
real name

----<real name>.

As the name suggests, it refers to the real names of the followers.

The followers are all characters that once existed in various legends, fantasies, and even myths. Their names have been handed down and known to future generations.

Take Caster as an example. He is Cu Chulainn, a famous hero in the Ulster region of Northern Ireland in the famous Celtic mythology.

Legend has it that he is a half-human, half-god hero whose father is Luge, the god of light, so he is called the Son of Light of Ireland.

Legend has it that he was favored by a witch from the Kingdom of Shadows who could kill even gods. In the Kingdom of Shadows, he learned amazing spear skills and magic. After graduation, he directly joined the famous "Red Branch Knights" and fought in the battlefield. Almost invincible in the world, no one is invincible.

The spear he holds is a magic spear that will surely kill. Once stabbed out, it will surely take out the enemy's heart.

The technique he learned is the magic of runes. In Germanic mythology, Odin, the father of the gods, exchanged one eye for the supreme wisdom. As long as the rune letters symbolizing the spell are engraved on any material , will be able to exert infinite power.

In Europe, his reputation is so famous that it is comparable to the legendary British knight King Arthur and the great hero Hercules in Greek mythology.

And in Ireland, where he was born, he has the highest reputation, not only the strongest knight, but also a famous sage.

In my own words, that is...

"If you can be summoned with the role of Lancer, it will be much easier to deal with Saber."

This is what Caster said.

However, Luo Zhen deeply believed it.

"Although Caster's magic is strong enough, but when it comes to Cu Chulainn, his gun is more famous, right?"

One hit kills, there is absolutely no way to dodge it, once it strikes, it will definitely hit the magic spear in the heart.

Caster holding this gun is his strongest form.

It's a pity that he, who was summoned with Caster's spirit foundation, didn't get this magic gun, so he could only use the runes from Northern Europe as a sage.

However, even so, the current Caster is definitely a first-class follower.

After all, I have revealed a shocking news.

"The revived Lancer, Rider, and Assassin have all been secretly killed by me, and the troublesome Berserker has been dealt with by you, leaving only Saber and Archer."

Caster said such news in a nonchalant tone that left Luo Zhen and his party speechless.

"As long as all the servants can be defeated, the Holy Grail War will end and my goal will be achieved. I will be free from this unpleasant and abnormal situation!"

Based on such a purpose, Caster defeated the three servants.

It can be seen from this that even with the current spirit foundation, Caster has a good combat power. How it compares to Saber is still unknown, but compared to Archer, it should not be inferior in the slightest, right?

At least, Caster is definitely much stronger than the half-baked Matthew.

With his help, the chances of winning are not small.

Of course, Olga Marie looked at Caster suspiciously from beginning to end.

"Who knows if this servant is trustworthy? To end the Holy Grail War? To escape from the abnormal Holy Grail War? Is the purpose really so simple?"

Olga Marie is doubting this.

Anyway, the fundamental purpose of the followers participating in the Holy Grail War and signing contracts with the masters is to obtain the <Holy Grail>, the wishing machine.

If Caster is just talking nicely, but is actually planning for the <Holy Grail>, then this side is just being used by him.

In view of this, Olga Marie has not fully trusted Caster.

As for the binding of the Command Seal on Caster...

"He is a forest sage who has learned the original Nordic "Rune Magic". As far as magicians are concerned, he is in a higher position than anyone in modern times. Who knows if he has the means to break the contract?"

Because of this, Olga Marie was not very willing to trust Caster.

Of course, Luo Zhen also thought about this question.

"After all, the command spell is also a magic crystal formed of pure magic power. If it is the highest magician, maybe there is a way to deal with it."

But this was only before Caster announced his real name.

After Caster reported his real name, Luo Zhen basically believed him.

The reason is very simple.

"This is not something that can be reported casually."

This is why Luo Zhen chose to believe in Caster.

Probably because, if you give your real name, it is equivalent to revealing your identity.

Since followers are all well-known existences in various legends, once their real names are revealed, it means a lot.

For example, the types and effects of the treasures he possessed during his lifetime.

Another example is its weakness and cause of death.

As long as you know this, you can be targeted.

Taking Caster as an example again, if he descended with Lancer's spirit foundation and holds a magic spear that is sure to hit the heart, then as long as you use puppets and golems and other dead things without a vital heart to deal with him, the terrible effect of the magic spear Just couldn't perform at all.

This is just the Noble Phantasm's coping strategy.

If it was aimed at the servant's weakness and cause of death, it would be a big issue that could overturn the outcome of a battle.

This caused the servant's real name to become something that must not be revealed.

Since Caster revealed his real name so readily, it is enough to prove his sincerity.


"Will the Irish Son of Light be a traitor?"

It is said that Caster's original name was not Cu Chulainn, but Setante. The name Cu Chulainn was given to him later, which means "Culan's bulldog".

And the reason why he took this name was because he mistakenly killed the watchdog of the wealthy businessman Kuran when he was young, and then swore an oath.

"If this dog has offspring, I will be responsible for raising it and training it to become an equally powerful and loyal watchdog. Before that, I will protect you."

This is the origin of the name Cu Chulainn.

Although, in the mythology, Cu Chulainn has a violent character and temper, but he is also a ruthless man who can rudely ignore the courtship of Morrigan, the god of death, and tie himself to a stone pillar before his death.

Such a person, Luo Zhen does not believe that he will become a traitor in order to seek the <Holy Grail>.

"Of course, if this real name is a lie, then pretend that I didn't say it."

This is unlikely to happen.

Whether it's me or not, you only need to watch Caster's battle to find out.

Cu Chulainn is the practitioner of the famous <Rune Magic>.

It's not that simple to impersonate him.

In this way, Luo Zhen concluded a temporary contract with Caster and became an offensive and defensive alliance.

"Go find trouble with Saber and Archer tomorrow!"

Caster said so, but glanced at Rozen's pale face, and smiled wildly.

"Before then, you should take a good rest, Master."

So, everyone put their actions on tomorrow.

For Luo Zhen, this is also a dream.

While recovering his magic power, Luo Zhen smiled helplessly as he looked at the silent appearance of Matthew beside him.

"You have to take good care of your juniors..." The sky in Fuyuki City was still dark and never changed.

In the church located in a remote area, Luo Zhen and his party seemed to have gone to rest, making the chapel appear silent.


Following a slight sound of the door opening, at a certain moment, the door of the chapel was opened.

Matthew, holding a shield, walked out of the chapel and walked slowly to the atrium.


Standing on Matthew's shoulder, Fufu made a cry as if she was asking.

"Sorry, come out and take a look."

Matthew said this to Fufu on her shoulder, then raised her head and looked at the sky.

At this moment, Matthew's eyes flickered with a different look.

That kind of expression is exactly the same as the lonely expression that Matthew showed when he looked at the sky in Chaldea. It looked pitiful and extremely beautiful.

Under such circumstances, even Fufu didn't seem to want to break the scene, so she obediently kept silent.

However, there are always people who are ignorant of current affairs.

Not long after, a second person walked out of the chapel.

Thanks to his status as a sub-servant, Matthew sensed that someone was approaching almost immediately, turned his head reflexively, and looked at the door behind him.

In the next second, Matthew was startled for a moment, and then made a sound.


The person who came was Luo Zhen.

Seeing Matthew standing alone in the courtyard, Luo Zhen walked over.

"Did it bother you?"

Luo Zhen stood side by side with Matthew, while lazily stretching his waist, while smiling without sincerity, he probably didn't feel that he was disturbing Matthew at all, right?

This familiar style slightly eased the loneliness on Matthew's face, revealing a faint smile.

"Senior, are you all right?"

Matthew asked with concern.

"Well, no problem. You also know my magic circuit. Even if all the magic power is exhausted, one night is enough to restore it."

Luo Zhen shrugged, and answered such words with some pride.

That somewhat smug childish performance made Matthew only have one thought.

(Senior is indeed still a senior, and has not changed in any way because of the current situation...)

When it's time to be serious, he is more serious than anyone else.

When it's time to work hard, I work harder than anyone else.

She usually looks very sloppy and out of tune, but she is more reliable than anyone else at critical times.

Even though his physical ability is very low, his mind is quite smart.

Then, there is still some rebellious psychology, some childishness.

This is the Rozen that Matthew knew.

With Luo Zhen like this, Matthew would always unknowingly relax.

Obviously, I have no room to relax at all...

Matthew was thinking about things like this, but found that the center of her eyebrows suddenly touched a finger and pressed it.

"My brows are almost wrinkled into sandwiches." Luo Zhen smoothed Matthew's unknowingly frowned brows with his fingers, and said helplessly, "What are you thinking about? So lost in thought?"

With that said, Luo Zhen also looked directly at Matthew.

Being stared at by Luo Zhen's eyes that were not deep but seemed very sincere and calm, Matthew panicked unconsciously.

"No... Nothing..."

Before this sentence completely came out of Matthew's mouth, Luo Zhen flatly denied it.

"Who are you lying to?" Luo Zhen said angrily, "Just because of your appearance that you can't hide what's on your mind at all, let alone me, you can't even hide it from others."

Although his tone was full of anger, the content was quite convincing.

Isn't that the case?

"In this world, there is no one who understands you better than me.

My cutest junior. "

Luo Zhen's teasing laugh made Matthew's pretty face blush slightly.

But soon, Matthew's expression returned to a little lonely.


Finally, facing the person she was closest to and most familiar with, Matthew couldn't help but speak.

"Am I very useless?"

With just one sentence like this, one can know what Matthew's mood is right now.

However, this is also impossible.

"Obviously I have decided to help senior, but I have been holding back."

Matthew said these words sadly.

"When I was in Chaldea, because of me, senior was locked in a sealed control room and almost died."

"After becoming a sub-servant, I was supposed to protect senior, but it turned out that senior protected me and was attacked by Berserker."

"Senior possesses the best master qualifications, so he should have signed a contract with the best servants. That way, he can easily break through the current predicament."

"In the end, it was a half-baked guy like me who signed the contract."

Every sentence is expressing the guilt in Matthew's heart.

Facing such Matthew, what can Luo Zhen say?


It was empty.


That's stupid.

At this moment, no matter what you say, it will be difficult to work, right?

After all, the facts are right in front of you.

Luo Zhen is indeed recognized as the best master, not one of them.

As for Mash, he is also a half-baked guy. He only got the power of a follower not long ago, and has no combat experience at all.

Such a Matthew is facing a very serious problem.

"I don't even know the real name of the servant who gave me the power."

Matthew whispered this extremely serious problem.


Mash didn't even know what the real name of the servant who empowered him was.

This leads to...

"I can't even use the Noble Phantasm of a servant."

This is proof that Matthew is still half-baked.

Unable to use the treasure.

In other words, it is impossible to use the trump card of turning defeat into victory.

With such a Matthew, his combat effectiveness has undoubtedly dropped a lot.

"Does senior know?"

Matthew raised his head and looked at Luo Zhen.

"If it is a senior who is the master, he should be able to analyze the ability value of the servant?"

Hearing this, a message reflexively appeared in Luo Zhen's eyes.


Class: Shielder

Real name: Matthew Kyrielight

Attribute: Order? Good

Ability value----

Muscle strength: C

Durability: A

Agility: D

Magic power: B

Lucky: C

Noble Phantasm:—

Class skills———

Against magic power: A

It can nullify magic circles and great magic, and even the highest level magician of the contemporary era cannot directly cause damage with magic.

Riding: C

Can skillfully control the mount.

Self defense: C

The power exerted when protecting one's own side or one's own camp can exert damage reduction beyond the defense limit value, but the target does not include oneself. The higher the level, the wider the range of protection.

The special skill possessed by the sub-servant inherits one of the skills possessed by the possessing heroic spirit and sublimates it into its own style. The inherited skill here is <Magic Power Defense>, which is of the same type as <Magic Power Release> Skills can directly convert magic power into defensive power. If you have a huge amount of magic power, it will not be a problem even to become a sacred wall protecting a country.

Keep skills———

Now a fragile wall of snowflakes:—

It can transform the user's mental power into physical defense. The stronger the mental power and the stronger the belief, the higher the defense power will be. However, it has not exerted its real value so far.

When the wall of chalk was misty:—

Temporarily stagger the target on the time axis to avoid attacks. If the level is high, even high-dimensional attacks can be avoided.

The shield determined to rise up:—

Gather up your courage, no matter who you face, you will never give up the people you protect behind.