Olga Marie, who was holding Fufu and watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but make a sound.

This is the great benefit brought by the <Holy Grail>. It can provide almost endless magic power, so that Saber's magic power can always be kept at the maximum value, no matter how much it is used, it will not be exhausted.

If it wasn't because Mash's mana consumption could also be provided by Chaldea, and Rozen's mana was being strengthened, so that <Magic Power Defense> could also be used without limit, then I'm afraid, in the face of such a high-intensity onslaught, Matthew has already fallen down.

"In that case..."

Seeing that Matthew was being attacked by Saber and retreating steadily, Luo Zhen burned his magic power again without hesitation.

"<Evil Spirit Summoning>!"

The evil spirits summoned by consuming a lot of magic power flew out.

Saber's <Intuitive Intuition> seemed to have noticed something, and she dodged suddenly when the evil spirit was about to possess her body, so that the attack of the evil spirit fell into the air.

"Can it still be like this!?"

Luo Zhen yelled loudly, and then manipulated the evil spirit that flew into the air, and attacked in Saber's direction again.


"It seems that you are going to make some small moves."

Clearly, her agility is only at the D level. After being strengthened by <Magic Power Release>, Saber also made a more flexible dodge than expected, leaped and landed not far away.

The magic power exploded from his body.

"Then, I won't show mercy."

Just when such a sentence came out of Saber's mouth, the temperature in the air dropped.


Amidst the buzzing sound, the black magic power on Saber's body seemed to be transformed into an air current, converging on the holy sword in her hand.


The holy sword suddenly lit up and turned into a pitch-black sword of aurora.

"not good!"

Caster, who was fighting Archer, turned pale with shock.

"Could it be...!"

Olga Marie, who was watching the battle, turned pale suddenly.


Matthew fell into silence.

As for Luo Zhen, he only felt a chill run up his spine.

In the legends of ancient Britain, there is a great king who is the most legendary.

She pulled out the king-chosen sword named "Sword in the Stone", and thus sat on the throne.

She is the leader of the famous <Knights of the Round Table>, the true King of Knights.

She achieved twelve miraculous victories during her lifetime, and was regarded as a mythical legend.

She even received a gift from the elves in the lake, and got the second sword of the king. Even after death, she was sent to the ideal land, where she lived forever, so she was also called the eternal king.

In Britain, even in modern times, there are still people who believe in this king and believe that one day, this king will return from the utopia and lead Britain back to the world.


In terms of fame, even if she can't be called the number one in the world, she is definitely able to enter the top three, and she is a figure who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods in myths and legends.

She is...

"King Arthur!"

The legendary king and master of knights in ancient Britain.

This is Saber's true identity.

Now, the legendary king of ancient Britain is ready to release his treasure.

It was regarded as the symbol of King Arthur, recognized as the most powerful, noble, and famous holy sword, and stood at the apex of the sword.

It was not forged by human beings, but by people's thoughts as raw materials, crystallized in the interior of the planet, produced as the strongest fantasy, managed by the star elves, and then delivered to King Arthur through the hands of the lake elves God-made weapons.

"<Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur)>!"

When the real name of the strongest and most famous holy sword in this world was released, the pitch-black Aurora Sword swung from Saber's hand.

In the next second, the overflowing black light turned into a torrent, forming a beam of light that ravaged everything, blooming in Saber's hands.

The beam of light pierced through space and time, and burst out when even the air was evaporated.

Its target is not Rozen, but Mash.

Matthew was directly engulfed by that ray of light.

"Little girl!"


Caster's loud cry and Olga Marie's mournful cry resounded, causing the entire void to cry.