
Summon of Heroes

After an unknown amount of time, the light gradually dimmed.

It wasn't until the dazzling light completely disappeared that the entire big void returned to its original state, allowing everyone to regain their vision.


Some strange sounds echoed.

That was the sound of smoke rising from the ground in the large hollow.

I saw that in front of the pitch-black Aurora Sword held by Saber, a huge gully was located there, forming a "cliff", and everything inside was evaporated.

Whether it was dirt, gravel or rock plates, they all disappeared without a trace in front of the beam of light, leaving only the charred huge ravines smoking, which made the air smell bad .

Seeing this scene, Caster and Archer stopped talking to each other completely, one's expression sank, and the other looked indifferently.

Olga Marie also held Fufu with one hand, watching all of this, while the other hand subconsciously covered her mouth.

Saber looked forward coldly while letting the holy sword in her hand recover from the pitch-black aurora.

There, at the end of the huge ravine, the appearance of Matthew holding a shield came into everyone's eyes.

"It's so beautiful, it actually blocked a blow from the holy sword."

Saber's voice was still cold, but she didn't hide the slight appreciation in her words.

It's just that the person Saber admires is not only Matthew, but Rozen as well.


All I saw was that Mash was panting exhaustedly holding up the solid shield that was smoking.

Besides Matthew, there was another person who was panting.

That is Luo Zhen.

"How much has it caught up?"

Luo Zhen's weak laughter spread across the open ground.

At this moment, Luo Zhen had already knelt on the ground with one knee, and the fluctuation of magic power on his body also weakened a lot.

That's also impossible.

In order to block Saber's Noble Phantasm, Rozen not only poured most of the magic power into Matthew, but also summoned dozens of huge shells in front of Matthew when the blow of the holy sword was about to hit Matthew .

In order to summon the dozens of huge shells, Luo Zhen's magic power was completely exhausted at one time, but he also achieved good results. At the cost of smashing the demons, the power of the holy sword was weakened a lot.

Thanks to this, coupled with Matthew's astonishing defensive power, the terrifying blow was finally blocked.

"Is this the power of the <Anti-City Noble Phantasm>?"

Feeling the magic power completely emptied in his body, Luo Zhen laughed dryly when he recalled the beam of light piercing the sky and the earth just now.

As the trump card of the heroic spirits, the power and effect of the treasures are not only affected by the level, but also by the type.

The "type" here refers to the number of targets.

Depending on the number of targets, even treasures of the same level have quite different powers and effects.

For example, if Cu Chulainn manifests as a Lancer and can use a magic spear that is sure to hit the enemy's heart, then that magic spear is a treasure "for personal use" and will be classified as < Anti-human treasure>.

And if there is a large-scale attack Noble Phantasm that can deal with multiple enemies at the same time, or a legion of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands or tens of thousands of people, this Noble Phantasm "for use against legions" , it will be classified as <Anti-Army Noble Phantasm>.

In terms of power, the Anti-Personal Noble Phantasm is like a single-shot pistol, and the Anti-Army Noble Phantasm is like a missile. Even if the two are of the same level, the power and effect are quite different due to the different number of targets.

However, the holy sword used by Saber is neither a Noble Phantasm for Anti-Persons nor a Noble Phantasm for Anti-Army, but a higher level —— <Noble Phantasm for Anti-City>.

As the name suggests, it is an extremely powerful treasure that can blow away even a solid structure like a "city".

If the difference between the anti-human treasure and the anti-army treasure is only the difference in the scope of effect, then once it reaches the level of the anti-city treasure, the power will become extremely different.

Of course, the higher the level of the treasure, the greater its power.

Saber's Noble Phantasm, that pitch-black holy sword, is exactly the Anti-City Noble Phantasm.

Moreover, its level is as high as A++. Once it is released, at that moment, it will be twice as powerful as the highest level of A-level treasures. Even most of the Ex-level treasures can't match it.

Such a treasure is also a treasure against the city, its power can be imagined.

If it weren't for the fact that here are only the servants who are the avatars of the heroic spirits, not the real body, maybe Saber really has a way to destroy the entire Fuyuki City with a single blow from the Noble Phantasm.

As for the effect of that treasure, it is quite simple.

"It can transform the holder's magic power into light, increase momentum through converging and accelerating, and then release it from the front end of the downward-swinging sword like a laser beam, so as to destroy everything..."

Luo Zhen shook his hand and found that the palm of his hand was already covered with sweat.

Because, Luo Zhen is very clear about what such a powerful treasure means in Saber's hands.

Originally, if such a powerful treasure was to be released, it must consume a lot of mana, and it is not something that can be used casually.

Therefore, it is definitely not unacceptable for the enemy to block the full blow of the holy sword at the cost of paying all the magic power.

As long as it can be blocked, the enemy's magic power will generally be exhausted by this blow, and the conditions of both sides are basically the same.

But the problem is...

"I don't know if you can block the second time?"

Following this voice that was cold enough to freeze people's hearts, the pitch-black light once again converged on the holy sword in Saber's hand.


Bright black light bloomed from the holy sword, not only turning the holy sword into the sword of aurora again, but also making the air tremble.

Seeing this scene, everyone shuddered.

That's right.

This is the scariest thing about Saber.

With the support of the <Holy Grail>, the magic power of this Knight King will be endless.

In other words, no matter how many times you liberate the Noble Phantasm, there is no problem.

What Luo Zhen and others are facing is the desperate situation of "A++ level infinite bombardment of the city's treasures".

In the face of this desperate situation, even the pretentious Caster is powerless, and even the incomparably powerful Berserker can only drink hatred.

this is the truth.

"As a result, this is your limit."

Archer said this as if making a declaration of victory.

"it's over."

Saber was even more expressionless, without the slightest wavering at all.


Matthew wanted to raise the shield, but found that he had almost no strength left.

"How to do how to do…"

Olga Marie tensed her face, her eyes were full of anxiety.

Under such circumstances, no one found out at all.

A smile appeared on the face of Luo Zhen, who was kneeling on the ground.


As soon as the voice fell...


Amidst the crackling sound of the air, terrifying magic power surged away.

From Luo Zhen's body, it surged out like a storm.



The sudden magic storm surprised everyone present. They all turned their heads suddenly and looked in Luo Zhen's direction.


Facing the eyes of everyone present, Luo Zhen slowly let out a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a massive amount of magic power poured into Matthew's body through Rozen's body.


Mash only felt strength gushing out of her body, as if the exhaustion in her whole body had been expelled, and she was full of strength.

Immediately, powerful magic power also gushed out from Mash's body.

"This magical power..."

Holding the pitch-black Aurora Sword in her hand, Saber looked at Rozen and Mashup, whose bodies were filled with astonishing magic power, and a serious color flashed in her eyes.

From Rozen and Matthew, Saber felt a magic power that was not inferior to her own.

The astonishing magical power that was so huge that no one could possess it made Saber's eyes sparkle.

Luo Zhen had only one sentence to respond to this.

"Go! Matthew!"

That was the clarion call to attack.


Matthew accepted Rozen's instructions without hesitation, raised her shield, and charged in Saber's direction.

The speed of the charge was so fast that it trampled the ground under its feet and blew away the scorched smoke along the way. Like a goddess of war, it slammed into Saber's body like a laser beam.


It was only then that Saber realized that the Aurora Sword, which had turned into pitch black, was about to be withdrawn by the treasure she had liberated her real name again, and stood in front of her.


The loud crashing sound suddenly appeared 0.1 second later.

The heavy shield slammed into Saber's body heavily. Although it was blocked by the pitch-black holy sword for a moment, the astonishing impact force came immediately, knocking Saber's thin body into the air.

Saber immediately adjusted her posture in mid-air, successfully dissipating the impact force, letting her feet land on the ground, rubbing against the ground, and sliding for a long distance.


Matthew was a little surprised by the unexpected results.


On the high rock platform, Caster couldn't help but applaud.

"Has the strength increased?"

Archer lowered his face, and looked in Rozen's direction.

Even Saber stared at Rozen and spoke in a low voice.

"what have you done?"

This question only made Luo Zhen curl his lips into a smile.

"Don't be so surprised." Luo Zhen just smiled and said, "This is not my magic power, but I borrowed it from other places."

"Borrowed?" Saber was taken aback for a moment, but then she didn't know what to think of, and opened her eyes wide.

Seeing this, the smile on Luo Zhen's face grew stronger.

"It seems that you have already thought of it. That's right, this is the magic power borrowed from Fuyuki City, the magic power right under our feet."

This is the origin of Luo Zhen's terrifying magic power.

Caster had already said that when he set off today.

"Saber is in that mountain, and the ritual magic circle of the Holy Grail War is also in a huge hollow in that mountain."


The ritual magic circle of the Holy Grail War.

Also known as——— <Great Holy Grail>.

It is the foundation of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City. The conditions for the establishment of the Holy Grail War ritual include not only the heroic spirit summoning system, command spell granting system, and even the master selection system, but even the absorption and storage of magic power.

It is precisely because of the magical power necessary for the ceremony to be absorbed in the leylines of Fuyuki City that the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City can be held every sixty years.

Store enough magic power to summon servants, form command spells, and fulfill wishes.

This magic power should have been provided to the seven masters and seven servants in the Holy Grail War, so that the former could obtain the Command Seal and the latter be summoned.

However, under the intervention of the external <Holy Grail>, Saber was almost out of the constraints. All sources of magic power were obtained from the <Holy Grail>, not from the <Great Holy Grail>.

Even the servants such as Lancer, Archer, Rider, Assassin, and Berserker who were defeated by Saber have completely lost the supply of the <Great Holy Grail>, and the servants who still rely on the existence of the <Great Holy Grail> are the only ones left. Get off Caster and ride it.

So, after seeing Saber's thorniness and being attacked by Archer, watching Archer release towards him, but landed on the ground behind him, Luo Zhen thought so up.

"Since the magic power of the <Great Holy Grail> is completely empty and almost no one uses it, why don't I use it?"

Luo Zhen smiled at Saber with a somewhat pale complexion.

However, the content expressed in Luo Zhen's words is simply impossible to make people laugh.

That is to say, right?

"You extracted the magic power stored in the <Great Holy Grail>?"

Saber's complexion finally changed.

Not only Saber, but even Archer, Caster and even Olga Marie's complexions changed.

Olga Marie, in particular, spoke out almost reflexively.

"How could that kind of thing be done...!?"

This is something that no matter who comes here will think so.

Because, that is not something that can be done so easily.

You must know that the <Great Holy Grail> in Fuyuki City is the foundation of the existence of the Holy Grail War. The magic circle built in it has long been formed. If you want to extract the stored magic power from this magic circle, it is equivalent to relying on the power of one person to manipulate this magic. array.

And if one person can manipulate the magic circle, isn't it equivalent to being able to use the power of the magic circle alone, and even summoning servants can be done by oneself?

This simply won't work.

It is precisely because the magic of "Summon of Heroes" is so complex that human beings cannot do it, that Chaldea created the summoning system of Heroic Spirits and let the "Destiny" of the summoning system of Heroic Spirits complete this job. The Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City is also the same. The Great Holy Grail> is solely responsible.

Now, Luo Zhen is relying on his own ability to interfere with the composition of the <Great Holy Grail> and extract the magic power from the <Great Holy Grail>.

With such an astonishing move, everyone couldn't help but change their colors.

It's just that such people don't know that Luo Zhen is also taking risks.

Touching the <Miracle> ring worn inside the glove, Luo Zhen was extremely grateful that he had accepted the knowledge instilled by it, and obtained all the knowledge of <Summoning> throughout the ages.

"If I hadn't known the composition of <Summon of Heroic Spirits> long ago, I really wouldn't have been able to do this."

In other words, Luo Zhen was able to interfere with the system of the <Great Holy Grail> because he already knew the knowledge of <Summon of Heroic Spirits> spells, including the knowledge required in various aspects such as the formation of magic circles and rituals.

Even if Luo Zhen has no way to realize the miracle of "Summoning of Heroic Spirits" by himself, since the ready-made magic circle is in front of him, even if Luo Zhen can't completely control it, if he uses it a little bit to extract the magic power stored in it, then It's still doable.

Therefore, before Saber and Archer attacked again, Rozen was already making preparations, "What...!?"



The unexpected magical storm surprised everyone present, they all turned their heads suddenly and looked in Luo Zhen's direction.


Facing the eyes of everyone present, Luo Zhen slowly let out a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a massive amount of magic power poured into Matthew's body through Rozen's body.


Mash only felt strength gushing out of her body, as if the exhaustion in her whole body had been expelled, and she was full of strength.

Immediately, powerful magic power also gushed out from Mash's body.

"This magical power..."

Holding the pitch-black Aurora Sword in her hand, Saber looked at Rozen and Mashup, whose bodies were filled with astonishing magic power, and a serious color flashed in her eyes.

From Rozen and Matthew, Saber felt a magic power that was not inferior to her own.

The astonishing magical power that was so huge that no one could possess it made Saber's eyes sparkle.

Luo Zhen had only one sentence to respond to this.

"Go! Matthew!"

That was the clarion call to attack.


Matthew accepted Rozen's instructions without hesitation, raised her shield, and charged in Saber's direction.

The speed of the charge was so fast that it trampled the ground under its feet and blew away the scorched smoke along the way. Like a goddess of war, it slammed into Saber's body like a laser beam.


It was only then that Saber realized that the Aurora Sword, which had turned into pitch black, was about to be withdrawn by the treasure she had liberated her real name again, and stood in front of her.


The loud crashing sound suddenly appeared 0.1 second later.

The heavy shield slammed into Saber's body heavily. Although it was blocked by the pitch-black holy sword for a moment, the astonishing impact force came immediately, knocking Saber's thin body into the air.

Saber immediately adjusted her posture in mid-air, successfully dissipating the impact force, letting her feet land on the ground, rubbing against the ground, and sliding for a long distance.


Matthew was a little surprised by the unexpected results.


On the high rock platform, Caster couldn't help but applaud.

"Has the strength increased?"

Archer lowered his face, and looked in Rozen's direction.

Even Saber stared at Rozen and spoke in a low voice.

"what have you done?"

This question only made Luo Zhen curl his lips into a smile.

"Don't be so surprised." Luo Zhen just smiled and said, "This is not my magic power, but I borrowed it from other places."

"Borrowed?" Saber was taken aback for a moment, but then she didn't know what to think of, and opened her eyes wide.

Seeing this, the smile on Luo Zhen's face grew stronger.

"It seems that you have already thought of it. That's right, this is the magic power borrowed from Fuyuki City, the magic power right under our feet."

This is the origin of Luo Zhen's terrifying magic power.

Caster had already said that when he set off today.

"Saber is in that mountain, and the ritual magic circle of the Holy Grail War is also in a huge hollow in that mountain."


The ritual magic circle of the Holy Grail War.

Also known as——— <Great Holy Grail>.

It is the foundation of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City. The conditions for the establishment of the Holy Grail War ritual include not only the heroic spirit summoning system, command spell granting system, and even the master selection system, but even the absorption and storage of magic power.

It is precisely because of the magical power necessary for the ceremony to be absorbed in the leylines of Fuyuki City that the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City can be held every sixty years.

Store enough magic power to summon servants, form command spells, and fulfill wishes.

This magic power should have been provided to the seven masters and seven servants in the Holy Grail War, so that the former could obtain the Command Seal and the latter be summoned.

However, under the intervention of the external <Holy Grail>, Saber was almost out of the constraints. All sources of magic power were obtained from the <Holy Grail>, not from the <Great Holy Grail>.

Even the servants such as Lancer, Archer, Rider, Assassin, and Berserker who were defeated by Saber have completely lost the supply of the <Great Holy Grail>, and the servants who still rely on the existence of the <Great Holy Grail> are the only ones left. Get off Caster and ride it.

So, after seeing Saber's thorniness and being attacked by Archer, watching Archer release towards him, but landed on the ground behind him, Luo Zhen thought so up.

"Since the magic power of the <Great Holy Grail> is completely empty and almost no one uses it, why don't I use it?"

Luo Zhen smiled at Saber with a somewhat pale complexion.

However, the content expressed in Luo Zhen's words is simply impossible to make people laugh.

That is to say, right?

"You extracted the magic power stored in the <Great Holy Grail>?"

Saber's complexion finally changed.

Not only Saber, but even Archer, Caster and even Olga Marie's complexions changed.

Olga Marie, in particular, spoke out almost reflexively.

"How could that kind of thing be done...!?"

This is something that no matter who comes here will think so.

Because, that is not something that can be done so easily.

You must know that the <Great Holy Grail> in Fuyuki City is the foundation of the existence of the Holy Grail War. The magic circle built in it has long been formed. If you want to extract the stored magic power from this magic circle, it is equivalent to relying on the power of one person to manipulate this magic. array.

And if one person can manipulate the magic circle, isn't it equivalent to being able to use the power of the magic circle alone, and even summoning servants can be done by oneself?

This simply won't work.

It is precisely because the magic of "Summon of Heroes" is so complex that human beings cannot do it, that Chaldea created the summoning system of Heroic Spirits and let the "Destiny" of the summoning system of Heroic Spirits complete this task. The Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City is also the same. The Great Holy Grail> takes full responsibility.

Now, Luo Zhen is relying on his own ability to interfere with the composition of the <Great Holy Grail> and extract the magic power from the <Great Holy Grail>.

With such an astonishing move, everyone couldn't help but change their colors.

It's just that such people don't know that Luo Zhen is also taking risks.

Touching the <Miracle> ring worn inside the glove, Luo Zhen was extremely grateful that he had accepted the knowledge instilled by it, and obtained all the knowledge of <Summoning> throughout the ages.

"If I hadn't known the composition of <Summon of Heroic Spirits> long ago, I really wouldn't have been able to do this."

In other words, Luo Zhen was able to interfere with the system of the <Great Holy Grail> because he already knew the knowledge of <Summon of Heroic Spirits> spells, including the knowledge required in various aspects such as the formation of magic circles and rituals.

Even if Luo Zhen has no way to realize the miracle of "Summoning of Heroic Spirits" by himself, since the ready-made magic circle is in front of him, even if Luo Zhen can't completely control it, if he uses it a little bit to extract the magic power stored in it, then It's still doable.

Therefore, before Saber and Archer attacked again, Rozen was already making preparations, immersing his consciousness in this big void, and finally found the existence of the "Great Holy Grail" under the rock platform where Caster and Archer were fighting, Magic power was quietly injected into it, and a temporary route was constructed to extract the magic power from it.

"Now, there is no need to worry about magic power here. We are finally fighting under the same conditions."

Luo Zhen increased the extraction speed of magic power, and at the same time that the magic power in the <Great Holy Grail> poured in like a waterfall, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Then, it's time for you to try the trump card we have prepared."