
"What's your real name?"

"No...don't know?"

At this moment, even Luo Zhen was a little stunned.

As a participant in the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, the reason why Fuyuki City became like this, this rider actually doesn't know?

"Are you planning to hide us on purpose?"

Olga Marie was also astonished by this, and became furious.

You know, Luo Zhen said that there is no human in the entire Fuyuki City, only these servants of the Holy Grail War are left.

That being the case, these servants are the only insiders left. How could they not know about the anomaly that happened in Fuyuki City?

But Caster still said so.

"I really don't know."

Caster still didn't change his statement, quite simply.

"Indeed, not long ago, Fuyuki City was still normal, and we were just fighting in the dark, advancing the Holy Grail War, and together with the Master, challenged the rest of the Master and servants."

Caster said so, and revealed the information he knew.

"However, one day, the mutation happened so suddenly."

What mutation?

big fire.

A fire that could burn down the entire Fuyuki City.

"The fire engulfed the entire Fuyuki City, and all human beings were burned before they even had time to scream, including the master who signed a contract with the servants. In the end, only the servants of Qiqi remained."

Caster glanced over Rozen, Matthew, and Olga Marie one after another, and said so.

"Obviously lost the master, we servants still survived. This is obviously an abnormal state. Even I fell into confusion at that time and didn't know how to act for a while."

And at that time...

"Saber has appeared."

Having said that, Caster finally became serious.

"Before the rest of the servants figured out the situation, that guy actually started the Holy Grail War again, found out the servants one by one, and fought with them."

This is the information that Caster knows.

According to Caster, Saber who rekindled the Holy Grail War successively fought against Archer, Lancer, Rider, Assassin and even Berserker, and defeated them all.

In other words, except for Caster, the rest of the servants were killed by Saber, leaving only two servants in the Holy Grail War.

"Wait a minute!" Olga Marie immediately interrupted Caster's explanation, and said in astonishment: "According to what you said, all the followers except you were defeated in the Holy Grail War?"

If this is the case, then who are Archer and Berserker who attacked here?

"As far as I know, in the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, the seven cavalry servants only had one life. After losing, they will disappear and will not be summoned again."

Luo Zhen also expressed the doubts in his heart.

It is not impossible for the defeated servant to reappear.

In the final analysis, the servant is just a downgraded existence of the heroic spirit in the "Seat of Heroes" located outside the world. It is only a clone, and the main body is still outside the world. Even if it is killed, it is not really dead It's just a matter of returning to the <seat>.

That is to say, it is not impossible for the servant to be summoned again.

It's just that the so-called "Summoning of Heroic Spirits" is not such a flexible thing.

Whether it is Fuyuki City or Chaldea, the summoning system is very random. If you want to summon a specific servant, you must prepare a holy relic related to the servant beforehand and use it as a catalyst. may succeed,

Otherwise it is nonsense.

In other words, if you want to summon the five servants who were defeated by Saber, you need to prepare holy relics related to them.

This is just one of the conditions.

There is another very important condition.

———Magic power.

Summoning a servant requires an astonishing amount of mana.

Even Chaldea, although it has a system that converts electricity into magic power to support the operation of the heroic spirit summoning system, it cannot summon servants as it pleases, otherwise it will fall into the dilemma of exhausting both magic power and electricity, making Caleb The operation of the bottom is completely paralyzed.

And the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City is to absorb the required magic power from the leylines. It will take sixty years to absorb the magic power used to perform rituals, summon followers, and form the <Holy Grail>.

That being the case, the defeated servants are not allowed to be resummoned, no matter from the rules of the Holy Grail War or from the consumption point of view.

"No, they are not summoned again, but revived."

Caster solved everyone's doubts.

"Saber obtained the <Holy Grail> in advance, and revived them with the power of the <Holy Grail>, but it caused their spirits to be polluted, causing the five servants to be blackened. Except for Berserker, who was already in a frenzy, the rest The spirit of the four riders also became abnormal, and they were exiled to Fuyuki City by Saber."

This is the origin of the black lines on Archer and Berserker.

Because of being polluted by the power of the <Holy Grail>, that black pattern appeared on the bodies of the two riders.

The black lines proved that their spirits had fallen into confusion, and it also proved that they had already died once, and now they were just resurrected.

"That's why you were able to defeat that Berserker." Caster said with a helpless smile, "That Servant has a treasure and combat power that even Saber would find troublesome, if it wasn't for the support of the magic power of the <Holy Grail> , whether Saber can defeat Berserker is still unknown."

And the defeated Berserker seemed to lose the effect of that special treasure because of this.

(Is that why he said we just "beat him once"?)

From this, it can be deduced that Berserker should have a Noble Phantasm that can regain strength even if he is defeated.

Thinking of this, Luo Zhen felt a headache.

(That monster is already difficult to deal with. If it can come back after being defeated, it will be a nightmare.)

But just because the treasure is so foul, it has some kind of restrictions, right?

(Is there a problem with the number of uses?)

In this case, it's not difficult to explain.

During the battle with Saber, Berserker must have exhausted the number of uses of the Noble Phantasm, and was finally cut off by the horse.

What Luo Zhen encountered was just a Berserker who had exhausted the number of uses of the Noble Phantasm and was greatly reduced in difficulty.


Luo Zhen was a little fortunate.

"If it's Berserker who can use the Noble Phantasm, then we're completely at a loss."

Olga Marie also seemed to understand this truth, so she couldn't help but feel very lucky.

On the contrary, Caster himself was a little unconcerned.

"The treasure is originally the trump card of a follower, something that can be used to turn defeat into victory. The existence of that kind of thing is greatly related to the outcome of the battle. If it is lost, the value of being a follower will of course be greatly reduced."

Caster said such words.

These words deeply convinced Rozen and Olga Marie.

However, everyone didn't notice that Matthew next to him lowered his head at this moment, with complex emotions showing in his expression.

"Then, let's get down to business."

Caster stood up and looked at Luo Zhen.

"I said, kid, do you want to make a contract with me?"

"I said, kid, do you want to make a contract with me?"

When these words came out of Caster's mouth and entered Rozen's ears, Rozen almost didn't react.


Matthew and Olga Marie were also taken aback for a moment, and then became surprised.

Only Caster, who brought up this matter, remained the same attitude.

"This time the Holy Grail War is really abnormal. Not only all the servants have become abnormal, but even the rules have become abnormal. Not to mention those who were defeated were resurrected, even the <Holy Grail> fell into it beforehand. In the hands of Saber, logically speaking, that guy should not have the need to fight."

After all, whether it is the master or the servant, the reason for participating in the Holy Grail War is to obtain the wishing machine of the <Holy Grail>.

Now, since Saber has obtained the <Holy Grail>, there should be no need to provoke the Holy Grail War.

This made Luo Zhen faintly feel it.

(Perhaps, that <Holy Grail> is the source of everything.)

The anomaly in Fuyuki City, the appearance of the singularity, is very likely all because Saber obtained it in advance.

Otherwise, the Holy Grail War would not have become what it is now, and there will definitely be reports of this incident in the records of Chaldea.

But in the records of Chaldea, although the final winner of the Holy Grail War was indeed a follower of Saber, there was no record that he had obtained the <Holy Grail> in advance.

(The order of the front and back is reversed. This is the root cause of the disorder in history and the formation of the singularity.)

Then, here comes the problem.

How exactly did Saber obtain the <Holy Grail>?

In the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, the <Holy Grail> as a spoil of war will come only when there is only one group of masters and servants left.

Before the ceremony called "Holy Grail War" is over, the "Holy Grail" will never take shape, let alone come early.

In other words, the <Holy Grail> in Saber's hands is not the one that must be completed in the grand ceremony of the Holy Grail War.

(The <Holy Grail> that does not belong here has been in the hands of Saber, and this has led to all this.)

That being the case, here comes the second question.

Where did this <Holy Grail> come from?

Luo Zhen felt that he had grasped the clue leading to the truth.

That is to say...

"Although I don't know where you are from, Master, and why there are servants who are not summoned by the Holy Grail War, but your goal should also be <Holy Grail>, right?"

Caster laughed as if he had seen through Luo Zhenxin's thoughts.

"In this case, your purpose is the same as mine."

Just as Caster said.

If all the anomalies are due to the appearance of the "Holy Grail" that does not belong here, then Luo Zhen has to get the "Holy Grail" in order to eliminate the chaos of this era, re-establish the foundation of humanism, and correct the entire singularity. Bring human history back to normal.

But the <Holy Grail> is in Saber's hands.

If one wants to obtain the <Holy Grail>, one must fight Saber.

Caster obviously didn't know these things, but he was keenly aware of Luo Zhen's next purpose.

"My goal is also to defeat Saber." Caster said, "Then joining forces with me shouldn't be a bad thing, right?"

Hearing this, Luo Zhen didn't care about it, Olga Marie folded her arms.

"I see. Do you want to use our strength to defeat Saber?"

Olga Marie thinks so.

The opponent was a Servant who could defeat Berserker who had a Noble Phantasm.

If you face Saber alone with Caster's power alone,

That has no chance at all.

Not to mention, Saber is not alone.

"Those blackened servants are acting recklessly in this city, except that guy Archer is in the same group as Saber."

Caster did not hide his thoughts.

"It's already difficult to deal with Saber alone, let alone deal with that insidious guy. It's also very difficult for me."

Under such circumstances, Luo Zhen's appearance was indeed the last hope for Caster.

As long as a contract is concluded with Luo Zhen, not only can he obtain the magic power provided by the master, strengthen his own strength, but also join hands with Mash, get sufficient manpower, and challenge Saber and Archer. This is why Caster proposed the contract. .

"Of course, it's just a temporary contract."

Caster said such words.

The so-called temporary contract, as the name suggests, is a temporary contract with a time limit. Once the purpose of the contract is achieved, the contract will automatically disappear.

The contract between Luo Zhen and Matthew is a formal contract, and even Matthew himself cannot break it, unless the command spell representing the contract is stripped from Luo Zhen, or the contract is abolished by means that can undo the contract. Otherwise, until Chaldea's heroic spirit summoning system stops functioning or the mana is exhausted, this contract will be valid forever.

Generally speaking, a formal contract is concluded between a master and a servant, even the contract between a magician and a familiar.

As for the temporary contract, most of them appear in the trading place.

By the way, the familiar demon summoned by Luo Zhen was engraved into his soul because of the "miracle", which belongs to another category.

As long as Luo Zhen's soul does not die, they will always be used by Luo Zhen, absolutely obedient, and will never truly die.

This has already surpassed the scope of the contract and has reached another level. It can be called an "absolute contract".

This is only Rozen's contract method and cannot be copied or imitated.

And this kind of absolute contract, Luo Zhen can also independently conclude.

At the beginning, Luo Zhen wanted to use this method to conclude a contract with Matthew and engrave Matthew into his soul.

In this way, even if Matthew died, Luo Zhen could summon him out by consuming magic power, and he could also pass through the gate of another world.

Of course, this kind of contract cannot be concluded at any time, and it also has restrictions. These are all things to come.

All in all, now Caster only wants to conclude a temporary contract, and fight together with Rozen until Saber is defeated.

"You don't have to worry about my betrayal. Even if it's a temporary contract, you can still use command spells to restrain me. With such a right to enforce orders, my credibility will be much greater, right?"

Caster stretched out a hand towards Luo Zhen, his eyes were also fixed on him tightly.

"My purpose is to end this abnormal Holy Grail War."

"And your purpose is to recover the <Holy Grail>."

"How about letting us achieve <Wish> together in this Holy Grail War?"

A supercilious expression appeared on Caster's face.

I believe that no matter who it is, seeing this fearless expression, they will be involuntarily attracted by the hero's self-confidence.

Regarding this, Fang Li only had one sentence.

"What's your real name?"

This is Fang Li's last question.

Similarly, it is also the most important secret of a heroic spirit.

But Caster said it out.

"My name is Cu Chulainn, a member of the Irish <Red Branch Knights>."

The servant who revealed his real name grinned.

"Advice me a lot, Master."

Hearing this, Luo Zhen also smiled.

Immediately, Luo Zhen stretched out his hand and shook the hand of the servant in front of him.